Important stuff will go here one day.
introduce yourself
He:laugh: Hello all:) My name is Molly and I just turned 30 in October. I'm a mommy of one my daughters name is Valerie and she will be 2 in April. I Want to lose about 20 pds total. I'm currently a sahm I also have two teen stepdaughters. Not sure what else to say.
Looking for a few more friends
Would love to add a few more like minded mamas. I'm breastfeeding my 4 month old and we cosleep. I have a 7 1/2 year old as well. I'm working on losing roughly 60# and so far have primarily used Jillian Michaels and Turbo Jam for my workouts. Anyway, I'm just looking for a few more like minded members to add to support and…
Anyone in the DC metro area?
I'm a babywearing/cloth diapering, co sleeping, extended breastfeeding mama! I'm changing my lifestyle to eating cleaner and working out more to get back to my original weight PLUS just to be healthier in general. Healthy eating habits for the entire family! I love to cook, sahm so thats pretty much what i do in my spare…
Baby Workout DVD
Since we all have little ones, I had to share the DVD I finally found. I LOVE it! It is very simply made but totally great. My little gut nurses on demand so I never know when I will have free time. He loves doing the workouts and if I don't have time between the other two needing me, I can just…
Anyone not lose while breastfeeding no matter what you did?
Help! With my first daughter I gained 70lbs. And by the end of the first month I lost 40, 50 by 2 months, and then 60 by 4 months. I never had to diet though I did exercise a few times a week starting around 3 months, but that's it! So I'm completely baffled now because I just had my second daughter 2 months ago. I gained…
How did you figure your cals to lose?
Ever since I started messing with my caloriesmy weight loss stoppled ( and even went bsck up a bit) how did u guys figure your caks? I do ripled in 30 or 30 ds 5 times a week... Can someone help me figure out,my cals? (before breastfeeding)
PSA: Parsley decreases your supply
So as part of my reenergized effort to lose weight and be healthy I started havign salads for lunch again and I am always hearing how good parsley is for you so I put a handful of fresh parsley on my salads for this week. After I did, I read that parsley is an herb that can decrease your supply. Just thought I'd pass this…
Add me!
Hi All! I'm bf'ing my 9 month old and working on getting back into my pre-baby body! Currently doing the 2nd month of the Insanity workout program and have lost 18 lbs since Jan 1st of this year. Hoping you will add me for support and encouragement. I'm on every day! Thanks! Nicole
Energy Replacement Drinks
Hi all! Does anyone know which energy/electrolyte replacement drinks are safe to use while breastfeeding? I don't want anything too artificial or full of junk like Gatorade. Tried coconut milk for my workout the other day and that worked nice, but at $2 a opp that could add up quick.
Extra calories burned breast feeding?
I have been trying to follow a good calorie counting diet in order to get back into shape (Turbo Fire diet plan). My question is have any of you had trouble figuring out how many calories to consume while breastfeeding. I tried to eat the 1500 calorie plan that was given in the book but I was STARVING....I must be burning…