Caloric Intake on TF

MFP has set my caloric intake to 1230 based on my weight loss goals and the fact that I entered 'sedentary' for my activity level because I 'sit at a desk all day'. Do you think that's too low for Turbo Fire? Should I change my activity level from 'sedentary' to something else since I'm working out 6 days a week?


  • Momieof2girls
    Momieof2girls Posts: 79 Member
    I don't know that you need to change it from sedentary, BUT I would definitely be eating your workout cals back.
  • HeatherBrookmyer
    HeatherBrookmyer Posts: 41 Member
    1230 is way too low (in my opinion...) if you aren't eating back your excercise calories you're body is in starvation mode. How many lbs. a week did you tell it you wanted to lose? Your TurboFire kit came with a book that has an equation it will tell you based on how you answer the questions what your calories for the day should be. I'm also struggling with how many calories to eat, TF says I should be around 1560, but I can't seem to get that many calories in per day...
  • MFP has set my caloric intake to 1230 based on my weight loss goals and the fact that I entered 'sedentary' for my activity level because I 'sit at a desk all day'. Do you think that's too low for Turbo Fire? Should I change my activity level from 'sedentary' to something else since I'm working out 6 days a week?

    :flowerforyou: Straight from a Beach Boy Coach:

    All of the products you see in the grocery stores base their values on a 2000 cal/day diet. But is 2000 calories what everyone should be eating? Each of Beachbody’s workout programs come with a book about nutrition and how to calculate your caloric intake to achieve optimal results. Here is one formula( from Insanity) you can use to see how many calories you should be eating:

    Step One: The Harris Benedict Equation (This formula determines your basal energy requirements or the amt of calories you need everyday without exercise):

    655 + (4.35 x your weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)

    66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)

    Step Two: Factor in your activity level:

    Exercise Factor:
    1.2 = Sedentary- little or no exercise
    1.375= Lightly Active- Light exercise 1-2 days per week
    1.55 Moderately Active- Moderate exercise 3-5 days per week ** use this for Insanity or P90X or Turbo Fire workouts**
    1.7 Very Active- Hard exercise 6-7 days per week
    1.9 Extremely Active- hard daily exercise and job

    Step Three:
    Take the # from step 1 ( this is your caloric intake without exercise) and multiply by the # in step 2 (exercise factor) and this will give you the amount of calories you should be consuming daily with your workout to maintain your weight. This is what your body needs to keep energy up.

    ** If you have weight to lose:
    Subtract 500 calories each day from your daily caloric intake

    **If you want to gain weight”
    Add 250 300 Calories daily

    Example: this is my equation:
    655 + (4.35 x 163.5lbs) + (4.7 x 65 inches) – (4.7 x 31yrs) = 1526.03 calories just to keep my body working properly
    1526.03 x 1.55 (exercise factor) = 2365.35 calories day with exercise

    Since I want to LOSE weight I would subtract 500 and consume around 1865 calories per day, which almost MATCHES (19 cals off) Scooby's Calulator (for those who think in BMR/TDEE terms).

    After seeing these numbers, I set my MFP to ACTIVE and 1# LOSS weekly which gave me 1610, but I can eat my calores back!
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hope this helps!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    MFP has set my caloric intake to 1230 based on my weight loss goals and the fact that I entered 'sedentary' for my activity level because I 'sit at a desk all day'. Do you think that's too low for Turbo Fire? Should I change my activity level from 'sedentary' to something else since I'm working out 6 days a week?

    :flowerforyou: Straight from a Beach Boy Coach:

    All of the products you see in the grocery stores base their values on a 2000 cal/day diet. But is 2000 calories what everyone should be eating? Each of Beachbody’s workout programs come with a book about nutrition and how to calculate your caloric intake to achieve optimal results. Here is one formula( from Insanity) you can use to see how many calories you should be eating:

    Step One: The Harris Benedict Equation (This formula determines your basal energy requirements or the amt of calories you need everyday without exercise):

    655 + (4.35 x your weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)

    66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)

    Step Two: Factor in your activity level:

    Exercise Factor:
    1.2 = Sedentary- little or no exercise
    1.375= Lightly Active- Light exercise 1-2 days per week
    1.55 Moderately Active- Moderate exercise 3-5 days per week ** use this for Insanity or P90X or Turbo Fire workouts**
    1.7 Very Active- Hard exercise 6-7 days per week
    1.9 Extremely Active- hard daily exercise and job

    Step Three:
    Take the # from step 1 ( this is your caloric intake without exercise) and multiply by the # in step 2 (exercise factor) and this will give you the amount of calories you should be consuming daily with your workout to maintain your weight. This is what your body needs to keep energy up.

    ** If you have weight to lose:
    Subtract 500 calories each day from your daily caloric intake

    **If you want to gain weight”
    Add 250 300 Calories daily

    Example: this is my equation:
    655 + (4.35 x 163.5lbs) + (4.7 x 65 inches) – (4.7 x 31yrs) = 1526.03 calories just to keep my body working properly
    1526.03 x 1.55 (exercise factor) = 2365.35 calories day with exercise

    Since I want to LOSE weight I would subtract 500 and consume around 1865 calories per day, which almost MATCHES (19 cals off) Scooby's Calulator (for those who think in BMR/TDEE terms).

    After seeing these numbers, I set my MFP to ACTIVE and 1# LOSS weekly which gave me 1610, but I can eat my calores back!
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hope this helps!
    Interesting. according to that my target daily intake is 2427. Most of the time I don't hit that even eating back my workout calories (except the days I run and do Turbo, then I'm around 2600). My average is around 2100. The thought of increasing by 300 cals a day is scary!
  • thenapony
    thenapony Posts: 12
    MFP has set my caloric intake to 1230 based on my weight loss goals and the fact that I entered 'sedentary' for my activity level because I 'sit at a desk all day'. Do you think that's too low for Turbo Fire? Should I change my activity level from 'sedentary' to something else since I'm working out 6 days a week?

    :flowerforyou: Straight from a Beach Boy Coach:

    All of the products you see in the grocery stores base their values on a 2000 cal/day diet. But is 2000 calories what everyone should be eating? Each of Beachbody’s workout programs come with a book about nutrition and how to calculate your caloric intake to achieve optimal results. Here is one formula( from Insanity) you can use to see how many calories you should be eating:

    Step One: The Harris Benedict Equation (This formula determines your basal energy requirements or the amt of calories you need everyday without exercise):

    655 + (4.35 x your weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)

    66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)

    Step Two: Factor in your activity level:

    Exercise Factor:
    1.2 = Sedentary- little or no exercise
    1.375= Lightly Active- Light exercise 1-2 days per week
    1.55 Moderately Active- Moderate exercise 3-5 days per week ** use this for Insanity or P90X or Turbo Fire workouts**
    1.7 Very Active- Hard exercise 6-7 days per week
    1.9 Extremely Active- hard daily exercise and job

    Step Three:
    Take the # from step 1 ( this is your caloric intake without exercise) and multiply by the # in step 2 (exercise factor) and this will give you the amount of calories you should be consuming daily with your workout to maintain your weight. This is what your body needs to keep energy up.

    ** If you have weight to lose:
    Subtract 500 calories each day from your daily caloric intake

    **If you want to gain weight”
    Add 250 300 Calories daily

    Example: this is my equation:
    655 + (4.35 x 163.5lbs) + (4.7 x 65 inches) – (4.7 x 31yrs) = 1526.03 calories just to keep my body working properly
    1526.03 x 1.55 (exercise factor) = 2365.35 calories day with exercise

    Since I want to LOSE weight I would subtract 500 and consume around 1865 calories per day, which almost MATCHES (19 cals off) Scooby's Calulator (for those who think in BMR/TDEE terms).

    After seeing these numbers, I set my MFP to ACTIVE and 1# LOSS weekly which gave me 1610, but I can eat my calores back!
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks so much for this! According to these calculations I should be consuming about 1756 calories per day - which seems much more doable while on TF. The 1230 just isn't giving me the energy I need to get through the workouts without passing out. :laugh:
  • tara9blur
    tara9blur Posts: 41 Member
    MFP gives me 1200 calories, but between the different calculations (TurboFire booklet, Scooby's, etc), I should be eating between 2,100 and 2,300 calories per day. The thing that confuses me is that if I adjust my calorie goal on MFP based on these equations, then I should NOT eat my calories back, right? Because the calculations take into account my daily exercise, and if I log and eat back exercise calories, I'd be double-dipping, right?

    But I enjoy logging my workouts (for motivation), so maybe a better way to do it is tweak my "goals" with MFP to see if I can get MFP to give me something like 2,200 calories. Then I can log and eat back, right?

    (I honestly don't know why this all confuses me so much!!!)
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    MFP gives me 1200 calories, but between the different calculations (TurboFire booklet, Scooby's, etc), I should be eating between 2,100 and 2,300 calories per day. The thing that confuses me is that if I adjust my calorie goal on MFP based on these equations, then I should NOT eat my calories back, right? Because the calculations take into account my daily exercise, and if I log and eat back exercise calories, I'd be double-dipping, right?

    But I enjoy logging my workouts (for motivation), so maybe a better way to do it is tweak my "goals" with MFP to see if I can get MFP to give me something like 2,200 calories. Then I can log and eat back, right?

    (I honestly don't know why this all confuses me so much!!!)

    Correct - you wouldn't eat your exercise calories back. You can still track your exercise by clicking on 'My Exercises' and then creating your own exercise and putting 1 in the calories burned section (don't think it logs 0 calls burned). Then it appears on your feed but no cals are added. If you're wearing a HRM and know the actual cals burned, you can note it in the notes section on the exercise log page for your own reference.

    I have set my daily calorie goal to that calculated at Scooby's with my regular weekly activity level and if I do anything extra (like I went swimming with my daughter and horseback riding with a friend this week) I add that in the usual way to cover extra activity and eat more foods. Nom.
  • tara9blur
    tara9blur Posts: 41 Member
    Correct - you wouldn't eat your exercise calories back. You can still track your exercise by clicking on 'My Exercises' and then creating your own exercise and putting 1 in the calories burned section (don't think it logs 0 calls burned). Then it appears on your feed but no cals are added. If you're wearing a HRM and know the actual cals burned, you can note it in the notes section on the exercise log page for your own reference.

    I have set my daily calorie goal to that calculated at Scooby's with my regular weekly activity level and if I do anything extra (like I went swimming with my daughter and horseback riding with a friend this week) I add that in the usual way to cover extra activity and eat more foods. Nom.

    That is really useful - thanks! Now I just need to get brave enough to eat like 1,000 more calories per day.... :P
  • When I figured my caloric intake with the Beach Body Calculator and then with Scooby's Calculator they were 54 calories apart:

    655+(163.5 * 4.35)+(65*4.7)-(31*4.7)= 1526.03
    2365.35-500=1865.35 daily calories


  • MFP gives me 1200 calories, but between the different calculations (TurboFire booklet, Scooby's, etc), I should be eating between 2,100 and 2,300 calories per day. The thing that confuses me is that if I adjust my calorie goal on MFP based on these equations, then I should NOT eat my calories back, right? Because the calculations take into account my daily exercise, and if I log and eat back exercise calories, I'd be double-dipping, right?

    But I enjoy logging my workouts (for motivation), so maybe a better way to do it is tweak my "goals" with MFP to see if I can get MFP to give me something like 2,200 calories. Then I can log and eat back, right?

    (I honestly don't know why this all confuses me so much!!!)

    Tara -

    Maybe you could do an average of how much you burn in a day and set your custom MFP goals to your calorie goal - average daily burn. So that way when you burn your calories, you can eat them back? :wink:
  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks for posting this! This puts me at 1909. I set my MFP to 1700 and eat some calories back. Girls got to eat!
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    I used the nutrition book that came in my package and I calculated it out to 1745 calories/day. But I also calculated my TDEE - 20% and it came out to 1708 calories/day. I ha e my MFP set to 1708 and try to keep it right around there. Listen to your body though, if you're feeling hungrier then eat more food just make sure you're making good choices. :)
  • tara9blur
    tara9blur Posts: 41 Member

    Tara -

    Maybe you could do an average of how much you burn in a day and set your custom MFP goals to your calorie goal - average daily burn. So that way when you burn your calories, you can eat them back? :wink:

    That's a great idea, Holly! I definitely want to continue logging exercise, but it is really nice to just glance at MFP and know how many cals I have left without doing a bunch of math! :)