Looking for BFing Mama's trying to lose weight!

jnsmith4 Posts: 20 Member
My name is Jessalyn and I have a two year old and a two week old. I am EBF my newborn and starving! I lost almost 60 lbs before getting pregnant with my newest son using my firness pal. I'm looking to rebulid a good base of friends to help support each other as I lose the 50 lbs I gained during this pregnancy. I walked into the hospital 215 lbs and am looking to get back to my prepregnancy weight of 165 lbs and then lose about 10 more to be in a comfortable size 8 and rock a bikini again like I did last summer! Join me on this journey and add me as a friend if you'd like! I feel like the more people you have helping you the more likely you are to be successful!


  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Hi Jessalyn! I have a 3 and a half year old and a 10 and a half month old. I also lost 60 lbs after my first and am on the tail end of my weightloss after my youngest. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    Hi! Like you I'm also BF and working on the weight. What is helping me is the book "Eat Well, Lose Weight, While Breastfeeding: The Complete Nutrition Book for Nursing Mothers" by Eileen Behan. It has solid and practical advice in there (and I'm a nurse, so I can attest that she's making medical sense). I'm trying to exercise, but that has been slow as I'm recovering from an unplanned c-section.

    I started at 1600/day for the first week, but found myself too tired and hungry, as well has having some issues with my milk supply. I upped it to about 1850/day and have been feeling much better. I'm sure weight loss will be a bit slower because of that, but it's a tradeoff I'm willing to make to have a good milk supply and not want to ransack the cupboards every night :)
  • J3nnyV
    J3nnyV Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome and congratulations! I started MFP 110 days ago when DS#2 was 8 weeks old. I eat a lot and I'm still EBFing even tho babe will soon start solids (2 weeks from now-ish). I'm below my pre-preg weight already and am working on another 10 lbs - 8.5 to go!

    Friend request sent!
  • PhatMama9
    PhatMama9 Posts: 298 Member
    HI :) I am looking to lose about a hundred pounds here (between law school and getting pregnant right after with bed rest, lets just say I really packed it on!). I have been exclusively breast feeding so its been a slow go but its getting better as she is now ten and a half months and needs my milk less so I can workout and cut calories a bit more. I would love some support and would love to be there for you other ladies looking for some support losing weight. Please add me and good luck mamas!
  • Hey everyone! :smile: Well, I'm on the same boat, I have a 2 yr old and a 1 month old. I topped off at 181 on the date of my csection, and I currently fluctuate between 155 and 160. Good to know that I am not alone. I hope to drop down to 125ish. Lookin forward reading all the advice and blogs. I did recently see a lactation consultant, she did inform me that I should not drop below 1800 calories per day because it could possibly interfere with milk production. Anyone else have any advice? I am all ears, I seem to be really hungry while BFing my second son.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi there, I'm a breastfeeding/pumping momma. I have an almost 3yr old (next month!! yikes!) and a 3.5month old. I haven't lost any post partum weight yet despite ALL my efforts. In fact I weighed 141 2weeks PP and over the next couple months I went up to 145-146. I am finally getting back down to my 2wk PP weight, around 142 now. I workout 5days a week and eat 1800-2000 cals a day. My pre-pregnancy weight was 123-125 and I am working to get back!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey everyone! :smile: Well, I'm on the same boat, I have a 2 yr old and a 1 month old. I topped off at 181 on the date of my csection, and I currently fluctuate between 155 and 160. Good to know that I am not alone. I hope to drop down to 125ish. Lookin forward reading all the advice and blogs. I did recently see a lactation consultant, she did inform me that I should not drop below 1800 calories per day because it could possibly interfere with milk production. Anyone else have any advice? I am all ears, I seem to be really hungry while BFing my second son.

    i agree, I wouldnt go below 1800. I always make sure to hit the 1800 cal mark, my supply has been really good even with working out as much as I do. It hasnt dropped at all. I am pumping 25-30oz a day and nursing 3-4x a day.
  • awolsey1987
    awolsey1987 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I have a 3 1/2 yr old and a 19 mo old. exclusively fed both while losing weight so friend me and we can motivate each other! I lost weight after my first, then fell off when we starting trying for #2 and since he was 6 months old I've been slowly losing the weight. I'm down 25lbs more than I was pre-preggo! Still would like to lose about 45-50 more lbs!

    -- Allison:)
    P.S. from past experience I never went below 1800 cals because my milk supply would suffer (also recommended by my LC)
  • learningtolove
    learningtolove Posts: 288 Member
    I am on ebf'er to a 15 week old baby boy. I gained 44 pounds while pregnant and I am down 37 so far,but would like like to lose 48 pounds overall. Everyone can feel free to add me.
  • fallsj93
    fallsj93 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I have a 5 year old and a 6 month old. My 6 month old is 90% BF and 10% FF. Always great to have mommy friends that understand my 'struggle' :-) Feel free to add me
  • marshmallow8978
    marshmallow8978 Posts: 57 Member
    I have a 7 month old who is nursing 90% of the time. I have an extremely hard time losing weight while nursing. I have 9lbs or so till my prepregnancy weight and then 15 more after that. Im eating a ton, working out every day, and losing inches but the scale is slow moving. I know I need to work on what I am eating, but I do ok.
  • savemama
    savemama Posts: 105 Member
    I am running late (gotta get in the shower!) So I don't have time to read. But wanted to say, I'm BFing and have lost half my goal weight (and all THIS baby weight). Please add me! :)
  • stormync
    stormync Posts: 5
    Hi ladies!! I am also EBF'ing and pumping! I have a 2.5 year old and 9 week old. I am back at working, and have since lost 3 lbs just from not being able to sit on the couch all day with LO and snack on junk! I am 15 lbs away from my pp weight, but would like to lost an addition 5-10lbs as well.
  • ehk33
    ehk33 Posts: 33 Member
    I am EBF my 10 week old. I also am mommy to a 4 yr and 3yr old. I gained a ton of weight with this last pregnancy and am trying to lose around 50 pounds.
  • daytolive
    daytolive Posts: 106 Member
    HI there! I have a 4 year old and 8 month old and this time has been the hardest losing weight! I gained 37 with my DD and have about 12lbs to be back to my pre-preg weight. But Id still like to lose another 15 or so. I've tried taking in 1800 calories, and ive tried 1200 calories. My supply is best at 1800 but I am not able to lose weight. I just dropped it to 1600 and its ok but not as great as it should be. My DD is just starting solids,hooray! Please add me too! Looking for more moms!
  • HI there! I am just starting back at MFP after being very successful with weight loss using MFP last summer after my son was born. I never got back to my goal weight because, I got pregnant when he was only 2 months old- so, I now have a 2 and a half year old, a 12 month old and a 5 week old. I am breastfeeding and I sure feel out of control with my hunger. I am trying to use MFP to hold myself accountable on eating healthy and to lose the baby weight and get back in fighting shape ;-) I am not sure how much I weigh because I have no scale (ordered one on Amazon, it's coming tomorrow- can't wait)- but I want to run a marathon next year, and this is a good place to start on tracking my fitness and diet!

  • DustiiRX7
    DustiiRX7 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I'm Ashley and I have a 6 month old daughter (K-Baby) and I am bf and pumping. K-baby has started solids (sniff sniff). I went into the hospital at 216 and left the same weight due a c-section. It took 3 weeks to lose the water weight which was 25 lbs and since then I have only lost 10 lbs. I'd like to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight by the end of summer (about 30 lbs) and then lose the extra weight before trying for baby #2 (another 20-ish lbs). Feel free to add me!
  • AliFlowerGrl
    AliFlowerGrl Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone...I currently EBF & Pump for my seven week old LO. I work 5 days a week and I'm trying to start to get back on my workout band wagon. I have read the advice about calorie intake and that will be helpful as this is my first baby and first try at the post partum baby weight. I'm looking forward to having you all add me so that we can motivate each other and progress towards our goal together. I plan to do a half marathon in three months ..Any suggestions? Has anyone done this...I've ran before I got pregnant and I ran last week for Half mile intervals...if felt alright except the bounce in my breasts. Should I wear two sport bras? Will that affect my milk supply? Suggestions?
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Hi! I have a 5 month old daughter and currently pump from work (full time) and bf when I'm home. Right now I exercise early in the morning to the 30 Day Shred and run when I can (about 3 miles each time).

    AliFlowerGrl, you can def. wear 2 sports bra without it affecting your supply. Make sure you stay hydrated and eat healthy!
  • jessydelong
    jessydelong Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I'm Jessica. I have a 2 yr old girl and a 3 month old boy. I ebf. I was sooo hungry in the beginning also but it's died down some. I weighed 310lbs when I got pregnant with my last and I'm at 280 now but still have a long way to go. Add me so we can support each other :) the only advice I have is maybe you should hold off on trying to loose weight till ur milk supply is established. About 10 weeks pp. you don't want the low cal to effect ur supply. They say ebf will help u loose weight just in its self. I so hope that I get that lucky lol