Fell Off the wagon - let's get back at it!!

RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
Hey guys. I fell off my health and fitness wagon in a big way. I'm crawling back though :) Just ordered T25 and rededicated myself to healthy eating.

How have you guys been with training?


  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Good job getting back into it! :) When is your event?

    I finished up Insanity a few weeks ago. Since then I've been focusing on running and lifting (doing the beginner weight lifting routine from Jefit). I'm planning on starting T25 in September (our TM is August 24th, and then we're going on vacation soon after).

    Best wishes to you!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I was going to do the Tough Mudder in October, but my partner needed to push til next summer due to issues with her won training. I wanted it to be a fun thing for us to do, so I got lazy about my own training. Go figure!! But I'm getting back at it.

    I'm starting T25 today actually. I loved Insanity!! It's just some of the workouts are so long it kept me from doing another round. I have been lifting weights as well off and on - I need to get back to doing it a few times a week as I haven't been very consistent with it lately. Same goes for my running!
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    I've been dealing with a setback thanks to a severe high ankle sprain 5 weeks ago. Just started running again this week. It was a very, very, very slow jog and not much faster than my trainer's walk, but it was progress. Made 2 laps during the work out running the first one completely and 90% of the 2nd one for a total of about a mile.

    One of the girls in my training class asked me to do a Dirty Girl mud run with her but it's about a month before my Tough Mudder and I didn't want to push things too soon. Had I not had the injury I would have considered it.