How's training going?

RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
I'm closing in on my first full month of actively training for the Tough Mudder, amd I'm feeling good!! Crossfit is really helping me and I'm feeling much stronger. The next few months should bring some amazing changes.

How is everyone else doing?


  • _DSKG_
    _DSKG_ Posts: 12 Member
    Hi. I'm glad to hear your first month went well!

    I've decided to do a Tough Mudder in November and my first real day of training starts tomorrow. I've been doing some minor cardio and strength training, but I'm pumped to have a reason to kick it up a notch now!
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    I'm not actively training for my TM yet as I have to make it through a 200 mile bike ride in July and my TM isn't until the end of September but I do look forward to starting it after mid July!

    Will this be your first TM?
  • _DSKG_
    _DSKG_ Posts: 12 Member
    Wow, that's quite a bike ride! Sounds awesome!

    It will be my first TM. I'm so pumped for it! I see you've done three already. Any advice for a first timer?
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    Wow, that's quite a bike ride! Sounds awesome!

    It will be my first TM. I'm so pumped for it! I see you've done three already. Any advice for a first timer?

    The bike ride might very well kill me!

    The first TM is the best, hands down! Enjoy it, don't get all caught up in how far the distance is, you're going to finish it no matter how long it takes. Upper body strength - you need it but even if you're not super strong in your upper body you'll finish you just might spend more time swimming in the muddy water than others will :-) SHOES - very important.. train in the shoes you will be wearing and make sure they are comfortable when wet, know where the hot spots and possible blister sites are going to be and take preventive measures - you don't want your TM ruined by a damn blister! Personally, I wear the Vibram Bikala 5 Fingers but don't switch up shoes close to TM time (also, these shoes take a long time to build up distance in) Gloves- take it or leave it, I don't wear them as I noticed more people falling off the monkey bars with gloves on for some reason and personally didn't feel like I got very good grip with the pair I had. Wear clothes that are going to dry quickly and not get heavy when they are wet - this means NO cotton, none.. maybe your socks but that's it. Stop and help other teams, it's half the fun and you know other teams are going to return the favor, it's not a race.

    After you finish TM you're going to get your shirt, headband and beer. Enjoy that beer and drink tons of water. Mentally prepare yourself for Arctic Enema #2 (The showers, they're going to be freezing). Bring with you - loofa (the shower thing), body wash, shampoo, towel and garbage bag (for your clothes and shoes should you decide to keep them). Honestly, do not forget the loofa, it works so much better than a washcloth or dirty sock (what I used my first TM and I am ashamed to admit that it was not my sock nor did I know the owner of said sock.. it was just there) to get the mud off your delicate body. Also, the loofa allows you to get it wet and get the heck out of the ice water as you scrub. Flip flops or comfy sandals to slide your feet into when you're dressed. Take lots of pictures before you clean up, they're way cooler than those you take when you're clean. Speaking of pictures.. bib number goes on your chest - you're going to be doing a lot of crawling, try to keep that bib from getting caught up and if it comes off put it back on because this is how they are going to organize the pictures from the event. Keep your bib - it's a sign of accomplishment :-)

    Most importantly take your time (this is going to help prevent injuries) and enjoy it. Try everything at least once. The electric shock is something else.. I've been shocked multiple times and I'm still alive - just don't think about it and run straight ahead. If you have any questions or want to talk more about it feel free to friend me, I'm always looking for more TM buddies.
  • _DSKG_
    _DSKG_ Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it!

    You run in the Vibram 5 Fingers? I've always been very intrigued by those shoes. I'm actually buying my first pair of legit running shoes this week. The sneakers I've been training in are already causing blisters, and it's really time for me to invest in a quality pair of shoes.

    I would not have even thought about bringing shower things, and I would have ended up using the stranger's sock as a loofa too, haha. Thanks for mentioning that!

    I'm not too concerned about the electric shock part. It does sound pretty extreme, but I'm sure it won't kill me :-)

    I'm going to go ahead and add you as a MFP friend. The more support the better! :-D
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Sorry I didn't see his before now! But yes this will be my first TM as well. Let's kill it!!!!!