Starting the 30 Day Challenge



  • maitreyee43
    maitreyee43 Posts: 26 Member
    Challlenge accepted!! :D:D
  • dietcheflady
    dietcheflady Posts: 9 Member
    Wonderful-this is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thanks for setting it up! I'm looking forward to your daily posts! 1lb/week is perfect for me... I'm a short one at under 5'2". I've gone from 135-117 and am beginning to get really lazy about checking in with myself. I'd like to lose another 5lbs, so 1lb per week could get me there with this challenge! Woohoo! I'm hoping to find a 30 day challenge twin so everyone keep posting your height and weight!! Good vibes for the day to you all!
  • geethsuma
    geethsuma Posts: 207 Member
    Challenge accepted :-) looking forward for June1st
  • beth535
    beth535 Posts: 31 Member
    Count me in! During my first venture with FP I had amazing results in lowering my cholesterol, triglycerids, and A-1C test for diabetes in just six weeks. Lack of consistency and persistence have always been my downfall. I'm pretty sure a 30-day challenge is doable. One pound a week for me, too! Saturdays sounds good. Thanks for getting this started.
  • Challenge Accepted! This is my first day with MFP so im still trying to navigate the site. My weight loss goal is 2 lbs per week since I have so much to lose. I will post my progress on Sat.
  • geethsuma
    geethsuma Posts: 207 Member
    I am slightly confused looking at the premotivator challenges. Is it something like everyone does their own challenge and report at the end of the day.

    I thought it will be a single challenge which we all will try to achieve on a daily basis (as a team) and encourage and support each other.

    If every one are working on different objectives, it is easy to get demotivated and the plan will not be a success. What is your thoughts?

    Diana, please can you give us a hint as to what you have in mind for June challenge
  • JurneyEve
    JurneyEve Posts: 84 Member
    I created this group with the idea that we could all set our own goals. We can post them on here and share our progress in the hopes that seeing everybody else's posts will encourage and motivate us all to keep going. My plan is to create a new "TOPIC" each day and we will each comment in the topic our progress from the day before and what our goals are for that day. The current day's "TOPIC" will have a red pin next to it so everyone knows which day is the current day. Starting tomorrow, I'll also include the date in the topic title to make it easier for everyone. I also plan on posting weekly challenges every Monday. Every Saturday I'll start a new topic titled "WEEKLY WEIGH IN" where we will all post our weight loss. The challenge will be to record our daily calorie count EVERYDAY; to exercise AT LEAST 30 minutes for 4 days a week and to post our weight loss every week.

    I like your idea of a single challenge that we all try to achieve on a daily basis. I'm not too sure how that would work because we are all in different stages and we each enjoy exercising in different ways but I'd love to hear some of your ideas.

    Well, I'm off to go ride my bicycle. I'll be back in a few hours.

    ♥ Diana
  • Beck1031
    Beck1031 Posts: 1 Member
    Challenge accepted!!! I'm heading out for walk/jog, then gotta mow the lawn!! So hopefully some good calorie burning will be done today!!!
  • stefaniec19
    stefaniec19 Posts: 4 Member
    Challenge accepted! A 30 day challenge is just what I need! One of my personal goals is to burn 1000+ calories a day thru exercise and weight lifting, and keep my calorie intake below 2000 calories a day. I'm laid off so I have the time, I just have a problem with motivation. When I'm working I easily burn twice that during the day (I'm a construction laborer). I need an accountability buddy who has goals and needs a buddy too.
  • J198S
    J198S Posts: 20 Member
    Challenge accepted!
  • msigman1
    msigman1 Posts: 20 Member
    I am soo in.
  • GFielding_56
    GFielding_56 Posts: 76 Member
    Ok I'm in - I already do this - fill in my food diary daily, complete 30 mins exercise (walking), so I would like extra challenges.

    I've signed up to the squat challenge.

    Anything else anyone is doing? I think by setting challenges we motivate each other.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Ok I'm in - I already do this - fill in my food diary daily, complete 30 mins exercise (walking), so I would like extra challenges.

    I've signed up to the squat challenge.

    Anything else anyone is doing? I think by setting challenges we motivate each other.

    The squat challenge is rough, I'm on my last 3 days! I've also been doing the 30 day plank challenge have another week of that, and will probably start back up again. A few times a week I post daily challenges on my wall, it's part of another group I'm in but everyone is welcome to join in. Last week we did who can do the most push ups, overhead extensions, etc. Makes it interesting.
  • 12dld1965
    12dld1965 Posts: 8
    OK guys I had signed up for this too but was involved in a bad road traffic accident yesterday (I'm OK) but I am going to bail now personally. Wish everyone all the success in the world, will still continue with the food diary and dieting but may be a while until I can hit the gym or pool. Good luck everybody. I know you can do it :-)
  • JurneyEve
    JurneyEve Posts: 84 Member
    I'm glad you're OK 12did1965.
  • 12dld1965
    12dld1965 Posts: 8
    Thanks Diane, very close shave with death :-( Just cos I won't be participating doesn't mean to say that I won't be keeping an eye on you guys ha ha. Think of me as your armchair coach :-)

    I think this is an excellent idea well done you :-) Weigh day tomorrow for me since I started last Monday so will post my results tomorrow.

    Good luck everyone, you know you can do it!!!
  • bsgordon
    bsgordon Posts: 20 Member
    Challenge Accepted

    I am back in the mode of losing inches and not scale weight. I have been attending a toning class w/weights. I know by the way my clothes fit that I am shrinking but also building muscle mass back. My weight loss may not show in pounds!
  • myaebeling
    myaebeling Posts: 11
    Challenge Accepted! Looking forward to a slimmer me July1st
  • nani2105
    nani2105 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I had actually thought of a very similar challenge to begin today (daily food log, 30 min exercise per day, plenty of water) so I would love to join you and share our results!!
  • mccannQ
    mccannQ Posts: 1 Member
    Challenge accepted! Starting 6/1 though...