Paleo without eggs and almonds :(

theatortilla Posts: 3 Member
Sorry if this has been covered; I'm having a hard time locating the search function for some reason.

I'd love to go back to eating paleo, but ever since I did blood work that showed a very significant sensitivity to eggs (yolks worse than whites, but both are on my "do not eat" list) and almonds, not to mention a ton of other foods that are paleo-friendly for most people (I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's, a thyroid autoimmune disease), I've been struggling. These were go-tos for me when I first started eating this way last summer. I know that we're supposed to embrace eating any food we want for breakfast, and not necessarily traditional breakfast foods, but I still get hung up on not eating eggs (or steel cut oats when not paleo). What are your favorite things to eat in the morning? Are there many folks who can be successful without the addition of eggs and almonds? My weight just keeps going up and I'm REALLY ready to turn this ship around! Thanks!


  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    Eggs make me really sick too! I am just getting started with this, but been researching recipes for ideas. Today I had turkey sausage and honeydew melon, but was hungry shortly after, so I had a little leftover carnitas from dinner a few nights ago.

    paleOMG is a really good site for recipes. I found one for 'kitchen sink hash' which is chorizo, chicken, peppers, onions, sweet potato and mushrooms. I also want to try blueberry & chocolate chip (minus the chips) pumpkin loaf

    A girl worth saving blog -
    Banan Chocolate Pancakes - sunbutter, coconut flour, banana, water, eggs (you can use flax seed meal + water as a replacement), vanilla, cocoa powder, salt & coconut oil

    banana and cream "oatmeal" - banana, coconut butter, cinnamon and salt
  • Lauramh31
    Lauramh31 Posts: 95 Member
    Do you do dairy at all? I do smoothies in the morning - for example this morning it was: ground flax seeds, kale, rainbow chard, strawberries, whey protein powder and coconut oil. They whey protein is pure whey protein isolate - none of that flavored crap w/ all the additives - not true paleo though as it comes from milk, so not sure if you can do that.

    I saw on someone's diary for their bfast "swiss chard, sausage, goat cheese" and that sounds delish! But again, a bit of dairy w/ the goat cheese.

    You can get protein powders w/o whey though so some type of protein shake can still be an option for you and I like it bc it keeps me really full w/ the protein and the healthy fats and gives me good nutrients w/ the greens and berries! (i mix up the fruits and veg from time to time depending on what I have)
  • theatortilla
    theatortilla Posts: 3 Member
    Yum! That all sounds delicious! I'll have to check those sites out. In the past I've done some dairy, and the testing didn't show a reaction, but through various times of cutting it out and then reintroducing it, I've noticed that it does indeed make me pretty bloated. I'll probably be limiting it going forward, though I'm not going to stress about small amounts here and there. Thanks for the great ideas. They're very appreciated :)