God is Imaginary



  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    None of the Bible was written directly by any eyewitness, as stated in the introductions to the books of the New Testament. Nihil obstat and Imprimatur!

    We've covered this and we're going in circles again. I believe in the eyewitness testimonies of the apostles. Their account of the life of Jesus was told to many people and eventually written down. I see proof of the life of Jesus in the New Testament. I cannot read the bible, look at my children, or the sky, ocean, trees, etc and come to any other conclusion than there is a God. I see God in all things. I even see God at work during times of tragedy. I can feel his love, just as I can feel the love of my parents, my husband, and my children. I don't need Him to appear to me and perform a miracle in front of my eyes for me to believe.

    I really was just kidding when saying I was up for hundreds of additional comments on this thread. Pretty sure we've covered everything. I've enjoyed the debate.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Now that is an eyewitness account I cannot argue with.

    I feel the same way sometimes reading the Psalms. Some of those were written by people who had experiences very close to my own and I feel a deep kinship across the millennia. (The imprecatory psalms, not so much.)

    But eyewitness accounts of miracles leave me flat. I have zero reason to believe their authenticity.
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    But eyewitness accounts of miracles leave me flat. I have zero reason to believe their authenticity.
    I've struggled with believing some of the miracles, myself. But then I remind myself that if I believe Jesus is the son of God and that he did indeed die, rise again, and ascend into heaven, why couldn't He have performed all the other miracles that seem far-fetched?
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    What I hear you saying just now is that you believe the testimony of the Bible because you believe in the person of Jesus Christ. That is exactly the opposite of what you have been arguing all along: that you believe in God because of the account in the Bible.

    Giving credence to the Bible because you have had experience of God moving in your life makes perfect sense to me. Saying that you believe in God because the Bible "proves" his existence is nonsense as far as I'm concerned. Might as well believe in Voldemort.
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    What I hear you saying just now is that you believe in the account of the Bible because you believe in the person of Jesus Christ. That is exactly the opposite of what you have been arguing all along: that you believe in God because of the account in the Bible.
    Giving credence to the Bible because you have had experience of God moving in your life makes perfect sense to me. Saying that you believe in God because the Bible "proves" his existence is nonsense as far as I'm concerned. Might as well believe in Voldemort.

    I think I started out with using the bible as "proof" because people don't want to hear my personal experience as proof of God. I certainly didn't intend to leave that out, though. I try to separate Patti's own feelings and experiences and try to use the bible, science, and other means to argue for the existence of God. But, you're right. The reason I believe in the bible, in the eyewitnesses to the life of Jesus is because of the exprience of God moving in my life.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    My experience isn't "proof" for anyone but me. But for me, it's more than enough.
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    My experience isn't "proof" for anyone but me. But for me, it's more than enough.

    Exactly. That's why I don't use my own experience when having debates on the existence of God. But, I can debate it without (even successfully at times). :wink:
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    I disagree that you've been successful. You've set yourself an impossible task that God doesn't even bother with.

    I'm just perverse enough that I enjoy arguing against the existence of God even though in God I live and move and have my being.
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    I disagree that you've been successful. You've set yourself an impossible task that God doesn't even bother with.

    Oh, I wasn't suggesting that I've been successful here. That's why I said "at times". I've had atheists on MFP send me a message saying my arguments in this thread have been the best they've heard, though. I think God would be happy I "bothered".
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    I'm just perverse enough that I enjoy arguing against the existence of God even though in God I live and move and have my being.

    How can you feel good about arguing against His existence? I'm not trying to be rude; I'm sincerely curious. Why wouldn't you want everyone to know the love of God? I'm not saying shove it down people's throats, but you seem to enjoy placing doubt in people's minds and encouraging atheism/agnosticsm.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    The God who can be proved by the type of arguments you've been making is a false God. That's the God who existence I've been arguing against. Better to believe in no God than a false God.
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    The God who can be proved by the type of arguments you've been making is a false God. That's the God who existence I've been arguing against. Better to believe in no God than a false God.

    So, you're claiming to believe in another God than I do? Why is my God a false God, and yours is real?
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Sorry. I can see how that came across as insulting. I have no doubt that this is the same God I believe in:
    I cannot . . . . look at my children, or the sky, ocean, trees, etc and come to any other conclusion than there is a God. I see God in all things. I even see God at work during times of tragedy. I can feel his love, just as I can feel the love of my parents, my husband, and my children. I don't need Him to appear to me and perform a miracle in front of my eyes for me to believe.

    And I also have no doubt that this is not an accurate way to describe God:
    There is proof of God, through the life of Jesus, in the bible.

    It is that inaccurate way of describing God that I believe is a false image of God.
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    It is that inaccurate way of describing God that I believe is a false image of God.

    So, you believe in God, but not in Jesus as the son of God?
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Oh I believe that too. But not because the Bible "proves" it.
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    Oh I believe that too. But not because the Bible "proves" it.

    No. Not "because" the bible proves it. God revealed himself to us through his only son. He sent Jesus to us so we would know Him better. The bible is the word written down for us. Jesus' words are in the bible. How can that not be used to debate His existence?
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Gotta go for a while. Catch you in a little while. Somehow I think I've let myself open up enough to have a real conversation. Doesn't happen often and I just want you to know that I'm not ignoring you, just out of internet range!
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    Gotta go for a while. Catch you in a little while. Somehow I think I've let myself open up enough to have a real conversation. Doesn't happen often and I just want you to know that I'm not ignoring you, just out of internet range!

    Okay....we're now 2 comments away from rolling this thread!
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    The Bible is useless for proving his existence because it's a perfect unbroken circle.

    How do you know that God exists? Because the Bible tells me so.

    And how do you know the Bible is true? Because it's the word of God.
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    The Bible is useless for proving his existence because it's a perfect unbroken circle.

    How do you know that God exists? Because the Bible tells me so.

    And how do you know the Bible is true? Because it's the word of God.

    Your comments trivialize this issue and are simply false. I’ve never argued that I know God exists only “because the Bible tells me so.” I take the position of St. Thomas Aquinas. The existence of God is a “preamble to faith.” We can know the existence of God through reason. The proof of this is that most people have a fundamental openness to belief in God. There are things about the world and human experience that points us to God’s existence.