May 15 #MayMuscles

Salty510 Posts: 121 Member
We'll be needing a pair of stilettos (or high heels) today, ladies!


  • BrittanyMegan88
    BrittanyMegan88 Posts: 670 Member
    I JUST noticed that we're doing Food Baby HIIT every week this month...ugh, this is my least favorite workout of hers, haha.

    Oh well, good for burning calories at least. :/
    I'm sure we'll be thanking her at the end of the month. ^.^
  • kconcepc327
    kconcepc327 Posts: 12
    Yea, food baby is pretty intense. I hate those squat jump up thingys and all those lunge kicks/switches!!! Turns me to jelly, geez cassey! At least She lets me curse at her while I do 'em :-) lol, she loves to kill us
  • BrittanyMegan88
    BrittanyMegan88 Posts: 670 Member
    Yea, food baby is pretty intense. I hate those squat jump up thingys and all those lunge kicks/switches!!! Turns me to jelly, geez cassey! At least She lets me curse at her while I do 'em :-) lol, she loves to kill us
    Haha, yeah & at least there's no burpees in that one! I think that's like her only HIIT video that doesn't have any..or one of them anyways.

    Ok, day 15 is done! ^.^
