New to Group

VickiDiane22 Posts: 118 Member
Just found this group. Very interested in the challanges. I'm 63 yrs and recently retired I weigh 210 and am 5'. Joined MFP 1/31/2013 I'm currently facing knee replacement surgery Would like some friends too.


  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 807 Member
    Welcome to the group. :smile: I also recently retired. You can add me if you like.
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Vicki and Skinnyme, I'm new to this group and just returning to MFP after being away since October. My brother is terminally ill and I am his health care provider. He is in a nursing home now. I try to visit him daily. I am on a schedule now and can manage to fit in everything I need and want to do, which took a while to accomplish. While I was away from posting, I also was away from my eating program which is proof positive that I have not yet learned to live. But I'm trying to get back on track now and need some friends also. If you would like to add me to your friends list, that would be great. Joni:flowerforyou:
  • VickiDiane22
    VickiDiane22 Posts: 118 Member
    Sorry to hear about your brother. That has to be so hard.Hugs and warm thoughts to you. I'll keep you and your brother in my prayers
  • uwharriegold
    I'm Marla and am 63, too. Have been a regular on MFP since Jan. 22 this year. I began at 200 pounds. Thank goodness, I saw this number on my scales only once. It was my wake-up call and since then I have lost 23. I retired Feb. 1 due to my husband's failing health. I celebrate when a week comes up that we don't have medical appointments. I wasn't ready to retire, and I'm already doing some consulting work. Except for some meetings, I do my work at home. Home is in central North Carolina, surrounded by a national forest where my husband and I manage a Forest Service day use site on the lake. Bo, my black lab/rott is my hiking buddy. Have always loved hiking, but now i'm committed to 3 to 5 miles a week.

    Would love to be friends!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Hello to all of you and a very warm welcome. We have loads of support here. We have a chat group and a weekly exercise challenge group. Feel free to join those. Good luck to you all in your journey. It can be hard at times as you all know, but being here on MFP sure helps.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Hello everyone and welcome to the group!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Hi Vicki and Diane and welcome to the group. I joined MFP a little over a year ago and this group several months later--I love it! There is lots of encouragement and support from all of us for all of us.

    Look forward to seeing more posts from you. Feel free to add me as a friend so we can help each other.
  • ranoe
    ranoe Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I'm Ruth Ann. I turned 60 two months ago. I lost 40 pounds a couple of years ago and gained nearly all of it back. I'm seeing a weight loss doctor now. He has me on a VLCD-very low calorie diet-and says that he will teach me how to maintain my weight. I struggle with knee and foot pain but still get 30 minutes of cardio every day. I really would like to have some friends to join me in my struggle with weight.
  • odirish
    odirish Posts: 82 Member
    You can add me too. I am 61. For the past 5 weeks I have been working woth a Personal trainer. I lift weights 3 days a week and cardio the other 2. I retired a year ago and have put on 17 lbs. I've never had any luck with losing weight. I am currently 195. My goal is 145. :) Fat chance of that !! Excuse the pun :)

    Mary Ann
  • belladiva47
    belladiva47 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi all! Yesterday was my first day tracking food. Very informative. I'm almost 66 and retired 2 years ago. Also am brand new to online chatting so this is going to be quite an experience for me. Need to loose 100 :frown: This sounds like a wonderful group and I am really looking forward to getting and giving support for this new journey. Ann
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Hi Ann and welcome to MFP and our group. We have a wonderful group of people here, very supportive and we also have monthly chat and weekly challenges. Please feel free to join us in both of those. Good luck to you and if you would like, you can add me as a pal.
  • findingmytoes
    Started MFP last week. Just turned 61 and would like to lose a bit over 100 pounds. Love reading the posts as I see
    many others experience the same dilemas I do. Good luck to all!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Started MFP last week. Just turned 61 and would like to lose a bit over 100 pounds. Love reading the posts as I see
    many others experience the same dilemas I do. Good luck to all!

    Hi findingmytoes, Welcome to the group! We are happy to have you here and we also have a chat and a weekly exercise challenge for us 60 somethings!. Good luck on your journey. If you like we can be pals and encourage each other. You will find so many positive, wonderful people here.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I'd like to welcome all the newbies that I've missed that last few days. Although I've reached my goal for now (according to my health care practitioner) I'll still be here giving and getting encouragement. I've lost 20 lbs in a little over a year. I wanted to lose 20, but I've plateaued for awhile now and been told that's ok. I lost most of the weight with the help of MFP. This group is lots of fun and you get lots of support and encouragement. We all face similar issues and so understand each other.

    Welcome! Send me a friend request and I'll be sure to accept.

    Good luck to us all on this journey to a lower eight and a healthier life style!
  • phylsyl
    phylsyl Posts: 284 Member
    Welcome all! Anyone who wants to add me, feel free. We all need to give and get support and this group is great for that!
  • greenwel
    greenwel Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome to the newbies!
    I joined in January after hearing a doctor on TV mention MFP. Since then I have lost 30 pounds, and discontinued my cholesterol, prednisone and BP medications
    I have chosen to eat a plant-based plan to do this with no meat and no dairy. Ask me about that if you are interested.
    I also walk an hour/day and do yoga.
    Feeling great.
  • spannygranny
    hi joined this site today and am finding my way around. Found this group by chance, great to know that I'm not the only 60+ on here. I need to loose a minimum of 45lbs for health reasons, high blood pressure, cholesterol, arthritic joints and it's not helped by an under active thyroid. I'm looking for inspiration and support and hopefully be able to reciprocate in time.
    Great to meet you all :smile:
  • belladiva47
    belladiva47 Posts: 44 Member
    All these messages really help motivate to keep trying. Life really can begin after 60. Thank you for being there.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    @greenwel--hi, Pat. I joined MFP in April of 2012 when I had to go gluten free. Recently developed an allergy to yogurt (all kinds) so I'm going somewhat dairy free also. MFP has a good group for people with food allergies if you're interested. I've lost 20 pounds in the last year and the doctor says I'm doing great and don't need to lose anymore. BP has been in the good range for the last 9 months, so I'm hoping to get off the low dose meds in the next six months. Glad to hear you've accomplished that!

    @spannygranny--This is a great site for support and encouragement for us older folks. We have a chat room and a mini challenge group if you're interested. I've been here for almost a year and the group just keeps growing. It's great to have the support and encourage from so many people--it really helps.

    Welcome to all the newbies that I haven't mentioned by name. Good luck and health to us all.!
  • wmilosh
    wmilosh Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 72. Do I qualify for this group? LOL. I got a prize offer in the mail the other day. I was going to throw it away, but my wife opened the envelope and when she saw free plane tickets, she called the number. Everything sounded good and my wife (62) was getting excited when the woman asked her how old I was. When my wife told her I was 72, the woman said, "Oh, I'm sorry, he's too old too win the prize". The story of my life. I found MFP a few months back after thinking about a diet journal. It turned out to be the best thing I ever came across for learning how to eat properly. I never realized how easily calories could add up to those extra pounds. Now I'm down to my early 20s weight again. After trying all kinds of diets and dieting schemes over the years, simply watching the calories and exercising did it for me. Now my blood pressure, pulse, BMI, and doctor are all happy. Glad to be here.