5/24 Pre Challenge Day -8

JurneyEve Posts: 84 Member
Welcome to "Day 3" for all of you who are doing the "41 Day Challenge." Yesterday (5/23) was another good day for me. I stayed under my calorie count by quite a bit...and that was after my 2nd glass of wine. Hee hee! I got on my elliptical, just like I said I would, and I exercised until I wanted to fall off...unfortunately that was only 15 minutes later but I still look at it as a triumph because it was 10 minutes longer than the day before. Tomorrow I'll see if I can stay on it for 20 minutes.

My goals for today (5/24) are to stay under my 1200 calorie count; use my elliptical for 20 minutes and go for a 30 minute walk.

As a bit of extra motivation, I'm gonna challenge myself to do 50 crunches...in a row.

How many can you do? Why don't you find out today? :laugh:

"The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph."

♥ Diana


  • 1efcahill
    1efcahill Posts: 18 Member
    Well, I have a rather large "umph" which is why I'm with you folks today!!! This is my 3rd day of exercising by dancing for 30 minutes. A month ago I was in Kentucky for the Rolex 3 Day Event and had to use a handicapped cart part of the time - so, this is exciting for me. I have faithfully put down everything I am eating - not as much fun as moving; but, probably as important in the long run. Another thank you, Diane, this time for responding to my post yesterday. It takes as little as a smile to encourage someone else - and those positive ripples continue on and on . . . .
  • JurneyEve
    JurneyEve Posts: 84 Member
    You're welcome! Happy dancing 1efcahill!
  • Mary9921
    Mary9921 Posts: 100 Member
    Wow!!, 50 crunches....good luck with that....I'll try. You make me wonder how many I can do, so I am going to try and see.....
    I like the challenge, so thank you...

    Way to go cahill, dancing is a great workout....there are days that I dance around for 30 minutes, and love that kind of exercise.

    Yesterday was a bad food and exercise day....I went way overboard on calories, and didn't do my rockin body workout....I did dance around for 30 minutes, but I felt really guilty not eating right....The logging of your intake on this website is so enlightening....I love it.

    Good luck today...Countdown to June Challenge -8 to go
  • iplibrarian
    iplibrarian Posts: 42 Member
    Ugh... weighed in this morning. Up 2 lbs. I guess the two binge days did it. Darn it! So depressing. I did get a little sloppy with the measuring and did have two evenings of being about 900 calories over... Well, the only thing to do is keep going and get more vigilant on measuring. I think I need to start going back to the gym instead of just walking, too. Been kind of a weird few months though. Had foot surgery Jan 3, which never quite healed so I had to have another surgery a few weeks ago. I have been somewhat limited in working out, but that is now resolved. Well, thanks for listening. Feeling frustrated today. : (
  • JurneyEve
    JurneyEve Posts: 84 Member
    50 crunches does seem like a lot. I'm not sure if I can do it but I'm gonna try. I'll let you know how I do. I'm feeling inspired to go for a bike ride so I better get going before I change my mind.

    Good luck with Day -8!

    "♫Just keep swimming. ♪ Just keep swimming. ♪ Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...♫" - Dori

    ♥ Diana
  • sarahdmccallum
    sarahdmccallum Posts: 23 Member
    We all have those frustrated days!
    If your foot is bothering you try to do some nice low impact stuff, try swimming if you have access to a pool?
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Frustration days happen, hang in there. The 2 lbs will be gone, you know why they are there. Measuring and being totally honest when you log has been what's helped me.

    I took your crunch challenge Diana did 53. Got 76 minutes of biking done, and 30 Day Shred. I'm officially exhausted! Have a wonderful and safe Holiday Weekend for anyone going away.
  • iplibrarian
    iplibrarian Posts: 42 Member
    We all have those frustrated days!
    If your foot is bothering you try to do some nice low impact stuff, try swimming if you have access to a pool?

    Not really. But I am going to go ride the bike at the gym! You all are right - be totally honest and "just keep swimmin'" !!
  • iplibrarian
    iplibrarian Posts: 42 Member
    Frustration days happen, hang in there. The 2 lbs will be gone, you know why they are there. Measuring and being totally honest when you log has been what's helped me.

    I took your crunch challenge Diana did 53. Got 76 minutes of biking done, and 30 Day Shred. I'm officially exhausted! Have a wonderful and safe Holiday Weekend for anyone going away.

    Wow! So impressed with the workouts you do!! Inspiration!!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Frustration days happen, hang in there. The 2 lbs will be gone, you know why they are there. Measuring and being totally honest when you log has been what's helped me.

    I took your crunch challenge Diana did 53. Got 76 minutes of biking done, and 30 Day Shred. I'm officially exhausted! Have a wonderful and safe Holiday Weekend for anyone going away.

    Wow! So impressed with the workouts you do!! Inspiration!!

    Thanks! Only way to build up my breathing is to push myself hard on workouts. The more exercise I do the better my lungs are going to be!
  • Mary9921
    Mary9921 Posts: 100 Member
    Well, I didn't do the crunches...but I did do my rockin body party express workout....45 minutes.

    My neck is really sore(I have an artificial disc in it)....*gotta remember to warm up before jumping right into the workouts...at least warm up the neck.

    Love the "keep swimming, keep swimming, keep swimming"....Dori, comment....

    Good luck everyone...Happy -8 day. Not sure if I'll get any workouts in until Monday when the hubby goes fishing...
    I get embarrassed to dance around/workout in front of him.

    Have a great Memorial Day weekend!!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Definitely warm up before you do any exercise! No injuries! I make my hubby go watch a movie and lock him in the room so I can go exercise, he knows he's not allowed to come out until the music stops LOL
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    So far, today's been pretty good, but we're having pizza for dinner, which tends to be a trigger food for me. I'm going to figure out my portion size before it comes and get the rest wrapped up right away, so I'm not tempted.

    I only managed 22 crunches on Diana's challenge, but a) I'd already done crunches with the weight stack this morning, so my abs were already "tired", and b) I realized a few days ago that I've been subconsciously avoiding core work, so I'm weak there. Not sure WHY I've been skipping abs (need to get to the root of that one), but this has pointed out that I need to bring them front and center. A new goal for me for this challenge, so thank you for that!

    BTW, to jwhited71, I like your new profile picture. :smile:
  • dfinnula
    dfinnula Posts: 24 Member
    Really like the quote: manged to stay under yesterday and also preplanned Friday night so even with 2 glasses of wine still under calorie count - exercise helps.

    Also weighed myself which I hadn't done for a month and was dreading - had lost 2 kg even though not recording - although admittedly last weigh in was after Easter blow out. However - was inspiring.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    So far, today's been pretty good, but we're having pizza for dinner, which tends to be a trigger food for me. I'm going to figure out my portion size before it comes and get the rest wrapped up right away, so I'm not tempted.

    I only managed 22 crunches on Diana's challenge, but a) I'd already done crunches with the weight stack this morning, so my abs were already "tired", and b) I realized a few days ago that I've been subconsciously avoiding core work, so I'm weak there. Not sure WHY I've been skipping abs (need to get to the root of that one), but this has pointed out that I need to bring them front and center. A new goal for me for this challenge, so thank you for that!

    BTW, to jwhited71, I like your new profile picture. :smile:

    I was avoiding ab work cause it's my least favorite. I only started ab work when I decided to take on the 30 day plank challenge. Hope you survived your pizza, we had it last night too, was glad I had that extra long bike ride in so I could enjoy 2 slices and not sweat over it.

    Thanks! You'll see I change my pictures at the end of every month. I keep a photo journal of my progress and at the end of every month I write up something in my blog, take new pictures and compare to all my past ones. Helps a lot when you aren't seeing a lot of movement on the scale.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend, I'm staying home as we live on the Jersey beach and every tourist in the area will be down this weekend.
  • msigman1
    msigman1 Posts: 20 Member
    I did three sets of 10 crunches and three sets of 10 lunges. This morning I skipped breakfast thinking that baseball practice for my son was only an hour. An hour an a half after a freezing cold practice I was ready to eat my arm. I ate a leftover brat from the family dinner last night (I work nights, so I didn't eat any of their dinner last night). Super bad food choice. I was soo hungry I didn't wanna wait to eat.

    I stated taking the vitamin packs last week. I was late taking those this morning also. Wow, what a difference they make. I am officially hooked for life. Lesson of the day. Eat breakfast and take vitamins before leaving the house.