How did you figure your cals to lose?

2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
Ever since I started messing with my caloriesmy weight loss stoppled ( and even went bsck up a bit) how did u guys figure your caks? I do ripled in 30 or 30 ds 5 times a week... Can someone help me figure out,my cals? (before breastfeeding)


  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I'm not really sure what you are asking. But if I could take a guess, you want to know how many calories you burn during workouts? I input my 30 Day Shred as 20 minutes "Cuircuit Training, General". If I stretch before and after then I add an extra 5 minutes to my timing. I imagine Ripped in 30 is similar to 30DS so maybe log it the same?

    What I'd like to mention tho is that since I started the 30DS I have not lost any weight at all. I went from losing on average 3 lbs a week to nothing, and I was SO MAD. Turns out, I have been converting fat to muscle, and muscle weighs more. I am losing inches tho, so I know I'm still doing a good job. It's not about what I'm eating, and more about how much I've been working! A friend has convinced me to measure inches while doing the shred instead.

    Search the forums for 30DS and no weight loss. Most people stop losing weight during the programs. But pick back up towards the end of it. Something about muscles retaining water during heavy workouts too.

    Hope that helps!

  • Sytera
    Sytera Posts: 75
    If you are wanting to figure out food calories, here is how I figure my calories eaten before breastfeeding. I have my "Goal" of 1250. Then I enter Breastfeeding in as 1 minute of exercise that burns 500 calories (500 because I am EBF a big 6 month old boy). So then I have 1,750 calories I can eat. I try to workout between 250-500 calories worth each day. Putting my total at 2,250, but I stop at 2,000.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    wow im retarded.. new phone an i obviously suck at it! lol i want to know how many cals for the day.. i have been told anything from 1200 (by mfp) to 2240 for weightloss. how do i know what on earth to do? i have a HRM so i know how much i burn when i do that its just my daily seems off. i wish i wouldnt have started messing with it. lol i was losing until i started "counting calories" and now no matter what they are at i feel stuck!
  • Sytera
    Sytera Posts: 75
    How often do you nurse? I think you should set your goal at 1700 (the 1200 plus 500 to produce milk for your little one). Then workout to eat more. That is what I'm doing and I've been on a steady losing streak for the last 17 days (when I started MFP).
  • keanacallon
    keanacallon Posts: 4 Member
    I stopped losing when I went under 1700 calories in food. Since I started actually tracking my breastfeeding calories burned (about 300) and started netting at least 1700 calories a day I have been losing quite steadily.
    I too, do the 30 ds. i did it fully for the first 30 days and now I just do it off and on. I have been lagging on the exercise lately but haven't noticed any weight gain, actually it's the opposite.
    Like I said on another forum, I wouldn't go under 1700 as I have read that anything less is not helpful in milk production or for your body. I wish I could cite the source, but for the life of me I cannot remember. My thought is that i would rather breastfeed my baby then lose weight, so I try not to do anything that would mess with my milk production in terms of calorie intake.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I wouldn't go under 1700 as I have read that anything less is not helpful in milk production or for your body. I wish I could cite the source, but for the life of me I cannot remember. My thought is that i would rather breastfeed my baby then lose weight, so I try not to do anything that would mess with my milk production in terms of calorie intake.

    I just very recently upped my calories by an extra 200 calories because I felt my milk was reducing by setting my goals to 1 1/2 lbs per week instead of 2. Since my baby "eats other foods" I only log 300 calories. Now I get 1400 calories plus the 300 from BF so I'm at a total of 1700 per day plus exercise. It's worked out well because I've gotten past my plateau, lost 2 more lbs, and I'm making more milk again.

    If it helps, use some calculators to find out what your BMR is (Base Metabolic Rate) and the add your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and then reduce that amount by about 20%. I'm 5'7" and 195 lbs. My BMR, if I didn't move a muscle for 24 hours, is 1600 calories. However, I'm a lightly active person, being a mom of two and all that, so add another 600 calories. That's 2200 calories on average just being a mom and breathing. Minus 20%, I should be eating 1760 per day for healthy and sustainable weight loss. I should be better, but I eat about 1600 a day.

    If you want to do all this math and set your own goals, you can calculate your BMR under the tools tab. Then you can visit this site if you want to calculate your TDEE total:

    You can also manipulate everything MFP sets up for you thru the tabs above. It's just a computer program. Do what's best for you. :)

    How many calories you should eat really is up to you in the end. But there are a lot of debates on these forums. Some people swear by eating exactly what MFP tells them. Other people say that MFP is flawed because it really is just a computer program doing math, and not a doctor/nutritionist. I saw a program recently that stated that only super obese people should worry about losing 2 lbs a week, and 1200 is the lowest a human should eat in order to get the basic vitamins needed to not get sick. Also, apparently you're not supposed to eat less than your BMR period. Then there's the whole talk of starvation mode thing. GAWD it get's so confusing!

    What I do feel comfortable say is: don't starve yourself. I learned thru other people's stories that you can lose 2 lbs and gain 1 lb by not eating enough, or lose weight steadily while eating a good amount of good foods. I also would rather breast feed than lose weight. :)
  • Filaree
    If you are wanting to figure out food calories, here is how I figure my calories eaten before breastfeeding. I have my "Goal" of 1250. Then I enter Breastfeeding in as 1 minute of exercise that burns 500 calories (500 because I am EBF a big 6 month old boy). So then I have 1,750 calories I can eat. I try to workout between 250-500 calories worth each day. Putting my total at 2,250, but I stop at 2,000.

    Woo Hoo! Thanks for posting this. I was trying to do the math myself, while not difficult in the least, it feels a lot better to look at my food diary and not see -900 in bright red... Of course I was still -400; but that more than halved it.

    I found in another section from this same group you can also input it under the food diary. Just search Breastfeeding and there are several that come up depending on the age of your little one (how often they feed). Then it automatically deducts 300 - 500 calories from your daily calorie intake. Very helpful either way; though I do like the idea of it being under exercise instead of under food since your body is working to burn thouse calories.
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    LLC suggests moms who ebf ( that means your child does no solids) consume at minimum 1800 calories to keep up with their baby's demands.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I don't like to fall too far below 1800 since I EBF, I set my goals at 1300, add breastfeeding at 500 cals, for 1800 total calories. I usually get 1650-1800.

    I follow the Primal Blueprint diet and eat WAY more than enough to satisfy me. And I'm losing.