Goals for the RACE!

samkelly89 Posts: 198 Member
Hey everyone,

Just thought I'd share with you all that tomorrow is my first full marathon and I'm stoked! I wanted to let you all know what my goals are and then I will post back on this thread to let everyone know how I did. Here are my goals in order of importance:

1. Have FUN
2. Finish the race!
3. Run the entire time
4. Finish under 5 hours

A little backround on me: I had a baby almost 2 years ago and hit a high weight of 220( I'm 5'4'') I am now about 140 and went from barely being able to run 3 miles to running 26.2 tomorrow!!! Let you all know how it goes!


  • neurorat
    neurorat Posts: 73 Member
    You and I have almost the same story (except I have no cute baby to show!). Congrats on all of your achievements!

    Let us know how the race goes! My first Marathon is in October. Just started the Hal Higdon Novice 2 this week.
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    1. Have FUN
    2. Finish the race!
    3. Run the entire time
    4. Finish under 5 hours
    Those are exceptional goals for your first marathon! I will say that if you accomplish goal 3 goal 4 will take care of itself. Good luck tomorrow :)
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    My number one goal is always to finish the race (whether I have to run, walk or crawl to finish)... Good job on coming this far and I'm agreeing with David, if you run it all, you should finish under 5 hrs! Good luck and good job again.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Hope it went well - can't wait to hear!
  • samkelly89
    samkelly89 Posts: 198 Member
    Hey Everyone! I am happy to report that I finished!!!! AND Had FUN!!!!! I did have to do a mixture of walking/running once I hit mile 20. I actually felt a strong urge to stop at mile 18 :( But I just kept going and finished in 5.5 hrs. I am so thankful to God that he put supportive people in my path. The other runners, random spectators, and all the police and fire fighters where so encouraging. Not to mention my family came to mile 26! What a day... I am overwhelmed with emotion as I was several times throughout the race. I can't wait to do this again already lol
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Superb accomplishment
    Hey Everyone! I am happy to report that I finished!!!! AND Had FUN!!!!! I did have to do a mixture of walking/running once I hit mile 20. I actually felt a strong urge to stop at mile 18 :( But I just kept going and finished in 5.5 hrs. I am so thankful to God that he put supportive people in my path. The other runners, random spectators, and all the police and fire fighters where so encouraging. Not to mention my family came to mile 26! What a day... I am overwhelmed with emotion as I was several times throughout the race. I can't wait to do this again already lol
  • samkelly89
    samkelly89 Posts: 198 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Superb accomplishment

    Thank You!!
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    Congrats on finishing your first marathon! As a wise man often says "You are awesome!"
  • samkelly89
    samkelly89 Posts: 198 Member
    Congrats on finishing your first marathon! As a wise man often says "You are awesome!"

    Thank You! I already can't wait for the next one. My husband said he wants to do one with me now!
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    woohoo! Congrats on your great accomplishment. And a double congrats for finishing!!!!