
Journeytojeans Posts: 24 Member
Please tell me your stories =]


  • mshopey
    mshopey Posts: 125 Member
    I'm 21 and live in England, getting married at the end of the year, and i would love to be a fitter healthier person for myself and my fiance.
    I feel bad when we go anywhere and i'm too out of breath to talk to him because he walks faster than me.
    Or when we run upstairs together playfully, and i can only make it halfway before i slow down huffing and puffing.
    I'm sick of feeling unsexy, of feeling like i'll hurt him if i sit on his lap, of feeling frumpy.
    I'm sick of seeing slim girls in shorts and dresses in summer, while i'm roasting in jeans and cardigans so no one can see my fat arms and legs.
    I'm ready to be the one that inspires people. I'm ready to be a better happier version of myself!
  • Journeytojeans
    Journeytojeans Posts: 24 Member
    Mshopey welcome to the group. It's great to know that there are other ladies out there that understand and can be open about it. Your story very closely related to mine. I am also a bride to be I am at the fun stage of just playing around ideas. However nearly everyday I look at beautiful wedding photos and wedding gowns and I swear to myself "I will NOT be a plus size bride. I will be proud of my wedding photos." I'm not going to for put thousands of dollars to be disappointed at some of the most important photos that are taken in your life. For that one day WE are going to be the very centre of attention in nearly every way. Not only will our emotions be flowing but our bodies will be on display. Lets work together to chip at our larger than life goals bit by bit =]
  • emilyasylum
    emilyasylum Posts: 5 Member
    Im Emily and im 24 and live in Australia. Ive lost weight with this site before and decided to come back to it cos I want to lose more and I feel like im capable at doing it again. I was diagnosed with PCOS in my early teens and went up about 4 dress sizes so I just want to get back to a nice curvy size. I admire plus size models and feeling comfortable in their skin while still being curvy. Id like to go back to being curvy rather than being "big".
  • Journeytojeans
    Journeytojeans Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Emily and welcome. What part of Australia are you in? I'm in Brisbane myself. Been here nearly 2 years from NZ. I have always been "big" and was finally starting to lose weight until I moved here and my routine kept changing. Now I'm in a great routine that works well with my journey to fit in some jeans haha. Just to be able to fit a pair of jeans confidently and comfortably. If you don't mind me asking what is PCOS and how can that effect your weight loss?
  • emilyasylum
    emilyasylum Posts: 5 Member
    I live in Newcastle. I wish I was up in QLD especially in the winter time. NZ is a beautiful place it wouldve been a hard place to leave. I think these forums are a great way to support eachother and I love hearing other peoples journeys, its good that you have found a routine for yourself :) How long have you been on your journey for? Polycystic ovarian syndrome is pretty much what it sounds like, cysts on the ovaries but it causes alot of other things with it like excessive hair growth, diabetes, infertility and weight gain aswell as other things. The changes of insulin levels causes the weight gain which can also lead to diabetes. Women with PCOS tend to find it more difficult to lose the weight aswell, but im finding things that work for my body that allows me to lose weight at a normal rate :)
  • Journeytojeans
    Journeytojeans Posts: 24 Member
    It is a very beautiful place but like I said to my family over there beautiful family doesn't pay the bills or get you ahead in life haha. Yea I like the group support feeling especially with like minded people. Well I have been on this journey my whole life really haha always been "the big girl" however I have been on this particular legg of my journey for 7 weeks. I'm on a 12 week challenge with my gym. I had a flat mate from NZ love with me we were doing it together but she moved home back to NZ. Aw yes in have heard about that. Great that you have found what works for you. Especially with the extra health issues you have to deal with. Well done! How had your journey been so far?
  • emilyasylum
    emilyasylum Posts: 5 Member
    I heard NZ is like Canada so i definitely want to visit there!! Whats it like being at week 7? Ive just started back on clean eating and a regular exercise regime. I put on some more weight while i was overseas and thought it was time to do something about it. Im also a shift worker so trying to get into a normal routine with everything has been the most difficult part for me.
    Do you have any experience in using a personal trainer or doing classes at your gym or do you use equipment at your preference? I tried a personal trainer recently and although it was good, im unsure if it its worth the money so I would like to know other peoples experiences in using them.
  • Journeytojeans
    Journeytojeans Posts: 24 Member
    Yea in have heard the same thing never been to Canada though I also heard its like Tasmania haha. Week 7 weigh in was a bit disappointing I only lost 0.7kg when I usually lose between 1 and 1.5 kg haha but just had to remind myself a loss is a loss and I am getting closer to being under 100. I was worried about getting to this stage where I plateau but my PT bumped up my routine and it's taken a lot of energy to get through it. I've also been really bloated when it's come to doing a workout it's unusual. So far in Thai 12 week challenge I've lost 8.1kg and 38.5cm all over I just need to get back into my workouts. Yea I use a PT once a week. The workouts are great and I feel so good after them however yes the price I pay for half an hour is not worth it but I'm scared I will fall right off the wagon haha
  • cjgarcia86
    cjgarcia86 Posts: 5
    I am 26, and 107 pounds overweight. I started mfp 10 days ago, and am seeing results. I have been overweight for five years, but was so depressed about it I just ate more junk and drank beer. 10 days ago I weighed myself and realized how big I was getting. So now I am working everyday, and its frustrating, but I feel good. I am 5 ft. So I look really big, and I also just dont want to talk about my weight with my family anymore, so I am doing something about it. My goal is to weigh 105, or to just feel good about myself.
  • Journeytojeans
    Journeytojeans Posts: 24 Member
    Well congratulations in being strong enough to take this important step and doing this for yourself! You are the only person who can help you succeed and my god will it feel good when we can look back and see our accomplishments. Stick to what your doing let us know if there is anything that we can help you with =] so what steps have you put into place to start your journey?