New to OA and MFP

Rocksham Posts: 13 Member
Hi, I'm Steve and a COE. I have attended two f2f meetings and jouned the Newcomers To Recovery group. I don't have a sponsor yet but have requested the available sponsor list from the N2R group. I did my first online meeting this morning and feel better.I like using MFP to keep track and still do it on paper too.

I have read a lot of your posts and they really seem like me talking! Been there,done that, how I feel and everything. Thank you for being here.

I am working the steps on my own. The area that I need the most help in is consistency :-) I need to make it more than 1 week. And I need someplace just to share my feelings espcecially when tempted!


  • LaterBetty
    LaterBetty Posts: 4 Member
    Keep coming back! And if you have f2f meetings near you please go! Nothing compares...keep coming back!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Hi Steve, and welcome!
    Are you using the OA workbook? When I worked the steps a few years ago on my own, I found the workbook to be very helpful. I'm working the steps again, but using the 12&12. You should consider reaching out to other OAers for help when you are feeling off, such as exchanging a phone number, or checking in regularly via email.
  • Rocksham
    Rocksham Posts: 13 Member
    Thanx! I am using the workbook. I am on chapter 3. Also, I have listened in on 2 online newcomers meetings. I got the list of available sponsors and will looking. Thanx again and I will be checking back often. It helps!
  • sheldonbe
    sheldonbe Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Steve and welcome to the group :)
  • Rocksham
    Rocksham Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! Things have been going pretty good. I have been keeping up with my calories and exercise here. There was an OA meeting in town this afternoon that I went to. And I think a friend from church may work out for a sponsor for me. We are going to talk more about that. Have a great day!