The Walking Dead = 11 out of 10

Sorry guys, I don't expect anyone to post on this topic I'm leaving. I just wanted to say I'm extremely happy this group was formed because I am very new to and very into The Walking Dead. It would be cool if a handful of you guys and gals read this and sent me a friend request. It would be awesome to chit chat with some folks about the show, >>>>but<<<< you can’t tell me what happens beyond Season II !!!!

I read a lot so I consider myself to be someone who is very drawn to character development, character diversity, character ability, powerful dynamics, strong plots, and strong sub-plots among many other things that make a wonderful story. I can say this without a doubt; a television show has never given me so many goose bumps. I'm a little behind most of all you guys because like I said I'm new to this show.

Here is how it started for me. There just aren't many television shows I watch because I find most of them to be pretty lame. A friend of mind who is a total pot head whom I would hang out with just because I could easily coerce him into shooting pool and drinking some beer (He had a pretty sweet pool table by the way) got me watching Survivor about 4 or 5 seasons ago. Do I like the show? Umm....not really....but......sorda. The cerebral players and the physical challenges are cool, but all the lying and deceit just for $$$$ is pretty pathetic. Then this year my girlfriend got me watching all these singing shows like American Idol and The Voice. I won't bash either of those shows because........damn........those people can sing. Wish I had pipes like that. So since I bamboozled/gifted my girlfriend by watching these singing shows with her, I put that ticket in my back pocket just in case I ever came across a show I was into that I wanted her to watch with me.

Well, one day while surfing all the cable channels that I never watch, I kept noticing on AMC a show called The Walking Dead. I passed it by so many times assuming it was just another zombie flick. Then one day, out of complete boredom, I clicked on it and after about five minutes I noticed I was pretty into it without knowing what the heck was going on. I didn't even know what season I was watching. Because of not knowing what season I was watching I stopped myself from watching anymore because right then and there I knew I’d be renting this show and watching all these episodes back to back to back to back etc. But………I kept thinking about it and one day I noticed the Season 3 Finale was on and I watched it. I had almost no knowledge of who was who, but I watched the entire episode, loved it, and I know what happened at the end.

Then I get my butt over to the video store and rent Season I and Season II. I am officially a “Walking Dead Head”. What a great show. But now I feel like a vampire desperately waiting for some blood because who the heck knows when Season III is coming out on DvD???? Even though I know what happens at the very end of Season III, I am so flip’n eager to see all the episodes that lead up to the finale. So, I am patiently waiting for Season III to be released.

Since I enjoyed Season I and Season II so much, I pulled that ticket out of my back pocket re-rented Season I and Season II, and convinced my girlfriend to watch them with me. She is so not into blood and guts, but after hours of graciously communicating to her that the show is so much more that just blood and guts……..I finally convinced her to sit down and watch it with me. She admitted to me the other day she is very into it and she is the one who actually brought up to me watching another episode. Right now, even though I've seen up to then end of Season II, she and I are at the last episode of Season I. So…….I finally found a show she and I can watch together that doesn't involve winning money or singing. I am pretty frickity frack’n stoked about that.

The End.


  • shamilton1984
    If you don't mind watching shows online, I definitely recommend this site for all shows but they have The Walking Dead :)
    Yes there are a lot of pop ups, but no commercials and you don't have to wait! If you don't like those, AMC usually does a marathon between the seasons so stay tuned for that. DEFINITELY a must watch though! Epic season and can't wait for season 4! It's a show my husband and I can watch together too. My brother and his wife watch it together. It's just an amazing show more people should watch lol.
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    I have watched this series since it began and I absofrigginlutely agree that it is sooooo rediculously good I had to purchase every season on blue ray. you can actually get the seasons on DVD at wal-mart cheeeeeep right now. I would recommend it. I DVR'ed every episode of season 3 so I am watching it as I wait for season 4 to come out. My daughter and I watch it together and I think she is more excited than I am as Sunday nights approach. can't wait till fall and season 4.
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,151 Member
    I actually started watching the show because I thought it was something hubs and I could watch together, as he loves zombie movies. (me not so much into blood, guts, and gore) but it was so good...I was completely hooked. I'd love to watch the marathons, but because my kids are little, I don't usually get to partake in them until they are in bed. AMC runs marathons of episodes every now and then though, so you can get your fix.

    Welcome to the group!

    also, if you like to read, the novels are great. Give some back stories to the characters...though I've heard the show doesn't really follow the comics, and that's probably true for the novels too...but the 2 I've read were great.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I only got into the Walking Dead last season and to catch up I watched the entire first two seasons on Netflix over the span of a week. Some episodes I've seen more than once. I don't think I've missed a single episode of all the seasons. Initially when the show first aired, I had no interest in it because I'm all about vampires, not zombies. But a friend at work was hooked on TWD so that's how I got interested in it after hearing her gush about the plot.

    Feel free to add me...I took a look at your profile. I'm not vegetarian or a raw food person though.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    I love the TWD with a passion!!!!! Have watched all season and looking forward to the next, TV is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring right now w/o it. Feel free to add me! :)