Saturday!! Day 18!!

JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
80 Sit ups (Check)
110 Crunches (Check)
48 Leg Raises....I do flutter kicks (check)
and 70 second Plank!! Holy Cow!! (Check!!)

In the morning I did 50 sit ups, 50 Crunches then later on I did the rest of 30 sit ups and 60 crunches and kicks with plank... seems to work better for me this way.


  • charynp
    charynp Posts: 21 Member
    i did them all this morning but broke the crunches into intervals of 10 and a pause
  • Romey5
    Romey5 Posts: 157 Member
    Done! Whew...
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,716 Member
    DONE! Man!!!