130lb/60kg novice powerlifter w/ questions about competing

ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
I'm a short-statured powerlifter who has been seriously lifting for about a year. From time to time, I've worked with a personal trainer who has a powerlifting background, so I'm pretty confident that I've got the basic lifts down. And so recently, I've been considering whether to try and compete in a powerlifting event. My PRs are 310 deadlift, 270 squat, 185 bench (all raw). I'm 36 years old and weigh 130 lbs.

So I'm wondering if these are decent enough weight levels for me to compete, or should I hold off for awhile? I am not expecting to win or place (the experience itself would be sufficient), but I don't want to be laughed at out of the competition either - because my weight is so disparate from my fellow competitors.

Is there a general rule of thumb, like squat twice your weight, deadlift thrice your weight, that sort of thing? Or does being shorter/lighter in weight make a difference?


  • username_misso
    username_misso Posts: 50 Member
    just do it, you will NOT be laughed at. i cannot stress this enough.

    if you are still too nervous, go along and watch a comp and see what i mean, the crowd, the other lifters, are all so supportive.

    at local comps we have everyone lifting from girls who have recently started and are lifting a bar with collars, to our top ranked athletes doing "fill in" comps between international events. i would say there is no point comparing your lifts to other peoples, especially since powerlifters spend so much time chasing their own PBs anyway, but if you want to get an idea, you can find "standards" here - http://www.exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/StrengthStandards.html

    these are based on weight classes, so by default in the lower weight classes you can get some pretty short guys - google mike khuhns, lamar gant or sergey fedosienko and prepare to be amazed!

    but seriously, just do it. now. :)
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    This link was helpful, thanks! I hadn't seen anything like this before. It puts me at intermediate for every lift that I perform. This is pretty reassuring.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    It's nice to see how you stack up but ULTIMATELY, you are competing to see your own personal bests.

    I competed for a few years. Got blown away but who cares. It pushed me to lift more than I ever thought possible.

    @165lbs. Way back in 1994

    230lb bench. shirted
    450lbs squat. Wraps and suit
    450lb dead. Wraps and suit
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    just do it, you will NOT be laughed at. i cannot stress this enough.

    but seriously, just do it. now. :)

    absolutely agree.