Stats and final thoughts and stuff

kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
I'll start the posts of "how did my whole30 go?"? :)

I wish I had measured myself, but I did not. Weight was 247 at start, this morning it was 228.8, so that is a drop of 18.2 lbs. I have to say the majority of this was in the first two weeks (14 lbs), which is usually expected when started a new way of eating. Since then it has kind of tapered off. I know there is a no-weighing rule, but I'm in a biggest loser contest at work so I had to weigh in during this time. I bought two pairs of pants last month before whole30 in my usual size and they were tight so I stashed them in the closet. They fit now so that's cool and I don't have to waste more money on pants lol.

Other than that, I feel I was successful. There were a couple disheartening things; like realizing with less than a week left that my vitamins have sucralose in them (women's active from GNC). Also I ate half a carton of prunes before realizing they had a death preservative in them (pitched them). A couple other tiny things after surgery, but never willingly went out and scarfed down sugar filled sundaes or anything. Mine were all "sneaky" oopsies lol.

All in all, I think it was awesome. I am a little stuck on the losing lbs slowing down, I guess maybe I have to watch my portions more. For the most part i will just keep on trucking mostly as is. Tonight the plan is a steak dinner with a glass of wine and at work I will probably have a cup of tea that has some stevia in it. That will be it for today - nothing crazy. :)

Anxious to see your "reports" and your future plans and how you feel overall. I want to thank the veterans again for all their support answering all of our questions - invaluable :)


  • cksummer2013
    cksummer2013 Posts: 39 Member
    Awesome job Kelr....

    I don't even know where to begin. In March my bff told me she was doing this whole30 thing and tried to explain it to me. I was like, no way I can even think about doing something like that. Well, talk about eating my words, here I am, Day31...I appreciate all the help and support you all have given me. I love food. I am in love with food and it's OK! :)
    I tried my coffee creamer this morning and it was YUCK! I mean worse than YUCK. Let's just say my addiction is gone and no buying that anymore. I remember the first week of Whole30 I missed it sooo much. I longed for that taste. Well, I got it and did I mention it was YUCK! LOL I have alot of energy but I still don't think I have the "tiger blood" everyone talks about but definitely sleeping better and not tired in the afternoons like I used to be on the way home especially. I have learned that water is in fact my friend. As a result of doing Whole30, I have eaten clean, learned to like water and unsweet tea (with fruit added of course), planted a garden in hopes of saving money on my new lifestyle, my self esteem is through the roof because I did this. No one did this for me, I had the will power, I had the motivation, I am the one who had to make the choices of what I put in my mouth, and I lost crazy weight and inches.

    Now, what in the world to do? Oh I know, keep on going.....

    Now the results: drum role please....

    April 15, 2013 to May 15, 2013

    Weight: 234.8-221.0 = Loss of 13.8 lbs

    Breasts: 45 1/4" - 42 = Loss of 3 1/4"
    Under breasts: 38"-36.5" = Loss of 1.5"
    Waist: 41"- 39" = Loss of 2"
    Hips: 50 3/4" - 48" = Loss of 2 3/4"
    Thighs: right: 30 1/2" -29 = Loss of 1.5"
    left: 31" - 29.5" = Loss of 1.5"

    Total inches lost = 12.5 (if I added correctly) someone check my math! WOO HOO...
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Awesome! Great job both of you! Those are crazy losses! Congrats!

    I also wish I had measured myself. My belt this morning didn't fit anymore so I know I'm significantly smaller (I was using a different belt for the past couple weeks).

    I lost 11lbs total, but ate later last night and was a little bloated this morning. Like you Kelr, I lost the majority of my weight in the first couple weeks (did a halfway weigh-in and was down 9lbs).

    My body fat% scale is also significantly lower than it's ever been and 1.6% lower than it was at the mid-way point, so I'm thinking I'm still losing fat.

    I went to a Wal-Mart yesterday, and I was actually surprised at all of the food that no longer appealed to me (chocolate bars, chips, etc). I think I've definitely built up some good habits and though I will be re-introducing some non-W30 things in my diet (had a protein shake this morning, beers tonight), I still plan on being 95% Primal.

    If anything I'm super motivated to keep being healthy and continue to transform my body. I've started hitting the gym again and have set some goals for that. I plan on starting to track my food again, but am not sure if I'll want to keep doing that long-term.

    Anyhow, great work everyone! Super proud of us all!
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    I agree - that is excellent stats for everyone!

    it's funny how cautious my group over here is being. My friend totally planned to drink a RockStar for breakfast (i know...what?!) but he said he felt guilty so he had something else instead lol. I said you better not drink that quickly you will probably explode :)

    Then the boyfriend texted me mid-day and said he had a BBQ chicken salad for lunch and it really wasn't that good. The only thing I had so far was this blueberry tea that I really thought I couldn't WAITTTTTTT to have but didn't becasue it had stevia in it. It wasn't as good as I thought it may be, so I ended up dumping it. I really want to ease back in super super slowly!

    Summer that is some heavy duty stats! WOW - and i remember you were really having a hard time with that coffee creamer. Funny how that happens? lol

    fufonzo, it's kind of weird how it tapered off after that initial halfway point, but it's still a small loss and I hope for me for it to be more. Obviously I don't want to be 228 still. Plus now that I have some clearance in PT to get to walking and biking again I'm relieved to be exercising again. You may gain since you're back at the gym again and gaining muscle - but i'm sure you don't need me to tell you that :)

    Keep on rollin...maybe I'll just roll into another whole30 hahaha

    EDIT - that is, after the brewpub friday. omg can't wait to have a good craft beer.
  • explore_live
    explore_live Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone Great Stats and Congrats on the changelling 30 days!.

    This is my favorite part the reintroduction, learning that if you eat late a night your don;t sleep well, when you stress and worked 12 plus hours and your on the whole 30 you eat the only thing you have a your desk that is compliant - NUTS.

    That after having dairy you become....... that Gluten makes you depress 25 hours after eating it, that I respond to this because of this. Take time to track how your body responsds!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    You all had fabulous results! I really love the "My favorite coffee creamer is YUCK now" posts. There are foods that I never thought I'd live without, and now they don't appeal at all! Great job everyone! I'm going to keep going until we leave for vacation next Friday, so 39 days total. Then I will be reintroducing Woodchuck Amber first! :drinker: We're going camping, so honestly, we'll probably be pretty close to Whole30, but at least paleo anyway :happy:
  • MissXFit13
    MissXFit13 Posts: 217 Member
    Well, I have mixed feelings about how this Whole 30 went. No weight loss (I'm talking not even 1 ounce), no dramatic changes in waistline or body composition. Energy levels feel the same. And I'm still having major digestive issues and bloating, which seems bizarre to still be experiencing at the end of the W30.

    On a positive note!
    1- I'm finally learning the difference between hunger and craving. Since I stopped logging for a while, I would listen to my body when I was hungry, instead of eating something I craved because I had room for it in my calorie/macros totals.

    2- Far less snacking, especially on nuts and nut butters. My tummy feels better already.

    3- Low carb is NOT the way for me. I've been low carb (50-80g) for 3 months with no fat loss results and suffering performance in workouts. Time for more sweet potatoes!

    4- IF: 2 big meals a day rocks. It makes life so much easy. One less meal to worry about, and it fits well with my schedule, too.

    5- I have 15 more days to go, and I'm not feeling deprived or missing any foods. I really think I need these extra 2 weeks to hammer out all the kinks in my diet.
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    1- I'm finally learning the difference between hunger and craving. Since I stopped logging for a while, I would listen to my body when I was hungry, instead of eating something I craved because I had room for it in my calorie/macros totals.

    Love this - good point. I wholeheartedly agree with this. The WW points and calorie counting for years and years had me programmed to be like OMG! I have 3 points left I MUST EAT THEM! then go eat something stupid "just because".

    I had wine the other night, it was delish. Not suprisingly I was buzzing off one glass hahahaha. Fro yo was reintroduced last night and we actually went one place and when I sampled them they tasted "weird" it left a film on my tongue. We actually went to a completely different place because I wanted nothing from the other. Happily, I had 1/3 of the portion I used to have and was completely satisfied....I am honestly shocked that I used to fill that whole cup and put toppings on it to boot. I am happy with this and strive to keep it that way.

    I haven't really lost anything for 2 weeks though. I may have to go back to weighing some meat portions and doing some logging again. If I were near my goal weight (which is not an unreasonable 180) I would be fine with this, but I am pretty sure any normal female ideally shouldn't weigh 228, so I need to tweak. Maybe too many cashews lol.

    Kerrek are you wanting to lose weight? I think you look fabulous as you are - wow. Sorry about the digestive issues though :/