morning sickness or rather all day sickness !!

cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
Hi im new to this group :smile: IM 33 this is my 3rd pregnancy i have 2 boys 15 and 5 :love: Im 7 weeks pregnant we found out we were expecting the day after our wedding !!! Any way ill get to the point i have terrible nausea iy last all day sometimes it goes away for like 15 mins and then it comes back again even worse by the evening im that sick feeling i dont even want to talk to anyone :sad: does anyone have any ideas or advice i know its a good sign that im feeling sick but i just cant remember it being this bad with the other 2 help please :flowerforyou:


  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    The only things that helped me were ice water, crackers and cold clementine oranges. And laying down a lot.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Ginger ale, eating every 2 hours..usually carbs. Don't eat and drink togehter...wait at least 30 minutes after eating to drink anything. Hope this helps...oh yeah peppermints
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    thank you i will try these :smile:
  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    Milk or milkshakes, this will help the lining of your stomach if your getting sick a lot. Milkshakes are great cos the sugar give you some extra energy.
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Eat before you get really hungry - I find if for whatever reason, I wait too long, I get sick. Carbs help me. I have also read that carbs and a bit of protein is supposed to help too. My is worse in the morning, so right after I pee, I make some breakfast, eat,and then lay down for 10 minutes before I have to get up again and get ready for work. Taking it easy helps. Oh and don't eat greasy at night - at least for me, it makes me sick. Also I just found over the weekend, organic ginger hard candies at Hannaford, help with the queasiness a bit too.
  • MonkeyFlower
    MonkeyFlower Posts: 92 Member
    hi, i dont really have any great fixes but just wanted to tell you your not alone - am 7 weeks and also sick almost all day long...the only thing that helped with my last two pregnancies was getting medication from my Doc to stop the vomiting so you can always ask for something if it gets really bad to the point that you cant keep anything down!

    its so tough though as i had planned on being all healthy this pregnancy but its so hard to do when you feel sick all day! good luck!!
  • Im also 7 weeks & what works for me is to eat right away as soon as I wake up. Also for some reason string cheese makes me feel better. Today was a bad day tho & the only thing that helped was sprite :/
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    My MS has continued well into the 2nd trimester (I'm 17 weeks) and I've JUST recently discovered animal crackers :) I don't know if it's the combo of carbs and sugar, but they really help me feel better if I eat them as soon as I wake up :)
  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
    I had to get medicine. Dissolving zofran are wonderful. I was like this with my son too. I take pheneigan and zofran. Nothing else really helped
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Eating often works for me. Generally if I'm feeling super crappy it's because I haven't eaten. I don't eat more, I just eat more often. So, I take about an hour or 2 or eat my bagel in the morning eating it a quarter at a time. Good luck hun!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    A friend of mine said protein helped w/hers. She'd eat small meals every couple hours that included some protein. As long as she did this, she was ok.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    Try not to let your stomach get too empty. Saltines were my best friend, and ginger in any form. Peppermint tea and peppermint hard candies help. You might also want to look into something called Sea-Bands. They are accupressure wrist bands used for nausea due to sea, motion, and morning sickness. I had nausea into my fifth month with my first son, and they saved me!
  • Rag_Doll
    Rag_Doll Posts: 49 Member
    Great tips! I was about to post a similar question regarding this involuntary fasting.. searched and found this thread. Thank you all
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Eating before you're hungry, and for some reason plain chocolate ice cream (full fat) made me feel AWESOME :)
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Hi! I had really really bad morning sickness at the beginning and it was hard! I am 20 weeks now and feeling great but if you would have told me this 8 weeks ago I wouldn't have believed you.. I was so sick I lost about 8 lbs- hoping it helps to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel for most people and hopefully there will be for you! By about 15 weeks I was a lot better.

    I recommend the Preggie Pop Drops- sucking candies made for morning sickness. They worked for me. You can get them at maternity stores including Destination Maternity or Amazon. I also was able to drink cappuccino blasts from Dunkin Donuts, usually was able to eat tea biscuits and sliced apples. Drinking was tough- try very very cold drinks with a straw.

    Hope you feel better soon! Hang in there!
  • 5one5oh
    5one5oh Posts: 11 Member
    I have to 2nd the Sea bands. I am 7 weeks and felt awful until I bought one. CVS or Walgreen for $10- money well spent
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I am in the same boat. I have only thrown up a few times so far but I am nauseous most of the day...especially at night. I find that eating often (little bits) helps. Being too full or hungry is a recipe for disaster for me. I have not been able to eat much as far as meat and fruit/veggies and am surviving on carbs. I try but they pretty much disgust me right now. I have some greek yogurt protein bars that I love and I have been able to tolerate eggs so far. Lemonade and iced tea helps me. Also, any sour candy, sea bands and Unisom helps (doctor approved). I take it at night (usually only half a tab) and it helps through the next day until noon or so. It does make me drwosy but I would so rather be sleepy than pukey.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    at my worst I was throwing up 16 times a day or more, I had a picc line put in at 8 weeks to get fluids and intravenous zofran, you might find that if normal things aren't working you don't have normal morning sickness, but hyperemesis don't be afraid to ask your Dr for info or medicine for it! I lost 20 pounds those first two months and was so dehydrated I was hallucinating, after 3 trips to the ER they put the line in. I"m now 35.5 weeks and still nauseous 24/7 but the actual vomiting is better controlled now with the zofran and phenergan. good luck, I hope it tapers off for you!
  • melinga06
    melinga06 Posts: 9
    I found this post on pintrest and thought it might be helpful for those of us who are feeling neaseous! :smile:
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I was really surprised by this, but Unisom. The drug in Unisom -- doxylamine -- was originally developed as an antiemetic. It's used as a sleep aid because that was a side effect, but in Canada and Europe a combination of doxylamine and B6 is commonly prescribed for morning sickness. Apparently it's starting to be used in the US again. (It was off the shelves for a while because people kept suing saying it caused birth defects, but study after study after study has shown it to be completely safe. In fact, it's probably one of the safest drugs a pregnant woman can take.) When I told my doctor I was taking Unisom, he offered to prescribe the doxylamine/B6 combo, but I don't have insurance so it's cheaper for me to just buy it over the counter.

    I seriously wish I had known about this sooner. I have had HORRIBLE morning sickness with all my previous pregnancies, and have been on prescription drugs to combat it. Unisom is the first medication I've taken that helps AND (even though it's a sleep-aid) does NOT knock me out! I love it. This has been the best first trimester of pregnancy that I have ever had!

    If you're interested, start by taking about half a Unisom (12.5mg), and 10mg of B6 every morning. It will help.

    (OH! Just check the box before you buy! Some Unisom is actually a different drug, the same thing as Benadryl. You want the one that says doxylamine.)