WEEK 4 (MAY 22-MAY 31)

ashleyeliz25 Posts: 141 Member
Hi all!

Can you believe it is already the last week of May?? This month really flew by!

Many have shown interest in doing a June Challenge. Please let me know if you are interested!

Start adding up your totals for the month of May (May 1-May 31)!! Towards the end of May, I will post a discussion where you can post your results and see how you did!!

Some questions for Week 4: What are your goals for this week? Do you plan on trying anything new? Do you have any advice to share?

Everyone is doing a fantastic job!!!


  • Delll2013
    Delll2013 Posts: 73
    Hi Ashley,

    In for June!!!

    And we technically have 1 week and 2 days left :P That will count when adding up and comparing goals to actuals.

    For week 4 I have planned 3 long runs as I've noticed that did the trick this week. I'll also go to a sprints & stairs workout in preparation for a 12 hours trek I'm going on in June. I've also challenged myself to try a new class every week so I might go for an RPM one over the weekend.

    My advice: train on stairs. I personally hate them but still do it just because they stregthen your muscles and that helps a lot in running long distances. And listen to your body: it needs rest every now and then.

    Keep rocking, ladies!
  • erinprattavila
    erinprattavila Posts: 24 Member
    Looking forward to a great week! Need to keep my food under control so the scale will continue to move down. It's a busy week but want to get my burns in every day, that is my goal, NO DAYS OFF!!
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    My goal for the final week is 6000. I will probably go way over since that's for ten days, but I don't want to set the goal too high. I'll continue to do the same exercises I've done this month: strength training, Insanity, TurboFire, Brazil Butt Lift, bicycling, walking and running :)

    Week 4 (22.-31.5.)
    5/22: 894 (Mowing lawn, Insanity - Cardio Power & Resistance + Cardio Abs)

    Week 4 Total: 894
    Week 4 Goal: 6000 (14.9%)
    May Total: 19103
    May Goal: 24000 (79.6%)

  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    My goal for the last week and a bit of the challenge to a minimum of 7,000 in order to make my goal of 20,000. I struggled more after the Tough Mudder than I thought I would and wasn't able to do as much this week, but I got it this week!!

    Great work so far and good luck everyone!! :drinker:
  • luisalg14
    luisalg14 Posts: 202 Member
    For the last 10 days, I'm continuing to do Insanity and ChaLean Extreme, though both these programmes are entering their "tougher" stages, so should be interesting for my body.
    My original goal for the month was 14000; I need about 3400 to reach it, which should be easy enough, though I actually want to surpass that goal, maybe by 1500 calories? We'll see how I go.

    I'm trying to eat more so I can have more energy to work out more, so fingers crossed!
  • vbailey12
    vbailey12 Posts: 21
    For the last ten days I plan to do 2100 calories again. Good luck everyone.
  • falu1975
    falu1975 Posts: 12 Member
    In for June, I have same goal for week 4 2,700:smile:
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    Week 4 (22.-31.5.)
    5/22: 894 (Mowing lawn, Insanity - Cardio Power & Resistance + Cardio Abs)
    5/23: 1286 (Nordic walking, strength training, Insanity - Cardio Abs, walking 7.636km, running 2.564)

    Week 4 Total: 2180
    Week 4 Goal: 6000 (36.33%)
    May Total: 20389
    May Goal: 24000 (84.95%)

  • Montarosa456
    Montarosa456 Posts: 133
    This week has been really hard for me to get my normal burn, this is due to being ill.
    Also please excuse me not listing the daily burn..I don't have the time :(
    However my stat's for the whole month...so far are:
    Calories burnt - 11,129
    Miles covered - 99.7
    Hope everyone is enjoying the challenge and getting great results, seem's some people are coming up with some awesome stat's, i hope to be more involved next week :) x
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    Week 4 (22.-31.5.)
    5/22: 894 (Mowing lawn, Insanity - Cardio Power & Resistance + Cardio Abs)
    5/23: 1286 (Nordic walking, strength training, Insanity - Cardio Abs, walking 7.636km, running 2.564)
    5/24: 698 (Brazil Butt Lift - Bum Bum + Tummy Tuck, bicycling 26km)

    Week 4 Total: 2878
    Week 4 Goal: 6000 (47.97%)
    May Total: 21087
    May Goal: 24000 (87.86%)

  • luisalg14
    luisalg14 Posts: 202 Member
    I'm at 1841 for the week, hope I can keep going. Next week I am starting the third phase of Chalean Extreme; no idea how that's going to work out, but hopefully it'll be a welcome change.

    For those who live in the US, hope you enjoy the long weekend! I'm going to try to stay on track on not give in to too many treats :tongue:
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    Week 4 (22.-31.5.)
    5/22: 894 (Mowing lawn, Insanity - Cardio Power & Resistance + Cardio Abs)
    5/23: 1286 (Nordic walking, strength training, Insanity - Cardio Abs, walking 7.636km, running 2.564)
    5/24: 698 (Brazil Butt Lift - Bum Bum + Tummy Tuck, bicycling 26km)
    5/25: 1152 (Nordic walking 9km, strength training, Insanity - Core Cardio and Balance, TurboFire - Stretch 10)

    Week 4 Total: 4030
    Week 4 Goal: 6000 (67.17%)
    May Total: 22239
    May Goal: 24000 (92.66%)


    Felt pretty damn good today even though I got painful blisters during my 9km walk.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    I just got back from a business trip so - at this point - I'll be happy to BURN A CALORIE... let alone multiple! :laugh: Not a good week for me!! But tomorrow is a NEW DAY and I'll do better than I have the last few days! :ohwell:

    Hope everyone is KICKING BUTT!!
  • Delll2013
    Delll2013 Posts: 73
    First day of the week on this side of the world and I'm happy to read your positive replies.

    I'm on 2354 so far.

    Go go go!
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    Week 4 (22.-31.5.)
    5/22: 894 (Mowing lawn, Insanity - Cardio Power & Resistance + Cardio Abs)
    5/23: 1286 (Nordic walking, strength training, Insanity - Cardio Abs, walking 7.636km, running 2.564)
    5/24: 698 (Brazil Butt Lift - Bum Bum + Tummy Tuck, bicycling 26km)
    5/25: 1152 (Nordic walking 9km, strength training, Insanity - Core Cardio and Balance, TurboFire - Stretch 10)
    5/26: 634 (bicycling 40km)

    Week 4 Total: 4664
    Week 4 Goal: 6000 (77.73%)
    May Total: 22873
    May Goal: 24000 (95.3%)


    Getting close to my goal :) I think I'll hit 24000 on Tuesday.
  • Delll2013
    Delll2013 Posts: 73
    Hello Ladies,

    I've just had a look at my goal for May and I'm happy to say I've exceeded it and I still have some serious workouts planned before the 31st :D

    I'm on 3100 for this week and I still have planned a stairs workout today, a long run tomorrow and the first real NROLFW workout.

    wtwOn, are those blisters still upsetting you?

    Happy burns!
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    Congrats Delll2013 for reaching your goal!
    Yeah, those blisters are still painful and I can't wear fitness/running shoes. Today I worked out barefoot :)

    Week 4 (22.-31.5.)
    5/22: 894 (Mowing lawn, Insanity - Cardio Power & Resistance + Cardio Abs)
    5/23: 1286 (Nordic walking, strength training, Insanity - Cardio Abs, walking 7.636km, running 2.564)
    5/24: 698 (Brazil Butt Lift - Bum Bum + Tummy Tuck, bicycling 26km)
    5/25: 1152 (Nordic walking 9km, strength training, Insanity - Core Cardio and Balance, TurboFire - Stretch 10)
    5/26: 634 (bicycling 40km)
    5/27: 808 (TurboFire - Fire 30, strength training, Insanity - Pure Cardio)

    Week 4 Total: 5472
    Week 4 Goal: 6000 (91.2%)
    May Total: 23681
    May Goal: 24000 (98.67%)

  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I'm going to be hard-pressed to make my 16,000 goal for May. I'm currently at 13,087, which means I need to burn about 600 calories a day between now & Friday. I'll have to double up my workouts to 2 or more a day to make it.

    I was doing fine & on track until the Victoria Day long weekend at the cottage. Fixing the plumbing problems chewed up a lot of my available workout time (as did the swarms of blackflies lol). And I was squeezing too much into my days and got feeling run down, so I took 3-4 consecutive days of total rest or minimal exercise. When your daily goal is 516 calories, it doesn't take many days off before you're seriously in the hole playing catch up. And that's where I am right now.

    But, even if I don't achieve my 16,000 calories, I will know that I gave it a very strong effort and kept my focus. I mean, with a ~10 pound weight loss over the month of May, I must have done something right, no?
  • Delll2013
    Delll2013 Posts: 73
    wtw0n, way to go! Insanity barefoot? What can I say except "no pain, no gain" ;)

    zanne54, congrats on the results so far and the weight loss. it's amazing and you should really be proud of yourself. the weekend at the cottage was well worth it as now you're all set for a great summer :)

    I'm on 3956. A training on the track and stairs of a stadium left me energyless last night so I'll take it easy today.

    Have a great day!
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    10 pounds?! That's awesome!

    I've done some Insanity workouts barefoot before because I have flatfeet and sometimes my soles hurt so bad that I just can't wear shoes :/ I don't really like working out without shoes, but sometimes it's the only option.

    Week 4 (22.-31.5.)
    5/22: 894 (Mowing lawn, Insanity - Cardio Power & Resistance + Cardio Abs)
    5/23: 1286 (Nordic walking, strength training, Insanity - Cardio Abs, walking 7.636km, running 2.564)
    5/24: 698 (Brazil Butt Lift - Bum Bum + Tummy Tuck, bicycling 26km)
    5/25: 1152 (Nordic walking 9km, strength training, Insanity - Core Cardio and Balance, TurboFire - Stretch 10)
    5/26: 634 (bicycling 40km)
    5/27: 808 (TurboFire - Fire 30, strength training, Insanity - Pure Cardio)
    5/28: 911 (bicycling 25.9km, mowing lawn, Insanity - Cardio Abs)

    Week 4 Total: 6383
    Week 4 Goal: 6000 (106.38%)
    May Total: 24592
    May Goal: 24000 (102.47%)


    I'm happy to say that I've reached my May goal today :)