Does it really burn that many calories?

BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
I'm 6 months pregnant with my 3rd baby, I never breastfed my first two for health issues, but I want to with this one so long as everything is okay. I heard you "burn" 500+ a day while breastfeeding?


  • kdt8810
    kdt8810 Posts: 38 Member
    First of all - congratulations!! I've read it "burns' about 500 calories a day if you are exclusively breastfeeding a 1-6 month old. If you search for 'breastfeeding' in the food database you will a few options. I use the -500 option. And I make sure that I am eating all of those calories back. Before, when I wasn't eating those calories back I was not losing weight and my supply was suffering. Everybody is different - but eating those calories back is working for me - I'm steadily losing a pound a week now. YAY! Good luck with breastfeeding. I had a hard time with it the first few months - but I found a great Lactation consultant and now it's going great.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Supposedly it's about 20 calories per ounce produced, so if you want to gauge it that way, you can.

    ETA congratulations :smile: I am due in less than a week with baby #2. BFing didn't work out so hot the first time, so I've been here for a couple of months picking up tips to hopefully be more successful with it this time around!
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    Thanks guys.

    I wasn't able to even try with my first two because of medical reasons.

    I know I won't go back to losing 1-2 lbs a week EVER because of my thyroid, but it's just nuts to me that 500 cals a day just breastfeeding. You just sit and feed your baby lol.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I exclusively pumped and averaged 30-35 ounces a day.... that was 600-700 calories a day.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    It kind of makes sense when you look at it as calories that your baby is eating. Your milk is full of calories for your baby, and those calories don't just magically appear. Your body is working 24/7 to make milk.

    I've heard the 20 calories per ounce estimation, too. Score!

    Congrats on the upcoming baby, OP!
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I pump at work and do the 20 calories per oz. When I'm home, baby does nurse non stop. However, I've found that my body hangs onto the weight while bfing. My sister and cousins have fared better than me and have all lost their weight already. Bfing isn't a sure way to lose weight, but it sure does benefit your baby!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Some women don't really lose weight BFing because the body wants to hold onto the fat OR, like me, BFing my first child I was hungry ALL THE TIME and would just end up eating those calories. Congrats and good luck!
  • Annahasababy
    Annahasababy Posts: 60 Member
    If you've never breastfed before see if you can take a class or read a good book before your due date. There are a lot of tricks to it and it can be quite challenging the first 8 weeks. Not to discourage you. Just remember lucky number 8.... If you can make it to eight weeks you will be so happy you did bc from there on out it just gets sooooo easy. And the bonding is amazing.

    I gained 40 lbs while pregnant. I lost 20 with the birth and then an average of 1-3 lbs a week.... I lost the remaining 20 lbs from just breastfeeding so yes it really burns that many calories. Plus I ate like I was pregnant! I'm six months post partum and realize that even though I am "thin" again I am quite flabby. Breastfeeding doesn't give you muscles or tone......