Shoes for the event - suggestions?

RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
irishman213 brought up a good question:
For those of you that have done a Tough Mudder....what kind of shoes did you wear? I assume that once I use these shoes they are going to be completely ruined right?!? I have a pair of cross trainers but looking at trail running shoes, I just don't want to buy new ones to have them completely ruined...

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm rather curious are expensive!


  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I have a decent pair of running shoes that I'll be wearing. I know they will be wrecked afterwards but it's an excuse to buy a new pair as they will be well worn by then.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Fantastic suggestions form a few lovely ladies on my FL:

    "When I did my Spartan Sprint last year, I used an old pair of cross trainers that I wasn't wearing anymore and threw them out when I got home."

    "I always use one of my retired pairs of running shoes (have done 2 Spartan Sprints) there are always a couple pairs of retired shoes hanging around my house. Though if you rinse your shoes as soon as you get home you can salvage them, just don't let the mud harden!"

    "I would guess a pair of running shoes that are past there prime but not completely worn out. Like the ones I mow my lawn in."
  • Elegra2006
    Elegra2006 Posts: 144 Member
    I was just thinking about this on the bus to work this morning!

    My pals who did it last year say just wear your normal running shoes and chuck 'em in the machine after.

    My shoes are probably nearing the end of their life anyway so don't mind if they get wrecked.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I was just thinking about this on the bus to work this morning!

    My pals who did it last year say just wear your normal running shoes and chuck 'em in the machine after.

    My shoes are probably nearing the end of their life anyway so don't mind if they get wrecked.

    haha nice! I've heard there is usually some company at the events that will take the old muddy shoes and clean em up to recycle/reuse them - possibly ship them off to other countries where people need shoes.
  • TX_Aggie_Dad
    TX_Aggie_Dad Posts: 173
    My wife and I are doing a couple of mud runs before we do TM in October, so we went ahead and purchased a pair of New Balance Minimus Trail shoes for our first mud run a few weeks ago. WELL worth the expenditure but we do a bunch of trail running so it makes sense.,default,pd.html?dwvar_MT10-V2_color=Black_with_Silver&start=2&cgid=167000
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    I wore the Vibram Bikala's for my TM's.. I'll be wearing them again in October for #3 (The same pair). They worked great, never felt like they were going to fall off and the water was no problem nor was the mud. I wore a pair of the special socks to avoid any weird rubbing or dirt from irritating me.

    IF you do decide to go this route or any other route for that matter.. make sure you take the proper time to train in your shoes for the event. Do not go buy a pair a week before and think you'll be okay. The vibrams do take a long time to get used to if you haven't ran in anything like them before.

    Another side note.. After the TM I was able to just throw my shoes in the bath tub to get all the mud off them and then I just threw them in the washer. Good as new (almost lol I had to wash them a couple times because they were so caked in mud but they look fine now and are still in great shape and waiting for the next event).