Training Tips?
I'd like to invite everyone to post tips or ideas for training here. What are you doing to get your strength and agility up for these crazy obstacles we will be facing?
Distance Training Schedule
If anyone is interested, I'm sharing the training schedule I will be using to work up to running half-marathon distance by the end of September. There are 64 total workouts (4 runs per week) to help with increasing distance which is pretty handy. Easy pace means just that, running slowly at a pace where you could hold a…
How's training going?
I'm closing in on my first full month of actively training for the Tough Mudder, amd I'm feeling good!! Crossfit is really helping me and I'm feeling much stronger. The next few months should bring some amazing changes. How is everyone else doing?
Resurecting this dead group :)
Hey y'all! I hope everyone is well and feels awesome about completing their tough mudder events!! I've read that a few people completed one, and some were training. I sort of fell away from MFP for awhile, and gave up on training for the Tough Mudder I was going to do last year. I found one in October in NC that will be…
So now that TM is over....
I figured I'd start a topic that would allow people to share their experiences. My TM was June 29. I have very mixed emotions about it! (1) If you don't have a team - find one! I was the only person in my heat going solo which made a HUGE impact at the end when I was exhausted (2) I thought 85% of it was a BLAST. Even…
First Mudder on Sunday!
Running my first Tough Mudder on Sunday! I've been training for it for 7 months. My biggest concern is being able to run fast enough for my group (10:30 mile). But, other than that, I feel strong... Looking for any and all tips for race day :-)
Tough Mudder Houston -- Complete.
All - just finished up TM Houston on Saturday. Had a freakin blast! It was very challenging due to the heat and ended up taking us over 5 hours. Here is a video I made Sunday as I was recovering:
Wolf Run
On Saturday I completed The Wolf Run, this is a similar event to a Tough Mudder cross country running, water, mud and obstacles. It was a first for me but won't be the last one I do. I have included a few photographs that were taken round the course. The first one is a Log Jump, when I got there everyone was crawling under…
Fell Off the wagon - let's get back at it!!
Hey guys. I fell off my health and fitness wagon in a big way. I'm crawling back though :) Just ordered T25 and rededicated myself to healthy eating. How have you guys been with training?
Training 6/23 - 6/29
Oops! I'm late with this week's thread :-/ haha
Trainging week of 6/16 - 6/22
This weeks thread
Shoes for the event - suggestions?
irishman213 brought up a good question: Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm rather curious are expensive!