Progress Report!

BeckyAnne4 Posts: 143 Member
Today is day 30 of my first month on phentermine. I have lost just over 12 lbs, which works out to about 3 lbs a week. I feel like this doesn't quite measure up to some other success stories I've seen, but at the same time, I think that I would have only gotten maybe half as far without the phentermine. It's been a great tool while I've been re-learning how to eat properly. Since I'm not as hungry and craving all of the time, it's easier to make better food choices. My grocery list has made some changes, and as a result, what's in my kitchen has also changed (I'm in love with Fage Total 0 Yogurt!) I'm trying to eat nutrient-dense, which lets me eat at a higher volume if I feel like I "need" to. I feel like my stomach has finally "shrunk" some, too. I am feeling confident that I will be able to maintain a 1-2-lb-per-week loss once the phentermine is out of the picture. (on a side note, I want to mention that before I started this journey, I had maintained the same weight for more than 2 years. it's been a long while since I have actually GAINED any weight at all) Right now, I'm on track to hit "Onederland" by sometime in July. After that, even if I lose only 1 lb a week going forward, In one year I'll weigh less than I did as a (quite heavy) teenager. Overall, things are going pretty well :smile:

Where are you standing right now? How are things going, the good, the bad, and/or the ugly?


  • malyoune
    malyoune Posts: 9
    I have never posted before so I am going to give it a try. I was glad to find a forum like this so I can have someone to go along with me during this journery and hopefully understands what I am going through. I just had my first Lipo B12 shot on 05.21.13 & took my first Phentermine 37.5 mg this morning. Deciding to take the Phentermine was not a decision I took lightly. I am aware of the hazards; I just cannot stand being obese anymore. I have tried everything over the years. WW, excersing, restricting my food and as of 3mths ago started counting calories. Counting calories was hard at first but i did it and lost about 15lbs in 3months and that was along with excerise. However I hit a plateau and my number went back up. At first I told myself that it had to be muscle and not to worry about it since I was still losing inches. However the scale starts to mess with you. I want to my numbers to go down and I believe that this should help. So with that being if you do not mind I would like to post on here weekly or maybe daily as to how I am feeling and my results. I do not expect for you to respond everytime or even ever but If you see something that peaks your interested or if you have words of wisedom that you would like to pass on please do so and I will do the same for you. Currently I have a couple of coworkers keeping an eye on me at work since i do not want my family to know that I am taking this. They will let me know if they notice any physical or attitude changes and what they tell me I will document as well. Ok, so here it goes.

    Age: 40
    Today's Starting weight: 224.8lb
    Goal weight: 146lb per the doctor
    Lipo B-12 Shot: 1st shot on 05.21.13
    Phentermine 37.5mg: 1 whole pill (I believe I was suppose to take a 1/2 could not remember until after I took it)

    Reaction: About an hour after I took it I started to feel a spike of energy where I could not sit down and felt like I had to keep moving. This started around 9:30a or 10a. One of my coworkers said my eyes were slightly dilated when I asked. I do feel like I am walking around with my eyes wide open. Goosebumps ran all over my body off and on for about roughly 5 mins which was visible to me and others. It is currently 1:43p and after drinking 4 - 32 oz water and consuming 824 calories. I personally feel ok except that my hands are cool which is not normal for me. Heart is ok. I also feel very focus.

    So this is where I am so far. Next post should not be this long. I now have to run to use the restroom due to water intake.

    <a href=""><img src="; border="0"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:152px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Free Calorie Counter</a></small></p>
  • malyoune
    malyoune Posts: 9
    Its now 4:02p and I have put away total of 6 -32 oz of water. My goosebumps are back (not major). My hands are still cold. I also feel like i am floating when i walk around (feels weird but I can live with it). Heart is still ok.
  • malyoune
    malyoune Posts: 9
    Well I made it through my first night. I took in a total of 1156 calories for the day on 05.22.13.
    Last night I did not go to bed until 12midnight which did not bother me; however I did wake up twice which is not normal since I do not wake up until 6:30a during the weekdays. The first time I woke up it was 2:20a and the second was about 4:30a. Each time I got up it was to urinate but when i got up the second time it was due to a pain in my rectum. It was pressure that woke me up out of my sleep. Nothing passed but it did hurt. I also noticed when I did get up for work I always have a bowel movement but this morning I did not. If this continues I will have to take a laxative. Besides that even though I woke up a couple times during the night and did not go to sleep until 12a; I am not tired. No Heart issues during the night.

    Day 2 of phentermine. I took it at 9a and so far so good. Drinking plenty of water almost done with my first cup of the day.
    Breakfast: 1/2 cup of Oatmeal and 2 egg whites
  • malyoune
    malyoune Posts: 9
    It is now 10:36a and I can feel the energy running through. I have not been able to sit still. I feel like I have to be up and moving; which I have. My heart is still fine.. Drinking plenty of water. Even while I am typing this I am standing up.
  • malyoune
    malyoune Posts: 9
    Its now 3:31p and I had Wendys Jr Cheese Burger Delux and Valu Fries = 570 calories for lunch. After eating this I now feel my heart beating faster than norm. I will not be doing that again. Besides that I am still doing fine and drinking my water. By the way my energy level is no longer at a level 10 so I have been able to sit and do my work without standing.
  • malyoune
    malyoune Posts: 9
    Its almost 4:30p and time for me to go home. Right before I started typing this I noticed that I was starting to feel extra energy again and my body started tingling from my hands to my feet. I also feel so really alert. i just had a coworker go by and say that I was looking very intense. My heart is no longer raising which could be due to me staying real still and focusing on my work.

    I guess this is it until tomorrow.
  • malyoune
    malyoune Posts: 9
    Last night went surprising well. I finally went to sleep at 1a and slept until 4:30a when my 2year old decided to wake me up. I was able to fall back to sleep and was back up @ 6:30a. I still felt energized and ready to work.

    I went over my 1200 cal last night by 38 but that was not bad.

    Day 3 of Phentermine - I weighed myself and I am down to 222.6lbs this is great. I took my pill today @ 9:30a and by 10:30a, I am completely full of energy where i think my coworkers are ready to sedate me; but I feel good.

    I am leaving work today @ 12:30 so this will be my last log until I return on Tuesday after the holiday. I have lots of stuff I will be doing so I will not weigh myself until I return on Tuesday. I will have my eldest daughter hide my scale so I do not weigh myself. I will also do my best to still log my food so I stay on track and not go below 1200cal or too high.

    Until May 28th. O by the way my heart is still doing good.
  • Benson1942
    Benson1942 Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds like me when I first started. My house, garage,basement and shed were all cleaned last month. My husband said I like this new diet medicine but r u sure its healthy? Ummmm yes I'm fine. Now get out of the way I have cleaning to do.. Lol
  • malyoune
    malyoune Posts: 9
    @ Benson1942... I am so glad that is over with. I believe my body has fully adjusted. I was starting to get on my own nerves with all the energy that I had. lol:happy:
  • malyoune
    malyoune Posts: 9
    Well it is way past 05.28.13; when I was to type out how I did over the holidays.. I tell you, when your company shuts down for a couple of days there is so much you have to catch up with when you return. Anyway...

    I did not track my meals over the long holiday but I really tried to stay within my 1200 calories on my own. Its hard when someone else is cooking and you are not able to scan everything so you know how many calories you are taking in. Luckily I was not that hungry and I am using salad plates instead of dinner plates.

    I was a little disappointed on Tuesday when I finally weighed in to see I had only lost .6lbs after 3 days.. I decided to look at the positive and say to myself - "self you did lose". I went in for my Lipo B-12 shots which hurt just a little bit this time but I got over it. Throughout the rest of the week I continued to lose..

    Wed - 221.4
    Thurs - 220.6
    Fri - 218.6

    I cannot believe that I finally got past the evil 220 mark.. Now the goal is to remain below 220 permanently. The last time I weighed below 220 was on 04.13.13 & I was 219. I did this with exercise and the 1200 calories but it crept back up and no matter what I did (exercise harder & longer, adjusted my calories so my body did not go into starvation mode) it just kept going up.

    So here it is, Friday, and I am about to leave work for the weekend. Hopefully Monday is not to crazy at work and I will be able to let you know how things went.

    I really find it very therapeutic to put this all in writing. I think it will also help me whenever I need to boost by re-reading what I have done so far or how far I have come.

    BTW this is day 10 on Phentermine

    One more thing I did not feel extremely energic all this week like I did during week one. I have been sleeping through the night without waking up. I believe my body has finally adjusted to it.

    Well until Monday.. Have a great weekend.:happy: