How many are still in it? Dropped out?

Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
How many of us are still hanging in there? How long of (if any) breaks did you take or rest days did you have?

Today will be Day 15 for me.


  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member
    I am not doing it on weekends, been to busy hope that will change so day 9 for me today!
  • I'm still in... just!

    I had wanted to go straight through with no breaks and did days 1 - 11 in that way
    I've hurt my back though, I think from poor form doing press ups and planks.
    Really annoyed as it's hurts to even do a jumping jack so I rested yesterday and today.

    Really hoping I can get back on it tomorrow, if I rest too long I know what I'm like, I'll never start again haha!
  • blaqpepa
    blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
    I'm still in. Also wanted to do it straight with break only after each level for a day, but my body refused. Was supposed to do level 1 day 7 today, but will do it tomorrow
  • benska
    benska Posts: 7
    I feel awful because I haven't really done any of it since the first day did me in so much! I think I've bitten off a bit too much at the moment as I've also been going swimming, and a little bit here and there in the weight room. Since that first day, I have done swimming at hopefully I can start again soon (tonight or tomorrow) and maybe not do as many reps on the leg stuff that she does...because the legs are what let me down so much the first time. I want to do this so badly!
  • PecorinoRomano
    PecorinoRomano Posts: 33 Member
    Today is day 17 for me! I have taken 3 rest days so far. Glad to see some others still hanging in there. :)
  • mistij68
    mistij68 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm still in it. But I usually don't work out on the weekends, but this last week has been kinda hectic getting back in the swing of things. Of course I over indulged for Mother's Day, so I started back up today. I did level 1 with the Jillian Michaels 30ds when I first started, but today since I've been away from it I decided to start with level 2. It's pretty good, it's harder than level one but I was able to keep up with it for the most part. I realize how week and puny my arms are. I can't wait til I finish 30 days of it, I would love to have toned and strong arms. So good luck to everyone and God bless.
  • hegster23
    hegster23 Posts: 36 Member
    Will be doing day 11 later today... I'm so glad level one is over. I was getting bored.
  • Koholint
    Koholint Posts: 104 Member
    I think I started on the third of this month... Pretty sure today was Level 1 Day 7, and it's considerably easier than when I first started! To everyone else in the early stages, you can do it! Push through! It's definitely worth it so far. Already noticing a very slight change in the way my clothes fit, combining 30DS with healthy eating.

    Something I've noticed though is that I've been much hungrier. I've increased my daily calories but some days I go over even that. ): I'm doing TDEE -20%. Anyone else been hungrier?
  • celtic0ne
    celtic0ne Posts: 216 Member
    Funny enough, I was going to post the same thing!
  • celtic0ne
    celtic0ne Posts: 216 Member
    Today will be Day 12 for me since I did double duty yesterday to catch up and have only taken 1 other rest day! Fiance is doing it with me most of the time as well :)
  • Still here! I take two rest days per week, but I pulled something on the inside of my ankle just below my calf. :( So I modified one day (less jumping) and took an extra rest day. I did D9 L1 today. One more day at level 1!
  • LosingMyMarbles
    LosingMyMarbles Posts: 168 Member
    I'm still here. Day 1 of Level 2, not as bad as I thought it would be. Kicked my butt though. I'm doing the beginner level. I did take a few days off, rest days, busy with the garden day. I am not getting on the scale or taking measurements until the end of the month, but I can tell a difference. Hubby can too.
  • reynollb
    reynollb Posts: 15 Member
    Still at it! I think I started a bit later than you all, but I completed Level 1 Day 8 today. I took one day rest of 6 days straight mostly because my left knee couldn't take the lunges and jumping jacks. I've definitely noticed an increase in endurance and I find myself looking forward to the 2 mins of cardio in each level...which is crazy b/c those are the minutes that were really hard during day 1. My weight has stayed the same but I've definitely lost inches! I'm fitting into clothes that I normally wouldn't be able to wear until I lost another 15 lbs!

    Anyone else change the weights they are using? I started with 3 lb weights, moved to 5 lb weights and I'm now using 8 lb weights for most of the exercises. I'm sure once I hit level 2 I'll be back to smaller weights.
  • szarlotka717
    szarlotka717 Posts: 85 Member
    I started on April 30th, took one intentional rest day, then took two accidental rest days in a row when life got hectic. I just started Level 2 yesterday. I haven't done it yet today - couldn't this morning - but am hoping I still do.
  • Melaney1
    Melaney1 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm still here. Pulled a muscle in my back so I took off a week. I will start again tomorrow. Level 1 day 5.
    See you tomorrow.
  • ruby1387
    ruby1387 Posts: 77 Member
    I did day 1 and then dropped out due to lack of will power. Will start today.
  • NdigoBlue
    NdigoBlue Posts: 37
    Started May 1st missed some days but will make them up. Started L2 D1 today
  • FightingMongeese
    FightingMongeese Posts: 17 Member
    I'm back on day 5. Had a gynecologic situation come up. But I'm recovered from my procedure and plan on doing day 6 tomorrow!
  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member
    I'm on Level 2 Day 2 next. I was running 5km each day before the shred but I was finding it tough going after a week or so. I dont want to stop running so I may take a break here and there to focus on a long run.

    I havent lost any weight but my body is changing so I am happy.

    Level 2 is a challenge but that is what it is all about
  • oceanblue6
    oceanblue6 Posts: 76 Member
    I think I need to drop out. I have a couple of herniated discs in my back that have become really aggravated and I am having some significant nerve pain. I am not sure whether something I did in the 30DS caused it or whether it was something totally unrelated, but the timing makes me nervous . I am going to a PT tomorrow and going to try and get really specific instructions as to what is okay/not okay for me to do (have some underlying conditions) and decide then, but I think I need something even less impact. I am really annoyed and frustrated since I really liked doing the video with you all and working myself hard. Need to find a way to work my body hard without injuring it! I hope the rest of continue to do awesome! Go you guys!!! :-)
  • dpaddy591
    dpaddy591 Posts: 12 Member
    I started about 40 days ago but I don't do it every day.
    I own an ice cream store and many days I am on my feet for 12-14 hours and thosae are days I skip. It is just too hard on my knees. I just did L3, D1.
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    I started on April 22 and have just completed Day 20 (L2D10). Tomorrow I move on to Level 3. I have had 3 rest days.
  • Roshellexo
    Roshellexo Posts: 60 Member
    Level 2 Day 2, day 3 tomorrow! Had two rest days so far. No loss yet though :/
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    I'm still here - day 13 for me. I've had 2 rest days.
  • biddleboom
    biddleboom Posts: 8
    I'm still here and going strong! No rest days for me. I even double up sometimes if I'm feeling good!
  • Daisygrl13
    Daisygrl13 Posts: 3
    Still here, Day 23. My knees bother me every once in a while, so throwing in a few rest days. L3D3 this morning done. Level 3 is way better, and seems more about the abs. To me it seems the level focus has been L1 Legs, L2, Arms, L3 Abs. But I'm bound and determined to finish this thing!
  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    Still here, Day 23. My knees bother me every once in a while, so throwing in a few rest days. L3D3 this morning done. Level 3 is way better, and seems more about the abs. To me it seems the level focus has been L1 Legs, L2, Arms, L3 Abs. But I'm bound and determined to finish this thing!

    level three is my favorite too. I just had my first Level 3 day yesterday.
  • jumpermuffin
    jumpermuffin Posts: 27 Member
    I'm still here. I started late, but I have not taken any breaks in between days! Today will be day seven for me! I will not be switching to level 2 until day ten.. perhaps day 12. I still cannot do two full set of the side lunges with weights. I feel like I should be able to complete the entire workout with no rests until I move on. If it takes a few extra days.. so be it! I'll still finish! :)
  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member
    I'm still here. I started late, but I have not taken any breaks in between days! Today will be day seven for me! I will not be switching to level 2 until day ten.. perhaps day 12. I still cannot do two full set of the side lunges with weights. I feel like I should be able to complete the entire workout with no rests until I move on. If it takes a few extra days.. so be it! I'll still finish! :)

    I also have a hard time with the side lunges, I dont know what it is. That's the only thing I stop on. I have noticed I can do push ups now!!
  • jmelaun
    jmelaun Posts: 9
    I'm still in it! Today was Day 1 of Level 2 for me. I haven't taken any breaks and don't intend to. Level 2 kicked my butt - I'm looking forward to improving!