Welcome! - Introductions!



  • navy4you2
    navy4you2 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello Everyone, I am Brian and I have been in the navy for 17.5 years. I have been to many different countries and I am glad that I found this group. I know it seems most of you are trying to get into the Navy. I have been using this site off and on for almost 3 years. I get complacent with it and loos track of what I was doing. Now I have only 2.5 years left in the Navy and I'm using it to get into better shape instead of the round belly that I have. I joined in 1994 and left for basic 2 weeks after graduation in 1995. I am an Interior Communications Electrician and I like my job. It is technical and I know I have a job waiting when I get out. I weighed in for the PRT on Friday and I was 67" and 180. Well, someone messed things up and it was actually entered into the computer so that means that I have failed the PRT. I have until the end of this month to get it changed if I can get down to 175 and do the PRT before the 30th. I know a lot about the recruiting process for those trying to get into the Navy and I know a lot about the jobs in the Navy. I will be willing to answer any questions and point you in the right direction and give you websites that you can go look at as well. I just left recruiting, but I'm not one of those that cared about the numbers. I want the person to be doing what makes them happy. If that meant that I didn't make my goals, I would be willing to take the chewing from my chain. I have done just about everything in recruiting from enlisted, NROTC, Officer and even Prior Service. I know it isn't an easy decision and I will tell you I joined because I needed a job and to get out of Wyoming. College was an hour away and I didn't have the money to be able to drive back and forth to school and I couldn't stay at the dorm.... since it was a CC. The closest university to me was 3 hours in 3 directions. So that wasn't an option. Now how I joined the Navy is the funny part. I figured that they had my older brother and my father was in, so they wouldn't want me.... I called the Navy trying to get in touch with the AF. The recruiter said that if I listened to him and didn't like what he had to say that he would drive me the 3 hours to the AF recruiting station, and the rest is history. I have been stationed on 2 ships, 2 tours of recruiting and now I'm in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The Navy is only what you make of it. I think I have rambled on enough.
  • chrisxxii
    have you been stationed on a boat or a base?
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    If you are going in as an MA, you'll be less likely to be stationed on a ship. It happens, just not often and pretty much never straight out of A school. My four years in I've been stationed at an AF Base in NE, and GTMO. Both very different from each other. If you have a chance for MSRON, and you want to get more into the physical side of being and MA I'd go for it. There's a lot more opportunity in some billets than others, although, ultimately it's what you make of it.

    Side note: I'l be back in Utah after about 20 months away in about a week. I'm pretty excited to be coming home again.
  • samcorvus
    samcorvus Posts: 112 Member


    My name is Seth and I'm planning on joining the Navy as either a sailor or Marine. I feel career wise Navy Corpsman is the way to go but as a fat kid I've always felt that if I can get through MCRD Parris Island I can accomplish anything. If I do go Marines I'll try to get a cryptological linguist or intel position. Those are also my Navy fall backs.

    Seth Aaron Michael Corvus
    Age: 24
    Height: 74.5 inches (6'2")
    SW: 330+
    CW: 247ish (spring scales slightly difficult to read at my height)
    GW: 200-
    BF by Bioelectric Impedence: 27.2%

    I went to speak to a recruiter, a Navy Chief, and he was utterly uninterested in me until after I mentioned I had a bachelors. After that he perked up a bit and weighed me. He then informed me in no uncertain terms that the conversation was over until I lost another thirty lbs or could tape in at 39". That set me in a bit of a tail spin for a while, what with having my one major goal for the last two years ripped away in a heartbeat, gained about ten lbs because I just did not care anymore. That's passed however and I'm back on track and through Paleo diet, C25K, and Convict Conditioning the last few weeks have dropped 13ish lbs, cut three minutes from my run, and am seeing nice gains in musculature.

    Talked to the Marines after the Chief too. They said they could not touch me either but that I could come PT with them in the mean time. Work conflicts so that is not happening at the moment.

    As I mentioned at first I'm looking for a Corpsman rating with a career emphasis on Submarines. My back ups are Cryptologic Linguist II(Eastern European) or Inteligence.

    Going active if I can can, reserve failing that. Studying everything I can about the Navy; I was a history minour so research is kind of my thing.

    Excited about finding this group and looking forward to messaging with all of you in the months to come.


  • DesireeAshley90
    DesireeAshley90 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi all! I'm new here and just found this group!

    1. First off, my name is Desiree!
    Age: 22 years old.
    Ht: 5'6.5 (according to MEPS but I like to think I'm 5'7)
    SW:226 (Around 45% BF)
    CW:186.4 (36% BF)
    GW: 185 (36% BF)
    UGW: 135-150

    2. My story is a little funky. A year ago I did enlist in the Navy as CTI at 33% BF (174lbs). I had a ship out date for 20120417 but two months before I got into a stupid argument with my recruiter and ended up asking to be voluntary discharged. In the mean time I shot up from 174 to 226! I guess you could say I was depressed about the situation. Any way I'm back now and in a new city and have started dieting (lifestyle change) since January. I just saw my recruiter last week and am scheduled to go to MEPS on June 10 for re-enlistment when my paperwork is transferred from my old recruiter.

    3. I am really hoping to get my same job back, Cryptologic Technical Interpretive (CTI). If not, I'd be happy with anything in Intel or IT.

    4. I am definitely going active. CTI is a minimum 6 year enlistment and I did have to take a very difficult extra exam for it so I'm really hoping to keep that job for a while.

    Anyone feel free to add me! I love having future recruits on there for encouragement and updates!