Switching from 17 DD to counting calories


I have done very well on 17 dd but am finding it too restrictive. I would like to switch to counting calories however the first week I have gained 1.5 pounds. I think this might be due to adding more carbs in.

Anyone have experience with this?


  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I modified the 17 day diet to better fit my life and also gained a little back. I have since lost what I gained and am still losing although slower than before. It is about what you can do everyday. Not all people can eat the same way. exercise the same way, ect. Find what works for you and do it! Keep trying what you are doing for a few weeks before you switch to something else. It takes time to stabilize.
  • Beach4me5
    Beach4me5 Posts: 21
    Thank you for confirming that it is normal to gain a few. I am definitely burning more calories than I am eating. I am tracking everything and not eating my exercise points. The only thing that is different is adding in carbs.

    How long did it take until you saw weight loss again?

    I have to say I felt a lot better on the 17dd diet but I just could not sustain it.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I plateaued for 3 or 4 months. It was very disheartening but I made it through and am losing again. Hopefully yours wont plateau as long as mine did. Month 4 was brutal! I was ready to give up but I looked back at my 'before' pics and realized that it would be terrible to give up when I had come so far.
  • PiCkLeLuV
    PiCkLeLuV Posts: 274
    I've lost a considerable amount of weight on 17dd but I have celiac disease so I don't eat the carbs like it recommends. I have done it for about a yr actually.. I honestly never went on to the 2nd phase, I modified the plan on here to reflect the first phase of 17dd.

    1200 calories per day
    15% carbs my source of carbs is usually a cup of frozen mixed berries (no sugar or syrup just plain ol berries) or an apple
    60% protein chicken, I do eat read mead, tuna, salmon, etc. 90% of the time grilled
    25% fat I eat extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil 3x's per day. it does wonders

    I don't know that this number actually reflects the true 17dd but I did it based on the stuff I ate and saw where I ended up.

    I try to burn a minimum of 500 calories per day.

    I am usually in a deficit each day with the calories but I'm just not hungry so I can't really force myself to eat more. I know my diet is restrictive but when I got sick I learned a lot about my body and I realized I had to look at food as a source of fuel and not a source of enjoyment. I know that someone somewhere will tell me I have issues, but I can find happiness in other aspects of my life. If I even add in potatoes, corn, rice or anthing starch/carb my weight loss will stall. It's just how my body works.

    I don't get headaches or feel sluggish or cranky from it..

    I also try to not eat any sugar, it feeds disease and is terrible for the body.

    I've talked it over with my dr and he says what I'm doing works for me so I've stuck to it.
  • Beach4me5
    Beach4me5 Posts: 21
    Boy am I impressed with you Mycrazy8s! Staying steadfast month after month with no weight loss is to be applauded. At this point, after trying so many things, I am not sure I will have the staying power for that long. I am not asking for a large weight loss each week, just some moment. I will keep you posted.

    PiCkLeLuV, thanks for your insight. I think I can put in the percentages into my goals, right? I am starting to miss the energy and hate the afternoon blahs! I have stayed away from the sweets/sugar. It has to be the carbs, which have been around 100 each day. I am going to decrease the carbs and increase the veggies and see if I don't feel better.

    I am starting to realize that food is related to my mood a lot more than I thought. Yikes! I hope I can get to the place that food is a source and not a means to enjoyment.
  • Beach4me5
    Beach4me5 Posts: 21
    Thought I would follow up. I added approximately 300 calories for the past 3 days and the scales have started ticking downward again. It appears my metabolism had stalled on too few calories. I know 17dd is around 1200 calories so I thought if I stayed there when switching over to calorie counting I would continue to see weight loss. I was wrong.

    My metabolism must have kicked back in also because even though I am still eating clean and only drinking water and diet green tea....I am so hungry. I just keep eating all the phase 1 veggies when I am hungry and I am full again.

    While continuing on the 17 dd was proving to be difficult. It has given me great "go to" lists of healthy foods and a new appreciation of what I put in my mouth makes all the difference.

    I would highly recommend anyone to use the 17 dd as a jump start to weight loss. Once you have that feeling of loose clothes, more energy and once feeling in control.....you just want to keep going.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member

    I would highly recommend anyone to use the 17 dd as a jump start to weight loss. Once you have that feeling of loose clothes, more energy and once feeling in control.....you just want to keep going.

    absolutely. Glad to hear you are moving in the right direction
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    I've lost a considerable amount of weight on 17dd but I have celiac disease so I don't eat the carbs like it recommends. I have done it for about a yr actually.. I honestly never went on to the 2nd phase, I modified the plan on here to reflect the first phase of 17dd.

    1200 calories per day
    15% carbs my source of carbs is usually a cup of frozen mixed berries (no sugar or syrup just plain ol berries) or an apple
    60% protein chicken, I do eat read mead, tuna, salmon, etc. 90% of the time grilled
    25% fat I eat extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil 3x's per day. it does wonders

    I don't know that this number actually reflects the true 17dd but I did it based on the stuff I ate and saw where I ended up.

    I try to burn a minimum of 500 calories per day.

    I am usually in a deficit each day with the calories but I'm just not hungry so I can't really force myself to eat more. I know my diet is restrictive but when I got sick I learned a lot about my body and I realized I had to look at food as a source of fuel and not a source of enjoyment. I know that someone somewhere will tell me I have issues, but I can find happiness in other aspects of my life. If I even add in potatoes, corn, rice or anthing starch/carb my weight loss will stall. It's just how my body works.

    I don't get headaches or feel sluggish or cranky from it..

    I also try to not eat any sugar, it feeds disease and is terrible for the body.

    I've talked it over with my dr and he says what I'm doing works for me so I've stuck to it.

    Good to see you made the diet fit into your life that's the only way any diet will work:) I too tweaked it to fit mine!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member

    I'm moving to the group int he above link as it seems this group has died.