Looking for gay male MFP weightloss pals



  • nha59jr
    nha59jr Posts: 1
    Hello! I just joined MFP. I was happy to see there is a support of other gay men. I hope MFP will keep me on track and make my weight loss a permanent one. I don't need to be a skinny bear...just an average bear.
  • Add me... Im trying to get out of the cub club my self! :-)
  • vicwjones
    vicwjones Posts: 4 Member
    I'm looking for the same thing.
  • gvdoliver
    gvdoliver Posts: 106 Member
    feel free to add and say hi!
  • mrtimps
    mrtimps Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I'm Kurt.

    I joined MFP towards the start of last year, lost 10kgs in 6 months, then fell off the wagon. I managed to avoid putting all of the weight back on... but completely lost my motivation etc. I'm starting to get back on track now with tracking my food and getting back to the gym, but could always use that extra push from like-minded friends.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and/or drop me a line.

    1. Where were you born?
    Melbourne, Australia

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Melbourne, Australia

    3. Where else have you lived?
    That's it.

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Student, Musician, Music Teacher and also work in hospitality

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    -I'm a percussionist and drummer, mainly performing in musical theatre, but also operas, orchestras, concert bands and the occassional jazz band.
    -I finished my Graduate Diploma of Education last year, and have just started a Masters of Education specializing in Music Education this year. These follow on from a Bachelor of Arts (Music Industry) and a Graduate Certificate in Visual and Performing Arts, which I completed about 8 years ago.
    -I LOVE musical theatre
    -I have been single for a long time.
    -Can't really think of anything else to say....
  • Scudder76
    Scudder76 Posts: 108 Member
    HI! Simply, Hi!! She has arrived!

    She has been on MFP intermittently for a few months, starting after losing 50lbs the pervious year. Only just getting into the forums.

    1. Where were you born?
    She last touched a lady-part in Fort Lauderdale, FL

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    She rests her head in Brooklyn, NY

    3. Where else have you lived?
    She was a youth in Southeastern Connecticut.
    She learned to smoke pot in Dublin, NH.
    She knew something wasn't right in San Francisco, CA
    She had sort of a lost year in San Diego, CA
    She danced till dawn three time a week in Barcelona, Spain

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    She raises money for non-profit organizations.
    She dreams of being one of the ladies that lunch.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    -She rides she bike. Quite a bit.
    -She understand that she should not eat bread and cheese. Whatever.
    -She drinks gin, and silently judges those who drink vodka.
    -She loves her two dogs and her partner of 7 years. (Perhaps she said that in the wrong order?)
    -She learned to like referring to herself in the 3rd person feminine while working at one of the gayest places in the universe.
  • kinlowd
    kinlowd Posts: 9
    Hey there. Feel free to add me. kinlowd
  • naford93
    naford93 Posts: 16 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    La Grande, Oregon

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Portland, Oregon

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Springfield, Missouri

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Currently a student. I'd love to be like a singer.... but I can't sing :p But for real, I think owning a small business would be exciting!

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    1) 19 and Gay, never been in a relationship
    2) Tragic Kingdom was my very first album owned
    4) I love cats, traveling, gardening, knitting/crocheting,and most other craftivities (that should totally be a word!)
    5) You skipped number 3
  • mattys90
    mattys90 Posts: 3
    1. Where were you born?
    Sydney, Australia

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Same as above (Boring answer)

    3. What is your current occupation?
    IT Analyst. Always liked working with computer in both programming and analyst work.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)


    1) Not your traditional nerd; i do like gaming and all things nerdy but i go out clubbing (love music), drinking with buddies and hanging around with friends doing absolutely nothing.
    2 - 5) I think i've covered it in 1.

    Add me and message me, you know the drill.
  • 1. Where were you born?
    Birkenhead - UK

    2. Where do you live at the moment?

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Nowhere exciting!

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Property stuff. Dream job? Something outdoors.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    1) I would lick Marmite off anything and anyone.
    2) love cars and motorsport.especially F1.
    3) ironically, I love cubs/bears grrrr ;)
    4) I cycle because I can't run, thanks to having the back of a 90 year old :(
    5) love all things 70s & 80s retro
  • KES71GEM
    KES71GEM Posts: 9 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Warsaw, IN

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Canton, GA

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Those two states only.

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    UPS driver. I guess my dream occupation would be a professional traveler, but since I have to be responsible I do enjoy what I do.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :

    1. I haven't dated anyone in almost six years.
    2. I'm currently training to run my very first 5k.
    3. I'm a big fan of the daily printed newspaper.
    4. I try to travel more as I get older. Love new places.
    5 I would have loved being a single gay man in the 70's. I'm always fascinated with that era.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    there are quite a few on here.
  • adlawham
    adlawham Posts: 20
    1. Where were you born?
    Shelby, NC

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Shelby, NC

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Montgomery, AL
    Centre, AL
    Bostic, NC
    Rutherfordton, NC
    Forest City, NC
    Ellenboro, NC

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Emergency Call Center, dream job, photography

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself

    1. I have an awesome b/f of 3 months!!
    2. I love Ford Mustangs and I finally have one!!
    3. I love my family very much.
    4. Changing my life, for the better. 2011 was a year from hell.
    5. I am looking for friends that enjoy working out. I don't have many friends.
  • Im here guys - feel free to add (but please add a message) otherwise your waving that that person across the road you think you know... but you dont get a wave back...

    28 y.o Aussie guy here, married my husband last year in NZ, looking to loose weight and gain musc mass..

  • Are you from AUSTRALIA or AOTEAROA???

    Come on over to the exclusive page... we need more members.

  • Do Bi guys count? Could really use some encouragement buddies.

    1. Where were you born?

    Long Island, NY

    2. Where do you live at the moment?

    Carlstadt, New Jersey

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Boston, MA
    Jersey City, NJ

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?

    I ask questions for a living. I study the opinions of people on TV commercials and consult companies on their advertising. I think a dream job would involve writing fiction for a living.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself

    Well traveled as a youngster
    Huge nerd - Video games, Scifi
    Love crime/noir novels
    Completely terrified of bees
    Started a quest for healthier living in late 2012, lost 50 pounds so far
  • rcstabile
    rcstabile Posts: 19 Member
    :) I am here - friend me!
  • nygr8guy
    nygr8guy Posts: 77 Member
    Hey All -

    Always looking for MFP friends for support. I'm from Stamford, CT.
    Lots of nice people on this site...that's what it's all about to support one another on our journey to health & fitness!

    Hope to talk soon!

  • JsmithXC90
    JsmithXC90 Posts: 1 Member
    Would love to have some more friends on here. I definitely need all the encouragement I can get.

    1. Where were you born?
    Baltimore, MD

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Baltimore, MD

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Fawn Grove, PA
    New Park, PA

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    I work in the Medical Records Department of a large hospital in Baltimore.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself

    1. I have not been at a healthy weight since I was 5.

    2. I am a bit of a gadget/apple freak.

    3. I love to read gay penny novels/smut books. :)

    4. I hate the treadmill but love the elliptical.

    5. I have a strange obsession with the show duck dynasty. :)
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Hmmm, this is as good a place to start as any...

    Been on MFP for awhile now - started by lurking, then started logging my food, then my exercise, just recently started getting into the forum thing. So... the next step is getting some friends on here? I SUCK at pushing the "add as friend" button myself, though - a bit shy ;)

    (p.s. lesbians are also welcome additions - posting in THIS thread not 'cause I only want gay male friends, but 'cause I found the questionnaire format to help with the shyness hehe)

    1. Where were you born?
    Presque Isle, Maine, USA

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Horsens, Denmark

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Caribou, Maine, USA
    Interlochen, Michigan, USA
    Dubuque, Iowa, USA
    Krakow, Poland
    L'Aigle, France
    Fribourg, Switzerland
    Paris, France
    Cuneo, Italy
    Ivano-Frankivs'k, Ukraine
    Rome, Italy
    Aarhus, Denmark
    et al...

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Current: Social Worker
    Dream: Department Head

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself:

    1. 13½ years sober. This does NOT stop me from being the most annoying guy at parties ;)

    2. Am most frequently seen buried in my iPhone. Or on the treadmill, but still attached to said iPhone.

    3. Not into the zodiac, but everything they say about Tauri is so spot on with me, it's creepy.

    4. I'm a night person, but have to wake up at 5 am to make it to work on time. Which means I'm more or less in a chronic state of fogginess. I make up for it on the weekends, when I get to fall asleep in HIS arms ;)

    5. I LOVE my toys (no, not THAT kind of toy, you pervs. Wait, I mean, not ONLY that kind of toy...). Need more gadgets, and if they all can connect to each other, then I NEED to have one. My latest fixation that I haven't bought yet is a fitbit flex, even though I really don't NEED it. I'll obsess until I eventually break down and order one, use it for three weeks, then decide that it somehow lacks in some sort of functionality that I ALSO need, so I'll have to find the next toy to obsess about. It's a vicious circle.

    6. I tend to ramble, so 5 things about me is nowhere near enough ;)

    7. I overuse smileys, but I always type them :p

    8. See what I mean about rambling?

    I'm also grggmrtn on Twitter and Instagram, if anyone's interested.