Anyone do this when it comes to dating sites?



  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member

    good question. if you mean by the normal way of meeting people, I wont lie I rather meet people in real life through work or school or through mutual friends but it wasn't happening that's why I went online. its ok I have met a couple of nice guys, but really only 1 that I was truly interested in. at the end of the day tho would I really like to introduce someone to my parents and tell them the truth about how we met? I would be (and still am embarrassed) to say I met someone online when ppl ask.
    its not as accepted by society as you would think. oh well. :ohwell:

    I wouldn't be embarrassed at all. :) I met her on a dating site, on a fitness site, on a gaming site, at a convention, behind the 7-11 (better story IMHO hahah), etc. I would just be happy to have met [insert person].