good healthy snacks

all right since im in the position where i need new food in my house so what are good snacks i was thinking yogurt and anyone who is asking this same question and dont know what then you are on the same topic with me !


  • It just so depends...there is always your typical selections like baby carrots, snap peas, celery, apple slices, etc. but you can add a tablespoon of Almond butter ( I loooovvvveee almond butter) or a healthier version of peanut butter or even a low fat string or slice cheese. I keep all of these in my fridge along with cut watermelon, cantaloupe and cherries. They have a wide variety of 100 calorie snacks now...depending on what your watching (cal, carbs, sodium, etc) i love the 100 cal all natural almonds. 100 cal double protein yoplait yogurt is delish! I hope this helps, I have a list with tons of ideas if you need more!
  • @tmschaffer - loooove almond butter too! I spread it on rice cakes and put a little organic strawberry jelly on top. It's like a pbj without all the guilt!!

    As for snacks - I'm a huge avocado fan, so I make guacamole and dip my veggies in it. For my guac: I mash an avocado, add a spoonful or two of salsa, then add garlic powder & lime juice to taste. Or you can buy Wholly Guacamole's 100 calorie packs at the grocery store. I love these because I'll use half on a wrap at lunch and half with my veggies at snack time. My go to snacks are definitely: almonds, celery/hummus, pistachios, bananas, and apples (honeycrisp are my fave!!). Snacks like almonds & apples are fantastic because they help cut back on bloating. I also love Dannon light & fit carb/sugar control vanilla yogurt. Just dump some berries in with it and its soooo yummy.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I get snacky at night (usually for dessert!). So I've started mixing Activia light yogurt with a couple tablespoons of fat free cool whip - it helps curb my ice cream cravings!! And my friend said of you make it ahead of time and put it in the freezer, it's more like "hard" ice cream.

    I designated an entire drawer in my kitchen as a snack drawer - it's full of 100 calorie packs and kashi bars and nuts. I've found it makes it so much easier when everything is organized and prepared ahead of time
  • Finally had a few minutes to find this! It's Dr. Oz's 100 foods list. Its not a list I live by, but it's a pretty good resource, in my opinion.

    And there's a whole section on snacks/treats/desserts!
  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    I like pretzels, make my own trailmix, and my new thing is rice cakes (taste like popcorn to me). The one thing I realized is to switch up my snacks so I don't get bored. I typically eat yogurt or add yogurt to my protein shake.