struggling to lose

hkoopman Posts: 3 Member
I had recently lost about 75 pounds within the last few years. I was a senior in high school in 2011 and started weight waters to lose some weight. Over about the course of a year and a half I had lost about 77 pounds. I went from 185 to 108. I loved being at that weight, I was active and really enjoying my new body. I have a wonderful boyfriend and became a runner. I was only able to stay at my weight of 108 for a short period of time though. I started going through a lot of issues of binge eating. I would stop at the store on my way home from my boyfriends house and buy candy bars, cookies, anything to binge on on the drive home and have to eat when i got home and laid in bed. Slowly my weight was creeping up. by about December, which was about 6 months after hitting my goal weight of 108 I was way back up to 126 pounds at my max. Since then I went back on weight watchers for a bit, but did not see any results and then went to myfitness pal. I have managed to lose about 5 pounds since December. I occasionally "binge" here and there still, but nothing like it was. I just can't seem to take these few pounds off. Its been a constant struggle and I'm not sure what to do. I eat right through out the day, workout because I love it and have more good days then bad. I just feel like even these occasional binges are what is keeping me from getting to my goal. Any suggestions? Its definitely all a mental thing, I know what I should be walking away from the food but I just don't do it! GRR! I would like to lose around 12 pounds. Any suggestions for me? It seems a lot harder to lose weight the second time around :(


  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    You need to find out why you're binging, is something in particular worrying you?

    How tall are you because I would love to be 130lbs right now, you've lost a fantastic amount of weight and as we get older we don't always suit being as 'light' as we once were x
  • hkoopman
    hkoopman Posts: 3 Member
    It usually seems to happen when i've had a good stretch of about a week of eating healthy. after i've done a good job for a while I tend to over indulge. I'm 5'1. so on the shorter side for being 122lbs.