Round Two!!!

CaseyP1207 Posts: 148 Member
I just started my 2nd round of the 60 day challenge! It's been about 8 months since I completed the 1st month. I've been lifting and running since and have become much stronger. I've found that Insanity is the only workout that keeps my core trim. So, I'm back at it! Feel free to add me so we can push each other!!!! LET'S GO!


  • SwimSoccerTaxi
    SwimSoccerTaxi Posts: 98 Member
    I started Round 2 immediately after Round 1 so I'm in Month 2 of the 2nd Round but I would love to offer (and receive) support and encouragement!!!

    Keep pressing play!
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    I just started my 2nd round of the 60 day challenge! It's been about 8 months since I completed the 1st month. I've been lifting and running since and have become much stronger. I've found that Insanity is the only workout that keeps my core trim. So, I'm back at it! Feel free to add me so we can push each other!!!! LET'S GO!
    Welcome back :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I finished insanity a couple of weeks ago.... But I am thinking of doing it again as saying 'I'm doing insanity' makes me less likely to skip my workout!
  • Linzo34
    Linzo34 Posts: 12
    Im halfway through for the second time (2 week break) and it feels great!!! Unfortunately next week i cant do it for 6 weeks so will need sone real motivation on my return!! :)
  • kt1986p
    kt1986p Posts: 7 Member
    Just started insanity !! Oh my lord , trying to carry my baby up the stairs - felt like crying haha !!! But as they say no pain no gain!!! Hoping my motivation stays ,