Dr. Oz plan vegetables low carb fruits extra lean meat

Low carb veggies, low carb fruits, extra lean meat. Feeling great and lost 20pd last month. It's in this months issue of Woman's (something) magazine blue cover


  • IrritatedDoro
    IrritatedDoro Posts: 89 Member
    Interesting. As a vegetarian, I will not be partaking, but always interested in how such a diet could be hacked to fit my dietary preferences. Did you find it easy to stick to? I have a friend that did extremely well on the paleo diet that's so popular right now, but another went no-gluten mostly vegetarian and is thriving as well. I guess we all have to find what works for ourselves. I think I just need to not eat as much and when I do, my diet should be less carb reliant.
  • Powerfocus
    Powerfocus Posts: 18
    It is in this Month's issue of First Magazine. I like it because most of the time you can eat as much as your fill. The fruits an veggies are nutrient dense and full of fiber so you fill full most of the time. Sometimes I eat meat and sometimes I eat vegetarian. I love organic. I add a serving of low carb bran cereal in morning it last me most of the day even though I have a light lunch. This keeps me from wanting to eat a lot at night. I hope you check it out it has really helped me. Good luck!