Two pound Tuesdays



  • Hey,

    Lets do this!!

    Today: 182 lbs

    I've ramped up my exercise so I'm hoping that will help a lot and make things a bit easier.
  • Hi everyone,

    Hope you don't mind me joining you guys, I quite like the idea of a weigh-in and then posting it out there...

    I'm over in the sunny UK (it's not really as we are having a wet start yet again to our so called summer!!!) and I have two boys that I would very much like to see and be around when I'm in my eighty's and if I don't do anything now, I doubt I will be around before something gives up on my body and tries to kill me due to my unhealthy weight...

    OK so lets get the basics out of the way first.

    Age: 47 (male)
    Height: 6ft.3in
    Weight: 265lbs (18st.13)
    BMI: 33.12
    Body Fat: 25.86%

    My goal is to get to 238lbs (17st) that will still place me in the overweight category, but as I have never been lower than that weight even when I was young and healthy I would wait and see how things look.

    So here we go, Day ONE.

  • kejones0402
    kejones0402 Posts: 11
    P.s. Feel free to friend me on MFP... seeing other people updating their exercise and diaries will help me stay on track!!

    And apologies for the nauseating photo - I find it helpful and amusing at the same time :):)
  • I really hope joining this group works....I seem to have been stuck at the same weight for ages!

    So staring weight 204.5lb

    Next week 202.5...I can do this!

    Goal weight 182lb

    Good luck everyone :)
  • kinismar8
    kinismar8 Posts: 14
    Good morning everyone! I am new to mfp and am looking to lose 70 pounds. This challenge sounds perfect for me. The goal of losing 2 pounds every Tuesday is great! Looking forward to getting to know all of you, and taking this journey together. My starting weight for this Tuesday is 221.
  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    HI, everybody! I LOVE the idea of this group and the short-term, focused goal. I'm halfway through losing the weight I would like to. Ive been at basically the same weight for many months now, not kicking it up enough to get to losing again. This feels like it could be the answer. :)

    GW next Tue=193.0
  • llalpaca
    llalpaca Posts: 38 Member
    Hello! I am in the UK and my weigh-ins are Wednesday mornings, which I think is still Tuesday in the US so hope it's OK if I post then! I want to lose about 35 pounds before and need motivation to do this healthily, steadily and with the right choices.
    See you tomorrow!
  • Lisaget2awesome
    Lisaget2awesome Posts: 32 Member
    I am in too. I currently weight 197.00lb, so 195 next Tuesday
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    Great to see all the members! Let's keep each other motivated - share your tips - share your challenges - share your successes (and failures, there's bound to be some) - but let's keep sharing!
  • emmietoby
    emmietoby Posts: 172 Member
    hi to all!!! lost twenty pounds due to stress!! have ben keeping it off but now i just can't seem to lose no matter what i do!! i'll keep trying i'll never give up hope!! need some mfp !! the more the better . please feel free to post me at i'll answer all!! we can do this together!!!!
  • redskinsgirl2010
    redskinsgirl2010 Posts: 9 Member
    I am new to this group and am excited to get started. I have been so called dieting since the first of the year. Did weight watchers, lost 12 pounds, lost my motivation and then gained 7 pound of my 12 back. Someone told me about MFP and I have been doing for about a month, but not faithfully. So here is my starting weight. 251.4, so hopfully by next tuesday I will be at 249.4.
  • KP556
    KP556 Posts: 10
    so far (before joining MFP) i have lost about 9 lbs, still need to lose about 6 more to reach my goal ,but seem to be in a "slump" i will def try to do this....does anyone else find themselves checking their weight daily? i feel addicted to the scale :embarassed:
  • iplibrarian
    iplibrarian Posts: 42 Member
    I am excited to start this group! I'm sure this will be a great motivator!
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    Welcome new members! I'm excited to see so many people wanting to do this :)

    KP556 - I know what you mean about being addicted to the scale - but it's a slippery slope. I'm going to try to put the scale away and only bring it out on Tuesdays.
  • KP556
    KP556 Posts: 10
    blam- yes, im doing the trying my best not to get back on until tuesday:smile:
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    so far (before joining MFP) i have lost about 9 lbs, still need to lose about 6 more to reach my goal ,but seem to be in a "slump" i will def try to do this....does anyone else find themselves checking their weight daily? i feel addicted to the scale :embarassed:

    Yeah, I love getting on that one too..but as long as it shows me what i want to see, the number going DOWN:grumble: I weight my self about twice a week and I always keep in mind that if it went up, it's water retention or food waste. I blame it on those only if I've been a good girl, because we know what being naughty means..:grumble: :laugh:
    I do tend to start weighing more when the scale has been moving very slooooowly ....
  • ECTexan
    ECTexan Posts: 195 Member
    Weighed in at 257 this am.
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    See you next Tuesday!!!!!
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    Forgot to put in weight: 177.0 (gained back 8 pounds) :sad:

    Now that I've gotten the crying out of the way time to reboot and start again. Let's go!!
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    If you stay on track, pries terse, you'll be down 8 pounds in a few short weeks. Stay motivated!