May 17, 2013

PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    TGIF! Love today's reminder.

    Pam, I had no idea about the twisters until you mentioned it. Glad to hear your loved ones are alright.

    Ashley, sounds like a good plan. Seems if we can get one planned workout set-up concrete, it carries momentum to do more.

    I think I need to do more for my mornings again, since this week has blown my momentum. I've been "all over the place". I've toyed with the idea of re-doing 30DS for so long now. I might need to get on that for mornings soon. The only thing is that the HG challenge keeps ramping up more each week and it has been great so far. But surely I could squeeze in 25min for 30DS. But now I see the new fitnessblender 1000 calorie workout is released! I don't think I'm up for plunging into it just yet. Unfortunately it will have to wait til next week (Mon & Tue busy..maybe Wed).

    Well, there is no end to the potential housework, but there is an "end" to my motivation to do it. ugh

    Today I'm hoping to do similar to yesterday: run at park and long walk afterwards. There'll be Hunger Games challenge bicep curls this evening.

    Have a great & active Friday!
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    TGIF and serious about that with regards to my exercises! Burn Circuit 3 (focus legs/shoulders) was no joke considering I dislike shoulder work…lol. It’s a tough one but then so are all of CLX circuits. Weights in use were 6.25 sets up to 13.75 sets. I can go up in weights next week for those two different “squat w/calf raise” exercise moves. This is a 32 minute strength session but long enough for the shoulders especially…lol.

    Thanks everyone for the sentiments with regards to my Texas family not being harmed as a result of all those tornadoes the other night. I heard the death and injured count sad.

    Sherry, those health & fitness quotes can be such great reminders and motivators. There seems to be 1000s online to select from, too. I know how you feel about "being all over the place" with fitness routines. This is the very reason that I selected a "formal" fitness program to concentrate on for the next 90 days. Why not just do those HG challenges complimented with your runs until those challenges end? You'll figure something out soon.

    Toni: hope today you are feeling better. Low impact is not always low intensity so listen to your body. You got this...even when a little "under-the-weather".:wink:

    Sam: I see you really like Yoga and guess I should give it another try. I keep reading how great it is for the total body and helps one get through other types of exercise, too. I have a "basic" Yoga dvd that I may start doing on Saturdays for flexibility. I'll keep you posted.:blushing:

    Ashley: that CLX motto "go heavy or go home" is good! it's great that you've made a decision to work a plan that works for YOU. I know it would be nice to incorporate our spouses or significant others but taking this health & fitness journey is very's about taking care of ourselves because like my siggie states no one can do it for you. Your spouse may or may not follow a consistent plan and that is okay and all up to him....kwim? So, just focus on YOU being the healthiest possible...lead by example so to speak.:wink: Have a great time exercising with your buddy, too!

    Carly: have a great run today and this weekend! Your profile pic of the baby is just too too cute every time I view it!:happy:

    Liz: yeah....tell us what is SL5X5? Did you get all that cleaning done yesterday? I spent more time outdoors again on yesterday but need to devote some of that to indoors...:laugh:

    Alright team....make if a fantastic day and I'll check back later.
  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    Carly - It's too funny that 2.5 mi is a short run for you and I'm dying when I run it! :laugh: I WILL get there though. Yes, those are the new capris! Thank you!

    Ashley - Sounds like a good plan! My husband and I working out together was okay for a couple weeks. Then we went our separate ways "working out wise". :tongue: Strong Lifts 5x5 is the weight training program I'm using. Each workout is three different exercises and 5 sets of 5 repetitions with rest between repetitions. You're supposed to progress 5 lbs with every workout, but now that I'm at heavier weights I'm just sticking at what challenges me and not upping it at the moment. It's 3 days per week.

    Sam - You do really like that yoga. I may get in some JM Yoga Meltdown on Sunday after my weekend of birthday splurge!

    Pam - Another tough workout! Yes, I did get *most* of my housework done. I still need to map. :ohwell:

    Got my W2D3 C25K done. I waited until 11:30 am to do it... :sad: It was hot at 80 degrees. Talk about working up a sweat, especially with the dadgum jogging stroller. They INSISTED on joining me...
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    Today was a 30 minute walk/jog with the pupper. Time to take a nap and get ready for Jerry Seinfeld tonight with the hubby! Yes, I do like yoga. My husband can tell when I haven't done it in a while. I get moody! lol It's really helped me physically and mentally. I've noticed, though, that I have a relatively weak core. Any workouts you like to do for abs/midsection?

    1 week of school left! I'm worse than the kids!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Didn't workout today. Weather didn't cooperate and lil girl didn't nap. Did some bicep curls tonight for Hunger Games.

    I'll try again tomorrow. Otherwise, it's just been one of those "off" weeks.

    Liz-I've discovered that heat is the most offensive factor to running--worse than the shinsplints I started with, worse than this week's "ear popping" and just plain "huffing and puffing". I have to head for the shade, b/c the sun just toasts my will keep going. 80degrees is pretty bad, especially pushing the stroller. Hope you find some shade sometimes.

    Pam-I think you're right. The key is for me to FEEL that the HG exercises + my run/walk is enough. If I can do that, then I can always add a "bonus" workout. It's just that we must meet weekly "cardio exercise" goals in HG too and it's hard not to be competitive and want to do more moRE MORE. I'm sure I'll find my balance about 10days before the challenge ends. lol :laugh:

    Sam-I've always wanted to get hooked on yoga, but even just doing a few minute youtube, I feel like it just doesn't do it for me. I guess I also used to think I couldn't be a runner, but now feel I can. In due time, I think I'll give yoga a real bonafide try. Dunno about core workouts. I tend to only want to do crunch type, not plank type...because I'm weak in plank. But probably I NEED to do more of the plank style strengthening. Oh yeah, Pilates routines are very good for the core. It's very subtle, but you feel it the next day--and it trains you to keep your core "zipped up" all the time. I have an old DVD that's like that. Maybe check for some Pilates core matwork on youtube?
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    Pam: thank you for what you said. You are right. My weight loss journey is personal. I guess i struggle with doing things by myself sometimes. I like groups and doing things in pairs. That is just my personality. Especially with something i don't enjoy. I want to be an example to others and most of all to my hubby. The idea of being an example has been a reoccurring theme for me throughout my life. I guess it is like that for all of us. Thank you for reminder!

    Sam and others about yoga: a friend recently suggested i do yoga on a daily basis to improve my self care. A friend of mine gave me a video called yogalosophly. But it is 35 minutes long and i haven't worked it into my daily routine lately. Does anyone know of a yoga video like on you tube that is like ten minutes long that is also good?

    Sherry: i hope you find your balance with workout routines soon!

    Didn't workout today. I am going to do some heavy cleaning tomorrow. We have to wash our camper to get ready to use it on memorial day weekend. I am going to try and do formal exercise tomorrow too. Trying not to eat anymore sweets today because i had a doughnut earlier and that is enough. Night everyone!

  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    Hey everyone..

    Thanks Pam you are right tomorrow today did some walking tomorrow going to push a little harder and further. I am feeling better but not great. I know what happened to cause this so will avoid it in the future.

    Till tomorrow have a good weekend...