Day 7, Level 1 roll call :)

kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
Hope everyone is doing great! I will plug mine in later. I am actually only one day 6 due to late night company on Saturday.....however, after picking up rocks for hours yesterday I am sure that I should be on day ten! Talk about a workout I am sore from being a rock picker! Will be so glad when we FINALLY get it all done. I think every rock in Missouri is in what is suppose to be my yard! Okay, enough whining! Everyone log in :)

Anyone noticing a difference yet?


  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Day 7, Level 1 DONE! Endurance is my big difference and my squats have improved.
  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    I also started the 30 day squat challenge today......I'm probably asking for it!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I also started the 30 day squat challenge today......I'm probably asking for it!

    LOL yes you are I'm 3 weeks into it, and the amount of squats OMG! I'm also doing the 30 day plank challenge.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Day 7 done! I don't see any real change yet...
  • DanaLynnMN
    DanaLynnMN Posts: 192 Member
    Day 7 done.
    I've noticed that some of my flab is tightening up. My pants are fitting a little bit better. Oh, and I've got some nice feeling biceps!
  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    Mine was actually day 6 due to company on Saturday. But....done! Not seeing any changes yet. Plan on measuring again on Day 10. Good luck everyone!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Day 7 completed! Some things are much better, but a few times I felt weaker than usual. Probably from overdoing things yesterday...if so, tomorrow should be better. This was my only workout today.
  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    DONE :)
    (last night) Day 8 awaits this afternoon
  • Trace1984
    Trace1984 Posts: 4 Member
    I feel a bit behind...I'm due for Day 7 tonight.
    I took a 3 day break - It was a crazy weekend for me with Mother's day and the NHL Playoffs taking over :ohwell:
    BUT I'm back on track and hope to finish Level 1 this weekend.
  • Hellaine
    Hellaine Posts: 79 Member
    Day 7, Level 1 Done.

    It's going ok! Still don't know if I'll fully be able to finish some of the workouts by the time level 2 comes. Friday I will be taking a day off because I have to do a double at work which leaves virtually no time to work out, plus I need that energy to stay awake for 15 hours haha.
  • kgem4u2
    kgem4u2 Posts: 69
    I am a couple of days behind. I do spin twice a week and rest a day. So Day 7 for me is tomorrow morning.
  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    Missed Day 8 due to my little cousin being born :) Well worth it! Day 8 later today :) Great job everyone!!!!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Missed Day 8 due to my little cousin being born :) Well worth it! Day 8 later today :) Great job everyone!!!!

    Congrats!! Definitely worth taking a day off :)
  • kgem4u2
    kgem4u2 Posts: 69
    Day 7, Level 1 Complete- Ready to rock and roll!!! I feel amazing