Pre Challenge Motivators

JurneyEve Posts: 84 Member
We have 11 days before our challenge officially begins. So until then, let's encourage each other by sharing our successes and failures here. I'm going to take advantage of these 11 days. So I guess I'll do a 41 day challenge. Hee hee! I see this group already has 15 members. If you all want to start now I say let's do it.

I'm filled with so much energy today! I'm a lazy girl by nature so exercise for me is never easy, which is ridiculous since I own a treadmill, a stationary bike and an elliptical. I'm starting off slow by doing a mile on my elliptical 3 times a day. I hear all these women say they've done an hour on the elliptical and it blows my mind. An hour?!? Have you ever gotten on an elliptical? I'm exhausted after 5 minutes. I can't imagine being on that thing for an hour. To those of you who can use the elliptical for an hour...YOU ROCK!!! Maybe at the end of this challenge I'll be able to do 30 minutes on my elliptical.

How long can you go?

♥ Diana


  • Jenna_Bearden
    Jenna_Bearden Posts: 7 Member
    I guess I will suck it ip or in and start the challenge asap with you.
    I am a Stay at Home Mom of a 6 week old and 5 yr old. My weakness is candy and fast food. However, I did Zumba up until 37 weeks pregnant and loved every minute of it. Being a SAHM I throw myself on the couch and dare myself to move. We tend to eat out a lot due to my daughter's food allergies (peanuts/tree nuts), but with this Challenge I am also going to challenge myself with cooking more at home.
    My exercise routines will be 45min/5 days! My calorie intake will be around 1400. Bring on the challenge and good luck to everyone.
  • LaurieLynn
    LaurieLynn Posts: 58 Member
    Me too, this is just what I needed after our long weekend in Alberta. The eating was terrible and the exercise was non existent. I also own an elliptical and I can do 15 to 20 minutes. I once did 30 minutes, but I did sit ups half way through and that seemed to help. I need accountability and lots of motivation. Thanks for starting this group. Good luck everyone!

  • traceealves
    traceealves Posts: 2 Member
    I am ready....lost 8 lbs in the last three months and hit a plateau. I have the diet down, cut down on sweets and processed foods but I have an overeating problem....need to cut my portions and I need to start exercising bottom line. This forum will help me I think. Starting today I started my exercise routine and no sugar! Good luck to everyone!
  • tokig0313
    tokig0313 Posts: 99 Member
    I have a few more pounds go to before I can use the elliptical at the gym. I've been currently using the stationary bike for 15 minutes and then doing 30 minutes on the treadmill at least two times a week and generally 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of the circuit the other three days (weekends I tend to workout at home).

    I think the trick is to start off slow and then start adding a few extra minutes a week until you're at your goal time on the machine.
  • barbsdag
    barbsdag Posts: 16 Member
    I am truly excited about this challenge.

    Next month I will be 64 (boy time flies when having fun). After my husbands death in 1982, I became quite thin, too thin. When I realized men found me attractive, I began eating because everyone knows 'men don't like fat women' or, so I thought. Over the years my weight went up and down until I finally hit over 300 lbs. Two months ago I got my weight down to 207 and, I am now climbing back up and, I have gained 19 lbs.

    I am willing to walk and do some treadmill walking as well and, other exercises. I am quite limited as I need to have knee replacement surgery done and, I am hoping my goal of losing 40 lbs. will postpone the inevitable.

    Wishing you all, us all, amazing success in this challenge.
  • mclaffin
    mclaffin Posts: 7 Member
    I'm at stay at home mom of a 3month old girl and a 2 year old golden retriever. I've always had issues with my weight, always been 40lbs over my ideal weight, but now after baby I have about 70lbs to lose. I really need to get this back on track so I can set a good example to my girl. I love candy and I love to's gonna be so hard, but I'm ready!!
  • I am a newbe of sorts. I also dislike working out, but I love the water. So, I've started water aerobics and swimming again. When i am not at a pool, I will be doing some of the many exercise DVD's. I guess it's time to dust them off for use. Tomorrow I shall weigh and measure myself for the challenge starting point. This will be an exciting challenge.
  • dllewis7
    dllewis7 Posts: 33 Member
    I've started today too...add me to the "41 day challenge". :laugh:

    My knees are risky too and in April 2012 the doctor told me that stairs were no longer my friend. However, he told me that any non=jarring exercise machine was fine. He told me stationary bike - recumbant best - and ellipitical if my knees could take it. So far so good. I rotate between the two machines. I do have to walk 15k steps a day to feel physically decent so often in the evening I need to ice my knees. I went to walgreens and purchased two knee packs that hold ice. Ice has been a knee saver for me. Hope it helps you too!!!

    It is GREAT to see so many enthusiastic folks jumping right in for their best health. Cheers for us :drinker:

  • Mary9921
    Mary9921 Posts: 100 Member
    Count me in starting now....I just started the rockin body excercise dvd's and it's getting hard. I am on week 2, day 2 and I missed 2 workouts last week....Wed & Saturday.

    I haven't worked out this year at all except for last week....
    I post here everyday and my diary is open for all to see(I don't eat very well)...

    I definitely need the motivation and accountability....

    Thanks for starting this challenge...I'm ready to begin...
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    I've been on MFP for awhile. Been in a number of challenges and even ran one. I've hit a wall with the weight loss. I can't get below a certain number I get there then start to climb again. I still have a few lbs to lose so need to break through this wall. I do some for of workout everyday. Somedays I hit it hard some days not so much.
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I will start now also, I run a home daycare so my biggest problem is the food is always close by, anyone can add me as a friend we all need support
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I will start now as I am trying to lose 5 lbs by July. BIKINI season. I am happy to accept one friend request with DAILY encouragement and committed all the way. I will push you to the max!
  • ethansmama108
    ethansmama108 Posts: 7 Member
    I am in also, recently have gained a few pounds back and need to put a stop to that now. Plus my employer will pay me $5 for every pound lost. Weigh out is November 1st so anything I can do to get a head start we will help!! Good Luck to every one.
  • Im just starting my weight loss journey well for about the 100th time but Im determined to make it work this time! I have 70 lbs to lose and plan to start eating better and making excercise part of my routine. I am really looking forward to the support and tips this group will provide me with!