
Need2lose456 Posts: 131 Member
Introduce yourselves!


  • sjlocklear
    sjlocklear Posts: 88
    Hello! :smile:

    My SW 199-202
    My CW 185.6
    My GW 145-150

    I joined MFP in Jan. 2013 and so far I have lost 16lbs, I know it seems like a long time and little weight, but I have PCOS and its harder for me to lose weight, I lose inches faster than the pounds.

    But I am happy with my 16 pounds, I dont care if it takes me 2 - 3 years to lose this weight and get in shape I'm gonna stick with it.

  • preeti77
    preeti77 Posts: 18
    Hello all

    My SW 293
    My CW 262
    My GW 140

    I joined MFP a few years ago. Ive done the 500 calorie diets lost weight and gradually started putting it back on. Before I got to putting it all on Ive decided to take action.

    I have read Jillian's Slim for Life and totally dedicated.

    Have lost 3 lbs last week and like SJLocklear said even if it takes me years, i want to do this properly

    Happy shredding everyone!
  • CJH2201
    CJH2201 Posts: 24
    Hi all!

    S/W: 247
    C/W: 244
    G/W: 168

    I most definitely have been very casual about these changes as the small changes have been a big shock, but I will get there at my pace, and I am determined to do so!
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    hi im carol my starting weight after having my 3rd child was 163lbs my goal weight is 126lbs and im 145lbs at the moment :smile: :smile: my measurements are bum 40 inches
    thigh 24 inch
    chest 39
    waist 33
    i had my baby girl 7 weeks ago so have had the all clear last week to excercise im going on holiday in 8 WEEKS!!! so i need and want to do this :heart: :heart:
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I've done the Shred off and on for about 4 years now and am looking to get in shape after having my daughter last December.

    S/W: 140
    C/W: 135
    G/W: 115

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all. :)
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    Just noticed that i have shared all my measurement to and no one else did , well at least i have a record of them now !! :laugh: :laugh:
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I'm at the office or else I would share. I've learned from past experience that sometimes measurements are the way to go. In this program, you are building muscle and losing fat, which the scale might not reflect. :) Congrats on your baby, and don't forget to take it easy during the first few times. There are some abdominal moves which might be a bit too intense 8 weeks pp.
  • sjlocklear
    sjlocklear Posts: 88
    Just noticed that i have shared all my measurement to and no one else did , well at least i have a record of them now !! :laugh: :laugh:

    I havent Measured yet, I will measure tonight before I start. :smile:
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    This will be my second time trying to do 30DS I tried it last year and got about 10 minutes into it probably 3 different days and thought I was dying LOL. This time, doing it, no excuses! It's already swimsuit season here in Florida so I'm behind.

    Just took my measurements /)_(\
    Weight: 157.6
    Chest: 37
    Waist: 35
    Hips: 40
    Upper Thigh: 21
    Arm: 12
    Calf: 14.5
  • QueenMJD
    QueenMJD Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    S/W: 221
    C/W: 214
    G/W: 145

    I usually start the shred and never follow through with it! I really need the motivation and accountability to stick with it!!
    sjlocklear I also have PCOS so I definitely understand your struggles! I'm working hard on changing my diet/lifestyle so that I can get rid of/lessen some of my symptoms.

    Looking forward to starting!
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    I'm at the office or else I would share. I've learned from past experience that sometimes measurements are the way to go. In this program, you are building muscle and losing fat, which the scale might not reflect. :) Congrats on your baby, and don't forget to take it easy during the first few times. There are some abdominal moves which might be a bit too intense 8 weeks pp.

    yeah if i feel anything a bit to hard ill stop that bit i had a c section so will be going slow doctor did give me all clear but ill be taking it easy xx :smile: :smile:
  • missnee21
    missnee21 Posts: 5 Member
    Started yesterday (12-May). I've tried so many programs in the past and have given up so I'm determined to make it through. Going to do 5 days on/ 2 days off ( may do active rest days if I feel up to it). Here are my stats:

    Height: 5'2.5''
    SW: 145
    CW: 144
    GW: 125

    I would love to lose at least 5 lbs. and a lot of inches during the next 6 weeks. :)
  • hjade21
    hjade21 Posts: 3
    Hi All,

    I started the 30DS on 7th May and have so far lost 1.8lbs and an inch off my waist. Wishing you all luck! Its great to have some motivation!

    History - previously lost 3 stone at weight watchers, looking to tone up and lose a further 7lbs.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    Hello! I have started but not finished the shred several times. I'd love to commit to the full 30 days!! Need to get a new tape measure, but my general stats are:

    SW: 174 ish
    CW: 157.4
    GW: 142
    UGW: 138

    I really need to shed some fat and the shred is so easy to fit into my day! However I've always done it off youtube and lately it looks like levels 2 and 3 aren't up any more....I'll keep investigating. For now, level 1!
  • greeneyedlady02
    greeneyedlady02 Posts: 15 Member
    Starting measurements:
    Bust 39 in
    Waist 31
    Hips 42 in
    Arms 12 in
    Calves 15 in
    Neck 13 in
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    My SW 215
    My CW 182
    My GW 140

    Hi everybody!

    This challenge caught my eye this morning because it's starting on my! I felt like it was a sign that I needed to! I've been training for a half-marathon and I think I need something like this to go along with it!:tongue:
  • Jude_V
    Jude_V Posts: 72 Member
    Hi I'm Jude

    I started last Wednesday and took yesterday off so am on Level 1 Day 5;

    My Stats:

    SW: 252
    CW: 248.8
    GW: 140

    H: 5' 5"
    Waist: 45"
    BMI: 41
    BF: 53%

    I have other measurements recorded so will report on any loses at the end :)
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    My SW 215
    My CW 182
    My GW 140

    Hi everybody!

    This challenge caught my eye this morning because it's starting on my! I felt like it was a sign that I needed to! I've been training for a half-marathon and I think I need something like this to go along with it!:tongue:

    Happy birthday! And it's totally awesome to go with running. :)
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    Skylar - this morning was Day 5. I've made it to day 10 before - so Day 11 will be cause for celebration.


    SW for MFP - 245
    CW - 208
    GW - 180
    UGW - 165-175 and TONED

    H: 6'0"
    Will have to get new measurements...

    BMI 28.2.
    Looking to decrese to 22.5-24.

    5 more days of level 1, then on to level 2 for 10 days, level 3 for 10 days and then Ripped in 30...

    Have a 90 day plan before a major vacation. Need some motivation to keep it up and work off the extra jiggle-wiggle!
  • mrob04
    mrob04 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey yall!!! I had decided to start 30 Day Shred today then I saw this thread so I decided to join the group! I will be starting today after I get off work and we get home from my daughters softball game (maybe Ill have enough energy!) I have started 30DS tons of times and have never completed it. So Im giving it ONE MORE TRY!!!!!! Lol!!!! Good luck to everyone! :-)

    H: 5'10"
    SW: 240
    GW: 235 (upon completion of 30DS)
    UGW: 150

    I dont have measurements yet. I will be taking them when I get home and post them then.