Check in 5/12 - 5/19

New Check in Thread =-)
I'm slotted to do Fire 55 & Stretch 10 today 5/12. Hoping to get it in before work.


  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 70 P90X Stretch/Rest Day
    Nutrition 9/10
    Today is my Stretch/Rest Day. I woke up being motivated today. I decided to do a 43 minute Cardio workout. I felt great. I am still going to do my Stretching later on today. I believe that stretching is very helpful in improving other workouts that you do. I did the X Stretch and I feel great but do not call me Gumby quite yet.
  • CarolinaGrace77
    Fire 55

    I woke...unmotivated...but can't let that stop us can we?
    Had some technical difficulties with my Body Bugg...
    I planned and took to work a very healthy yummy selection...and it must have looked it too as someone snookered it.

    Tomorrow is another day. I plan for Toning 30. My body bugg won't be fixed up by then and maybe I can actually have my lunch.
  • brandynot
    brandynot Posts: 88 Member
    05/13 - Insanity Day 1...

    Must admit I am a bit intimidated by the task ahead. But I am committed to the next 60 days. I have small rewards for myself for each rest day for the entire 60 days. So I am ready.

    Thanks for adding me to the group...and I look forward to hearing from you guys for this 60 day journey I am about to begin tonight.

  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    Started Day 8 of Insanity - feel more motivated than Days 5 & 6!
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    Awesome I am only 7 days ahead of you, so we will be going through this together - for sure! I'm sending you a friend invite now.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 71 P90X Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X
    Nutrition 8/10
    I had a great workout burning 773 total calories in 68 minutes. Ab Ripper X seemed easy today for the first time. I feel great. I had a later then normal workout and I will sleep good tonight. It seems just like yesterday I was 29 pounds heavier and out of shape. What a difference 71 days has made. I feel great.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    May 14....I did Insanity Max Plyo Intervals today (week 7...not sure what day!). Power Jumps are killers for me!!! but I love it!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    May 14....I did Insanity Max Plyo Intervals today (week 7...not sure what day!). Power Jumps are killers for me!!! but I love it!

    Awesome job. I love Plyo. Keep it up.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 72 P90X Plyometrics
    I was very tired before this workout. I also had a headache so I was not pumped up to push play. I did not hesitate and started right away. Today was not by best workout but I still managed to burn 696 calories in 58 minutes. I feel good now and my headache is gone. I know I will sleep well tonight.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    checking in..May 15
    Insanity Max Recovery
    I also add tricep exercises with weights and crunches
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    May 15th: Changed my routine from morning to evenings, to adjust to upcoming changes in my life, and it was difficult to find my full force - but, I completed my 10th day of Insanity!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    checking in..May 15
    Insanity Max Recovery
    I also add tricep exercises with weights and crunches

    Great job. Keep it up.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    May 15th: Changed my routine from morning to evenings, to adjust to upcoming changes in my life, and it was difficult to find my full force - but, I completed my 10th day of Insanity!

    Awesome job. When I adjust my schedule I find it harder to work out at the end of a day. I have so much more energy in the morning. Excellent on completing day 10. Keep it up.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 73 P90X
    Shoulders/Arms and Ab Ripper X
    I had an awesome workout today. I really felt the burn today. I burned 730 calories in 77 minutes.
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    After a full week off I did CLX push 1 today. I love the convenience of the bands but I just don't think they are pushing me as much as a set of weights would. :(
    Planning on picking up some running starting this week to help burn some calories. I don't think I'm burning enough with using the bands in CLX and loved how running "felt" like it slimmed me down.
  • CarolinaGrace77
    I've been taking a break after the 5 day inferno plus working out 8 days in a row. No Turbo, just walking. Will be starting the prep schedule soon.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    After a full week off I did CLX push 1 today. I love the convenience of the bands but I just don't think they are pushing me as much as a set of weights would. :(
    Planning on picking up some running starting this week to help burn some calories. I don't think I'm burning enough with using the bands in CLX and loved how running "felt" like it slimmed me down.

    Great job. I have tried both weights and bands with P90X. The weights are a much better workout for me. I use the bands on a few exercises but only on 2 exercises. My brother recently became P90X certified to teach P90X at his gym. There were 2 exercises that are old school and not recommended to do with weights.

    Bands are good but I believe weights to a better job of toning. Great job completing week 1.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I've been taking a break after the 5 day inferno plus working out 8 days in a row. No Turbo, just walking. Will be starting the prep schedule soon.

    Good job completing your 5 day inferno and your workouts. Keep it up.
  • brandynot
    brandynot Posts: 88 Member
    My first Cardio Recovery. DAY 4 COMPLETE. I look forward to continuing to feel stronger each day. I feel super strong for sure. I know what I need to work on...but for once in my life I am not worried about getting there. I am taking it one day at a time and it feels so good to really not have my weight loss hanging over my head. I feel like I am doing it...and I know that even in just 4 days I feel so much better than last week.

    Today my job had a farewell cake and ice cream gathering for a departing co-worker. I resisted the urge to eat both the cake and the ice cream. I have been battling this dairy issue for almost a year now and I have finally started realizing that giving up dairy has its perks...made it much easier to say no to the ice cream and the buttercream frosting! :)

    Thanks for being here everyone. I find myself look forward to checking in throughout the day to see everyone's progress. Truly motivating to hear where I hope to be.

  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    My first Cardio Recovery. DAY 4 COMPLETE. I look forward to continuing to feel stronger each day. I feel super strong for sure. I know what I need to work on...but for once in my life I am not worried about getting there. I am taking it one day at a time and it feels so good to really not have my weight loss hanging over my head. I feel like I am doing it...and I know that even in just 4 days I feel so much better than last week.

    Today my job had a farewell cake and ice cream gathering for a departing co-worker. I resisted the urge to eat both the cake and the ice cream. I have been battling this dairy issue for almost a year now and I have finally started realizing that giving up dairy has its perks...made it much easier to say no to the ice cream and the buttercream frosting! :)

    Thanks for being here everyone. I find myself look forward to checking in throughout the day to see everyone's progress. Truly motivating to hear where I hope to be.


    Great job on Day 4 complete. Dairy lately has made me feel bloated. I quit drinking milk and now the only dairy I get is yogurt and sometimes some string cheese. If I added milk to any of the above I would get bloated.

    Keep up the great work and have a great one.