Looking for a few more friends

SwampWitch75 Posts: 98 Member
Would love to add a few more like minded mamas. I'm breastfeeding my 4 month old and we cosleep. I have a 7 1/2 year old as well.

I'm working on losing roughly 60# and so far have primarily used Jillian Michaels and Turbo Jam for my workouts.

Anyway, I'm just looking for a few more like minded members to add to support and vice versa. :)


  • yychen01
    yychen01 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I cosleep with my 18 month old (breastfed for 14 months), now expecting another baby due in less than 2 months. Can't wait to start exercising again. Feel free to add me :)

    I used 30Day Shred before and will start on that again in a few months...will probably run as well, and work my way up to insanity :). Let's support each other!
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    you can add me if you want, I BF my 19 month old and we are cosleeping as well.

    I eat very clean, if you eat a lot of junk, I am not the best match...
  • alma3884
    alma3884 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm brand new to MFP, a new mom to a 3mo beautiful boy who co-sleeps, and have about 60-70 lbs to lose too! I'd love to start adding some friends to have some support....my hubby just got me a fitbit which I'm learning how to use, I had lost 30 lbs with Weight Watchers prior to getting pregnant so I'm wondering if I should start incorporating some of the WW principles again. I'm exclusively BFing and plan on doing so for a minimum of 1 year, possibly 2 years. I need major motivation just to start anything, I feel so overwhelmed now that I'm the largest I've ever been in my life but always so hungry and so tired. I'm a little nervous to start exercising too strenuously post C-section, but I used to jog and do TurboJam and Zumba pre-pregnancy. What's been working for you guys? How do you even get motivated to calorie count and exercise on a daily basis?
  • Feel free to add me I ebf and cosleep with my six month old and I did the same with my 26 month old. I have about 70 lbs to lose and have started the couch to 5k program. I even signed up for a 5k in the beginning of September to encourage myself to stick with it.
  • Trishell27
    Trishell27 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello ladies and moms,
    My name is Trishell and I have 5 children ages form 11 to 9 months I also co-sleep. I am eating clean and more fruits and veggies and trying to walk 3 miles a day with a carrier. So far I have only lost 8 lbs and hoping to loose around 45lbs. I would love some motivation,good ideas,and helpful ways to find time to work out. Being this is my first to co-sleep with more so than the other 4, I find a nap time very hard to do as he want to be with us. I would love so friends who are in the same walk as life and can be encouraging so go ahead and add me.
  • hi! i cosleep with my four month old and i just started MFP and would love to have some brerastfeeding mamas as friends that share the struggle to lose weight and still have a good milk supply to feed my little one.
  • Hi! I have 4 blessings and I'm currently bf my 12m son and bed sharing. I allow my kiddos to self wean and we also do BLW.

    Feel free to add me!
  • dodgegirl1979
    dodgegirl1979 Posts: 73 Member
    hi there don't know if this group is still active but I have five blessings and I bs and also bf my six month old son feel free to add me as well . .looking forward to hearing more about everyones journey's .