January 2014 Babies



  • Rag_Doll
    Rag_Doll Posts: 49 Member
    Hello, I am also due on the 6th January. This will be my 4th and I'm 31, are you really termed a geriatric?? Too funny.

    I've been told I can still workout but must be able to maintain a conversation... and not gasping for air. I'm eating at maintenance now but not utterly healthy the last two days since I found out!
    Congratulations to all and my condolences to Danae.
  • melinga06
    melinga06 Posts: 9
    Hello, I just found out today that I am 6 weeks and due on Jan 9. I am 31 and this is my second pregnancy after a miscarriage last January. I am cautiously optimistic though and am excited for this pregnangcy!
  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    Hello all! I just found out that I'm pregnant and due around January 15th. It was quite a surprise because this wasn't ever supposed to happen- goobered plumbing and all, and yet here I am. I'm kind of freaking out a bit and terrified of a miscarriage
  • AndOne8675
    AndOne8675 Posts: 151 Member
    After 3 weeks of dieting and exercise and no weight loss I found out I was pregnant..due Jan 15, this will be my second. I am overweight so the doctor is telling me not to gain any more than 20 lbs... my last pregnancy I gained 11 but i did not feel that good in the 1st TM. This time around I feel hungrier and not so queasy..ugh! Going to keep up walking and Pilates videos but drop the jumping parts of the shred videos :)
  • Rag_Doll
    Rag_Doll Posts: 49 Member
    drop the jumping parts of the shred videos :)

    Are you going to march on the spot for cardio? I wanted to continue with the shred as I have done so well - hubby is being very overprotective (he thinks me taking toddler for a 30 minute walk is too much. Seriously.) but I said the same as you I just will stop the jacks and skip rope... but want to still feel warm so I thought dance about a bit?

    I've been so so hungry!! I'm going through lots of eggs, I'm going to smell so bad soon!!! :)
  • melinga06
    melinga06 Posts: 9
    Odiliawine - After having one myself several months ago the #1 thing I have learned is that you can't control it. Try and relax if you can. :smile:
  • wonderflair
    wonderflair Posts: 19 Member
    I just found out that I am expecting baby #9 in late January. Our family is very excited and hoping that everything goes smoothly. My youngest will be 4 when the new one arrives, which is our biggest gap. The others are all around 2 years apart. I'm an older mom at 41 years old. I plan to continue with all of my workouts, and just modify as needed. I do BodyPump and Yoga at the gym, treadmill walking and Biggest Loser at home. I am overweight, but I am going to focus more on even healthier eating and staying active. I don't worry too much about the heartrate, but will avoid getting very winded. (The jumpsquats do that to me, for sure!) I'll have to modify some of the BodyPump exercises as the belly gets bigger.

    Congrats all around! I'm so glad this board is here for us to support each other!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hey ladies! I am new to this group. Hubby and I just found out yesterday we are expecting baby #1 in January 2014! We are so excited and we feel so blessed. We struggled to conceive for 21 months...and we're finally pregnant! I am already feeling some changes...can't wait to meet our Little Roo!
  • MGSR
    MGSR Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome all those who've just joined :) I am now 6 weeks along (so still very early!) and have just had a scan as I had some pain. Everything looks good but it was too early to see a heartbeat so I'm having another scan next week. Hope everyone is doing ok :)
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Hi ladies! My Dr told me that I need to back off my workouts a bit. Just wondering if you've gotten similar advice. I'm supposed to keep my heart rate under 140 and not do a lot of high impact workouts. I'm thinking intense boxing/kickboxing classes are out. I'm really really bummed about it because i love it. It keeps my stress levels down! I hope you are both feeling well. :)

    Are you first timers? This is my 2nd and I'm 30. I hope to have a "healthier" pregnancy this time. I gained more than 40lbs with my son.

    This is my second time around (I just found out I'm due Jan. 23rd)...my doctor told me in my last pregnancy that the "do no let your heart rate exceed 140bpm" is old and out of date. He told me not to follow that rule, but to let my body be my guide. I'm heavy into crossfit and I lift a LOT of weight and do a lot of high-impact workouts. My doctor told me that since I've been doing it before my pregnancies, that there is no reason I can't continue with my current level of effort, but to listen to my body. I gained 40 lbs with my first pregnancy but I lost it all within one month. I worked out the entire pregnancy and didn't run into any real pain until my 8th month (sciatic nerve pain), where I had to slow down considerably. I hope this helps! I hope not to gain 40 lbs again, by eating better!
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Have you guys had to change your breakfasts yet? Just wondering as it has become blindingly obvious to me today that my usual breakfast is not going to suffice anymore. I usually eat at 7 and now it is 9 and I am ravenous. My usual breakfast is either yoghurt and toast, or Cheerios, and I think I'm going to have to add something like an egg. What are you guys doing these days?

    Protein!!! :) Eggs and bacon with guacamole for me!
  • Rag_Doll
    Rag_Doll Posts: 49 Member
    Hello to all the new posters and congratulations!!! Thanks for the tips jalyner. I'm finding eggs in the morning don't work with my morning sickness.
  • cindymcd
    cindymcd Posts: 25 Member
    Have my first doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I always dread the first one because I'm scared he's going to tell me I'm not actually pregnant, just making it up in my head. Crazy, I know!
  • MGSR
    MGSR Posts: 35 Member
    Apparently banana's are good for morning sickness, I've been having one each morning and didn't get any sickness until today, after I forgot to buy more and ran out! Could just be a conincidence, but I'm going to buy some more and hope they help!
  • Rag_Doll
    Rag_Doll Posts: 49 Member
    Apparently banana's are good for morning sickness, I've been having one each morning and didn't get any sickness until today, after I forgot to buy more and ran out! Could just be a conincidence, but I'm going to buy some more and hope they help!
    Cool tip :-) what day is the next scan?
  • tlm999
    tlm999 Posts: 1
    Wow, so amazing to find this group! I'm another geriatric (just turned 41) due in January. This is my 2nd pregnancy and I'm starting it only 2kg short of my full term weight last time!! I gained 20kg then - literally eating for two. Have promised myself I will do better this time. Keen to hear what works for others.
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    Hey ladies! I am new to this group. Hubby and I just found out yesterday we are expecting baby #1 in January 2014! We are so excited and we feel so blessed. We struggled to conceive for 21 months...and we're finally pregnant! I am already feeling some changes...can't wait to meet our Little Roo!

    CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for you I know the feeling, I too am pregnant with my first, after being married for 13 years and trying on and off the whole time, just when I had threw in the towel BAM! I was preggo, I so nervous and so excited at the same time, I am due 12/9/13........
  • mcwdvm
    mcwdvm Posts: 54 Member
    46 and (SURPRISE!) pregnant with my 3rd. Still sitting down because I am still in shock! Trying to figure out how to break it to my 18 and 15 year olds! Man can life throw you some curves! Good luck to everyone and wishing you all smooth pregnancies :smile:
  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    Have my first doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I always dread the first one because I'm scared he's going to tell me I'm not actually pregnant, just making it up in my head. Crazy, I know!

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has this fear! I keep telling myself that I've been watching too much Grey's Anatomy and it is actually a baby instead of a crazy tumor...
  • Nonnyette
    Nonnyette Posts: 28 Member
    Has anyone even felt like exercising lately? Just at 8 weeks today and I have not been able to bring myself to go to the gym for the past three weeks. I'm hoping to force myself back onto the wagon this week but it is going to be so tough...I just feel awful.