Another new diagnosis

mclgo Posts: 147 Member
Hello all,
I was diagnosed today. I'm just a wreck. But a good first step is coming back to MFP full-strength and finding a good community of other folks working with the same problem. I have a great support network and good healthcare. But I'm still reeling - it's an extremely stressful week and this diagnosis didn't help!:frown: Two friends have died, and I'm helping plan a large memorial service for one. Also $$$ is a problem - like I'm sure it is for many of you - and I'm wondering how in the world I'll pay for this.

One day at a time, right? Or perhaps one blood-sugar check at a time????


  • celestep2k1
    celestep2k1 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm sorry, Margaret. You've had an awful week. I hear it helps to ask for samples of supplies and meds if money is tight, but I'm new to this too. Add me as a friend if you like. ~ Celeste
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    Sorry you have had an awful week. If you want to add me as a friend feel free- I was diagnosed 7 years ago- have gone from diet controlled to one pill per day to presently being on pills and two different needles- one is insulin. Things are different because I am Canadian so our daily readings are measured different but I know how it sucks to have this annoying condition. And that is all I will let it be- annoying.
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Hi Margaret,
    I'm sorry to hear about your week. Unfortunately, as you know all too well, that is how life goes. Today is a great day to start taking care of yourself which will help you in the long run.

    A little about me - I have had Type 2 for 8 years now. My doctor started me on Metformin when first diagnosed and after my numbers were not getting lower, I was put on insulin. Money has been an issue for me too, but I do have health insurance, which makes it a little better. It has taken me 6 years, but I am finally taking this seriously. I have dropped nearly 30 lbs since the first of the year and my BG levels have dropped to a lower level. My A1C was as high as 8.3 and in April was down to 6.0. Not only is the diet important, but exercise is too. My doctor had always told me to walk at least 15 minutes per day. He would say that a long with a healthier diet, would help with the BG numbers.

    I know you can do this, you just have to make yourself the priority and start changing your behaviors and habits. It takes time, but you will have success.

    Send me a friend request, if you'd like. I'd love to support you along the way!

  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    Hi Margaret,

    Sending you a big hug during this stressful time indeed. I was gestational diabetic with my last two children and with having Type 2 run in the family the dr's said it was only a matter of time before I had it. Last August I was diagnosed. My A1C and random glucose testing was so high it shocked even my dr.! So he put me on 1000 mg of Metformin and 10 Units Lantus.

    I'll be honest I hated my body for falling into this. But I did start walking 30 minutes/day and it helped. Started really watching what I eat and then slacked off cause MOST of the times my levels were good. However in February I hit it hard and am happy to report my latest A1C was within normal range and the dr has agreed that I can come off the insulin (yeah!). So you see it can be done. And your right coming here is a great place to start. Have a good cry and then scream it out to your diabetes that your going to kick its rear end! Start concentraing on you!

    Friend me as well if you'd like...we're all here to help!

  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi Margaret,

    My sincere condolences on the loss of your two friends.

    I admire your positive attitude given what you've been through recently along with your diagnosis and I'm glad to know you have a good network of support around you in addition to having good healthcare. You're right, your decision to turn to MFP along with joining this great support group is a great first step.

    Have a look around the various threads here and ask questions when you feel comfortable. There are many experienced members here eager to share their support, knowledge and encouragement with you on your new journey.

    Please find the link below. It's been an invaluable resource for many people successfully living with our condition and it's packed with good diabetes management related information.


  • momjmd
    momjmd Posts: 296 Member
    If you take Metformin, around here both Krogers and Meiers offer it for free. My insurance pays 100% of my test strips (but copays on everything else) and my doctor gives me new meters. If insurance doesn't pay, Walmart has a really inexpensive test strip -Reli-on.
    Good luck learning about all of this!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,865 Member
    Sorry it's been so rough. Just wanted to chirp in that it is possible to lower your BG with diet and exercise. I was diagnosed in August and put on 2000mg of metformin daily. By January I had lost 12 kg, and my Hba1C was low enough for my GP to tell me to start experimenting with lowering the dose. Currently on the minimum dose of 500g and my fasting glucose is around 5.5. If I get back down into the 4s with this level of medication, I will try stopping meds altogether.