Dealing with weight gain when returing to normal eating?

yrollam1013 Posts: 41 Member
Since January until last week I had been restricting to lose weight. For the past week I have been managing to eat normally for a change, but the clincher is my weight is going up because of this. Anyone who has experienced early recovery recently, how long did it take before your metabolism caught up and you started to lose? Are there ways to jump start your metabolism other then intense exercise because all I can mange right how is walking about an hour a day due to depression? My motivation and energy is completely lacking.


  • patchedwings
    I'm recovering from bulimia, and I somehow manage to avoid significant weight gain because I eat extremely healthily while still getting enough calories. I try to exercise a few times a week, but lately it's been hectic so I haven't had time. It's important to allow this weight gain because your health is so much more important than the number on the scale or the number on your jeans. Don't forget that health > weight gain.
  • guidothecat
    guidothecat Posts: 141 Member
    I gained a few pounds once I stopped restricting in the first 3 months, and after about 3 months of eating consistently the few I gained have come off.

    Not sure if this helped or not :)
  • yrollam1013
    yrollam1013 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks to you both for your input. I am up five and it seems to be holding for now. I don't know if I will make it if it takes 3 months to start going back down. I do eat pretty healthy mostly lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. It is kind of a double edge sword for me as I need to lose weight to be healthy and need to eat normally at the same time. Thanks again.