Blue & Green Loft!



  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    Finally tried something new "Flirty Girl Workout" then deleted the videos as I will NEVER watch/workout that again! How do people stay cute, perky and sweaty free when working out? I'm the totally opposite so this video pissed me off! :explode: well I better get an advantage for that waste of my time :wink:
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    We need to get our team results in. Please email me your challenge stats & weight or go directly to the spreadsheet and fill in your results for week 5. We are missing info from the following team members:

    PerlaRubi2013 - I have your weight (good job BTW) but not how you did on the challenges.

    Thanks everyone :happy:
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    Week 6 Challenges:

    In Summary:
    1. 4/7 days of exercise = 1 lbs advantage
    2. 1 session of something new = 1 lbs advantage
    3. 5/7 days of drinking only water = 1 lbs advantage
    4. 5/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep = 1 lbs advantage
    5. Inspirational photo with 7 reasons you want to get healthy = 1 lbs advantage for completing, extra 1 lbs for posting a photo
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,127 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    Great idea with the motivation!
    Although I have to think about it, don't know if I have 7 reasons at hand.

    Yesterday's weigh-in was desastrous - TOM is close and I have gained almost 2 kg :mad: So I think I am going to land in the pit...

    BadAtitude - I can totally relate to your thinking - I can't stand it if I am sweating away with the workout, and on the video they look like they just came home from a leisurely stroll in the park! If they want their viewers to work out seriously, they should take it seriuosly as well, otherwise it is like they are making fun at you.

    This week's challenges:
    1. 4/7 days of exercise: 1/4
    2. 1 session of something new: not yet
    3. 5/7 days of drinking only water: not yet - I don''t know if I can do this to my coworkers - without tea in the morning I am grumpy the whole day...
    4. 5/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep: 1/5
    5. Inspirational photo with 7 reasons you want to get healthy: not yet
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    I guess the title of DVD kind of gave way that it wasn't going to be a quality fitness workout "Flirty Girl Workout" LOL! I am addicted to the Jillian Micheals videos and do these daily :happy:

    I think a lot of things motivate me but they might seem negative to others so do I post it and risk offending people?? Nah! I'll play nice:wink:

    I have already failed the water challenge *Damn Coffee* if it's not running through my veins 24/7 then I just can't function. I am a true caffeine addict as I only drink coffee that is strong black dark cream or sugar just caffeine!

    posted inspirational poster but haven't done anything new yet.

    How's everyone else doing? This is turning into the Maalea and BadAtitude show :drinker:
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Sorry Maalea and Badattitude, haven't been ignoring you/the loft but have some problems and not felt particularly sociable. Hubby has been suffering from a medical mystery which has been worrying us for a while now. Numerous tests have not identified a cause but we have been reassured that it is unlikely to be the return of cancer he had recently removed.
    Anyway meals around hospital appointments, lack of sleep and lack of enthusiasm to exercise has not helped the weight loss for this week resulting in a small gain. No way will I be able to avoid coffee - need to be awake. Will endeavour to attempt the other challenges this week and am getting on the elliptical now...
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,127 Member
    Wow, look at those numbers!
    Aphrodite and BadAtitude - you rock! Congratulations!! :drinker:

    Uh oh - I am not the worse for the week (phew), but the worse overall... :embarassed:
    Eventually it has to go down once more.

    2muchchoc - don't worry, of course you have your hands full with your husband! I hope he will get better soon, and that it turns out to be completely harmless!

    I am not doing the water challenge - I tried to skip my tea at breakfast, but I broke down in the morning at work and drank some there - I really needed to wake up...

    This week's challenges:
    1. 4/7 days of exercise: 3/4
    2. 1 session of something new: standing calf raises (my calfs burned the whole day!)
    3. 5/7 days of drinking only water: failed
    4. 5/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep: 3/5
    5. Inspirational photo with 7 reasons you want to get healthy: not yet
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    Sorry Maalea and Badattitude, haven't been ignoring you/the loft but have some problems and not felt particularly sociable. Hubby has been suffering from a medical mystery which has been worrying us for a while now. Numerous tests have not identified a cause but we have been reassured that it is unlikely to be the return of cancer he had recently removed.
    Anyway meals around hospital appointments, lack of sleep and lack of enthusiasm to exercise has not helped the weight loss for this week resulting in a small gain. No way will I be able to avoid coffee - need to be awake. Will endeavour to attempt the other challenges this week and am getting on the elliptical now...

    I am so sorry to hear about your struggles. I can honestly say I have been there and it does get better. My boyfriend had an undetermined attack on his nervous system a few years was HELL! all the appointments, hospitals, MRI's, CAT scans and then Physio to rebuild nerve control. I wish your hubby a speedy recovery (hopefully he gets good news soon). Please take care of yourself as well :flowerforyou:

    BLUE/GREEN team was #2...woot woot! we ROCK girls! :drinker:

    Hey Maalea don't feel bad, If I didn't work so hard for the pound advantages I would have been kicked out already.:angry: I usually only lose 1 lb max at a time (one week I didn't lose anything) so I need to take advantage of the mini challenges to stay in the game. You can do it too :happy:

    Oh and I also failed the water challenge. I actually drink 8 to 10 cups a day as well as a pot (or two) of coffee (I quit pop, juices and alcohol :grumble: ) so I won't give up coffee too - I think I made enough of a sacrifice already.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,127 Member
    Ha - I completely missed the team results - we are good!!

    I am not really feeling bad, somone has to be the last. And there are other things in life to worry about than a MFP challenge ;-)
    I hope your boyfriend is well now and completely over it?
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,127 Member
    So far, this weekend has been good - nothing important to do, sleeping in, and a nice leisurely breakfast with a book. Now I have just finished doing the 30DS and some additional workout.

    Weigh-in today was good, I am on the losing side once more - just hope this keeps up :happy:

    This week's challenges:
    1. 4/7 days of exercise: 4/4 - done
    2. 1 session of something new: standing calf raises (my calfs burned the whole day!)
    3. 5/7 days of drinking only water: failed
    4. 5/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep: 5/5 - done
    5. Inspirational photo with 7 reasons you want to get healthy: done
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    Started Jillian Micheals Body Revolution this week, so far I really like it. I am also trying to walk around the lake by work everyday at lunch but don't know when i'll get a chance to swim....i'll have to think about that one.

    Hows everyone doing with the challenges this week?
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,127 Member
    Sorry for being absent in the last days - you have perhaps heard of the flood we currently have in central Europe, with the rivers overflowing their banks because of too much rain.
    Vienna (where I live) has a very good flood protection system with the New Danube as relief channel, so the damage here is minimal, but other regions are heavily affected. My parents and some friends are affected too (not as bad as could have been, fortunately), so I am busy helping them to deal with the damage and cleanup work.

    I will try to log my food and exercises, and drop in here, but don't have much time right now. So not much km to log for the challenge, but I can add "flood damage cleanup" as a new exercise...
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    Sorry for being absent in the last days - you have perhaps heard of the flood we currently have in central Europe, with the rivers overflowing their banks because of too much rain.
    Vienna (where I live) has a very good flood protection system with the New Danube as relief channel, so the damage here is minimal, but other regions are heavily affected. My parents and some friends are affected too (not as bad as could have been, fortunately), so I am busy helping them to deal with the damage and cleanup work.

    I will try to log my food and exercises, and drop in here, but don't have much time right now. So not much km to log for the challenge, but I can add "flood damage cleanup" as a new exercise...

    Yikes!! at least everyone is safe. I have been watching the flooding in Europe and USA on the news (along with tornadoes) it is all so astounding really. I guess I can't complain about too much right now in comparison eh?! Good luck and take care :flowerforyou:
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    TIL - Why it is beneficial to switch from lettuce to spinach.

    Vegetables such as baby spinach and lettuce are full of insoluble fiber. This type of fiber makes digestion occur quickly by sweeping out your gut. Insoluble fiber keeps you regular and can help relieve constipation. Women should get somewhere between 21 and 25 grams of fiber daily, while men need 30 to 38 grams, reports You can get about 2.5 grams of fiber from 4 ounces of baby spinach, versus 1.5 grams from the same amount of lettuce.

    Read more:
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,127 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am back to the forums. The last days were so busy, I just managed to log in but had not time for much else...

    So - here in Austria the flood is going back (down the big rivers in Germany and Hungary it is still critical). My parents had some water in their cellar, but they were fortunate - the water stopped just about 3 cm below the cellar windows, so it was just what came through the door... However, as much work as it is to clean everything up, it is nothing compared to other regions - I don't know if you have seen pictures, but in some villages the water got up till the second floor, and only the roofs were visible any more...

    I got some nice workouts cleaning up, but the km challenge is doing poorly, and I failed the food challenge - I wanted to stay away from junk food, but after helping some friends to clean their yard, we all went to McDonalds, and I could not resist :-(

    1. 4/7 days of exercise: 4/4 - done
    2. 1 session of something new: yard work
    3. no kunk food: failed
    4. 5 posts in the forum: 2/5
    5. km walking: 15.77 km
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Hiya, certainly haven't done particularly well on the challenges this week. No excuses just felt negative about foot injury and general hassles so apologies all.

    1. 4/7 days of exercise 4 done
    2. 1 session of something new. Done. Bought some new Davina hand weights with handle grips. Trying to reduce the batwings!
    3. Person that walks/runs/bikes/swims the farthest =. No chance with bad foot only about 5 miles walking this week in total
    4. Eliminating a food you eat too much of for the entire week = Eliminated nuts and crisps this week
    5. Posting on the group discussion board or PMing your captain 5 times this week = no sorry ( normally chatty, honest!)

    Weighing in tomorrow with hopefully some movement downwards....
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,127 Member
    I hope you foot is getting better? Anyway, be sure to give it some rest and don't overdo it, it would just take that much longer to get well!

    1. 4/7 days of exercise: 5/4 - done
    2. 1 session of something new: yard work
    3. no junk food: failed
    4. 5 posts in the forum: failed, sorry!
    5. km walking: 23.5 km (14.6 miles)

    I hope for a weight loss tomorrow, too!