My post partum confession



  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    LOL!!!! Since Jaxon, I'm not a night owl anymore. In fact, I'm complete opposite! I like to go to bed about an hour after I put baby down and if that doesn't happen for some reason or another I get my panties in a wad :tongue:

    Same here! I have friends that want to go out for dinner at 7pm, and I'm like "that's great, but I'm going to leave early to put my baby to bed at 8:30." And MY bedtime comes shortly after that!

    For me, there's no point in staying up late when the baby is going to wake up early. Also, dinner at 5 or 6pm is the norm now!
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Ha! These are great, and I definately relate. Bathroom cleaning is definately not as much of a priority as it used to be (and needs to be!). Bed time and mealtime also are early enough to designate me as a 90 year old... If we venture to go out to dinner, we're leaving by 5ish to beat the rush and avoid a wait which is no longer possible w/ 2 small children!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    LOL!!!! Since Jaxon, I'm not a night owl anymore. In fact, I'm complete opposite! I like to go to bed about an hour after I put baby down and if that doesn't happen for some reason or another I get my panties in a wad :tongue:

    Same here! I have friends that want to go out for dinner at 7pm, and I'm like "that's great, but I'm going to leave early to put my baby to bed at 8:30." And MY bedtime comes shortly after that!

    For me, there's no point in staying up late when the baby is going to wake up early. Also, dinner at 5 or 6pm is the norm now!

    I agree! We had some friends invite us over the other night at almost 8 o'clock but 8 is when we start getting Jaxon ready for bed so we passed lol dinner for me is 5-6 as well :)
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I also will confess I wear underwire bras even though I'm still nursing. My boobs just don't look the same in those nursing bras. While they are very comfy and I'll wear them around the house, I just can't wear them to work anymore.

    Same here! I found an underwire nursing bra that I wear when I go out, even though I never nurse in public (she's just too nosy and wants to look around and I'm left flashing everybody). The comfy ones are my "at home" bras.

    My night owl days are also long gone. Staying up "late" is now 10:30, even on weekends.

    Go out for dinner? That hasn't happened since we had our baby. Lunch/brunch is more our thing now.

    I'm good at keeping up on laundry, dishes, general tidying/organizing, cooking, but vacuuming and scrubbing bathrooms? Nope. ETA: DH gets the dirty jobs, and he still does my cat's litter, even though the doc said I don't need to avoid it any more.

    Pretty sure parenthood has turned me into a born again virgin. :blushing: I mean, it happens, but not often. I'd rather sleep, and even though I know it's fine, I still get nervous and worry it will hurt (I had a bad tear).
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
    for me it is my laundry. I use to be a neat freak, today I wash on sundays and the clothes stays in a clean bin until I have time to put it away, ( this week it is still there). I have a 4 and 3 year old and an alomst 9 month baby girl.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Pretty sure parenthood has turned me into a born again virgin. :blushing: I mean, it happens, but not often. I'd rather sleep, and even though I know it's fine, I still get nervous and worry it will hurt (I had a bad tear).

    I have zero sex drive and it has been painful the two times we've tried in the past 7 MONTHS...serious dry spell :laugh:


    My poor husband
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Pretty sure parenthood has turned me into a born again virgin. :blushing: I mean, it happens, but not often. I'd rather sleep, and even though I know it's fine, I still get nervous and worry it will hurt (I had a bad tear).

    I have zero sex drive and it has been painful the two times we've tried in the past 7 MONTHS...serious dry spell :laugh:


    My poor husband

    Right there with you, ladies! I think breastfeeding, which my ob says is like a mini-menapause, is partially to blame. Oh well. I'm not stopping any time soon. In the meantime, I will give you some advice a friend of mine gave me--use KY Jelly--lots and lots of KY Jelly. Sorry if that's TMI, but it seriously does help. Oh, and if you order it on Amazon, really fun things will happen in your "Suggested for you" section. For example, I am now being recommended pacifiers and baby playmats next to sex toys. Ah, marketing.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Pretty sure parenthood has turned me into a born again virgin. :blushing: I mean, it happens, but not often. I'd rather sleep, and even though I know it's fine, I still get nervous and worry it will hurt (I had a bad tear).

    I have zero sex drive and it has been painful the two times we've tried in the past 7 MONTHS...serious dry spell :laugh:


    My poor husband

    Right there with you, ladies! I think breastfeeding, which my ob says is like a mini-menapause, is partially to blame. Oh well. I'm not stopping any time soon. In the meantime, I will give you some advice a friend of mine gave me--use KY Jelly--lots and lots of KY Jelly. Sorry if that's TMI, but it seriously does help. Oh, and if you order it on Amazon, really fun things will happen in your "Suggested for you" section. For example, I am now being recommended pacifiers and baby playmats next to sex toys. Ah, marketing.

    Oh man, I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Yes, we've found lube certainly helps, and sometimes a little liquid courage, too. :drinker: :laugh: It's not that the desire has disappeared, it's mainly a lack of energy at the end of the day.
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Pretty sure parenthood has turned me into a born again virgin. :blushing: I mean, it happens, but not often. I'd rather sleep, and even though I know it's fine, I still get nervous and worry it will hurt (I had a bad tear).

    I have zero sex drive and it has been painful the two times we've tried in the past 7 MONTHS...serious dry spell :laugh:


    My poor husband

    Right there with you, ladies! I think breastfeeding, which my ob says is like a mini-menapause, is partially to blame. Oh well. I'm not stopping any time soon. In the meantime, I will give you some advice a friend of mine gave me--use KY Jelly--lots and lots of KY Jelly. Sorry if that's TMI, but it seriously does help. Oh, and if you order it on Amazon, really fun things will happen in your "Suggested for you" section. For example, I am now being recommended pacifiers and baby playmats next to sex toys. Ah, marketing.

    Oh man, I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Yes, we've found lube certainly helps, and sometimes a little liquid courage, too. :drinker: :laugh: It's not that the desire has disappeared, it's mainly a lack of energy at the end of the day.

    I'm in the same boat. Since I work too, I'm super tired and that's the last thing I want, honestly. Plus I don't feel attractive at all.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I also will confess I wear underwire bras even though I'm still nursing. My boobs just don't look the same in those nursing bras. While they are very comfy and I'll wear them around the house, I just can't wear them to work anymore.

    Same here! I found an underwire nursing bra that I wear when I go out, even though I never nurse in public (she's just too nosy and wants to look around and I'm left flashing everybody). The comfy ones are my "at home" bras.

    My night owl days are also long gone. Staying up "late" is now 10:30, even on weekends.

    Go out for dinner? That hasn't happened since we had our baby. Lunch/brunch is more our thing now.

    I'm good at keeping up on laundry, dishes, general tidying/organizing, cooking, but vacuuming and scrubbing bathrooms? Nope. ETA: DH gets the dirty jobs, and he still does my cat's litter, even though the doc said I don't need to avoid it any more.

    Pretty sure parenthood has turned me into a born again virgin. :blushing: I mean, it happens, but not often. I'd rather sleep, and even though I know it's fine, I still get nervous and worry it will hurt (I had a bad tear).

    LOL at the virgin comment! With both pregnancies, we did not have sex at all. Once I am pregnant, I am SO not into sex. With our older son, we didn't have sex or do anything remotely sexy until about four months postpartum. My poor husband! This time I'm all of 8 days postpartum, so obviously I'm not cleared for anything, nor do I have the energy, but given that I feel like a beached whale, I suspect that I will want to wait a bit before sexy times. It doesn't help that I had a second-degree tear this time (last time was just a first-degree with one tiny stitch) plus an *upwards* tear.

    In a weird way, I envy those people who are counting down the days to their 6-week clearance, but I'm just not one of them! I just need to be more comfortable in my skin (and then I'm unstoppable)!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Hahaha lube is key! I'm 7 months PP and there is no hanky panky without it! Seriously, I don't think it would be mechanically possible.

    I was under the impression it was going to be like the whole "hot dog in a hallway" thing ... Apparently I was very wrong :blushing:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I also will confess I wear underwire bras even though I'm still nursing. My boobs just don't look the same in those nursing bras. While they are very comfy and I'll wear them around the house, I just can't wear them to work anymore.

    Same here! I found an underwire nursing bra that I wear when I go out, even though I never nurse in public (she's just too nosy and wants to look around and I'm left flashing everybody). The comfy ones are my "at home" bras.

    My night owl days are also long gone. Staying up "late" is now 10:30, even on weekends.

    Go out for dinner? That hasn't happened since we had our baby. Lunch/brunch is more our thing now.

    I'm good at keeping up on laundry, dishes, general tidying/organizing, cooking, but vacuuming and scrubbing bathrooms? Nope. ETA: DH gets the dirty jobs, and he still does my cat's litter, even though the doc said I don't need to avoid it any more.

    Pretty sure parenthood has turned me into a born again virgin. :blushing: I mean, it happens, but not often. I'd rather sleep, and even though I know it's fine, I still get nervous and worry it will hurt (I had a bad tear).

    I'm with you on the virgin thing! I think it's been like 5 or 6 times in 6 months, but I'm with you, I'm not really into it and I'd rather sleep...poor hubs!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hahaha lube is key! I'm 7 months PP and there is no hanky panky without it! Seriously, I don't think it would be mechanically possible.

    I was under the impression it was going to be like the whole "hot dog in a hallway" thing ... Apparently I was very wrong :blushing:

    LOl at hot dog in the hallway :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hahaha lube is key! I'm 7 months PP and there is no hanky panky without it! Seriously, I don't think it would be mechanically possible.

    I was under the impression it was going to be like the whole "hot dog in a hallway" thing ... Apparently I was very wrong :blushing:

    LOl at hot dog in the hallway :)

    Me, too! Never been a problem here... KY warming liquid is a good thing...
  • abitzan
    abitzan Posts: 85 Member
    I am out of my maternity pants but I agree that my nursing bra is more comfortable even though I have given up nursing. I just don't want to go by a couple new bras to fit the girls when I am still loosing.

    I would LOVE some more active friends on here!!
  • JennaVee2010
    JennaVee2010 Posts: 4 Member
    Oh my goodness....I'm so glad I read this topic! I am 6 months PP TODAY....and most of my pants are still maternity. I originally bought some jeans, wait for it.......4 sizes larger than pre-preggo. I thought it was going to be a motivator. NEGATIVE. I've managed to get 2 sizes down, so I guess "halfway" there right? Anyway, I gained WAY too much weight during pregnancy (about 60lb), and still have about 30 to lose to be back to my original weight. After that goal, I would like to lose about 30 more to be a healthy weight before we work on more kids.
    It's nice to see so many people having similar PP experiences as me! I thought I was alone lol!

    If anyone would like to team up with me let me know! I just started faithfully entering info on myfitnesspal last week, but it's been a HUGE motivator!
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Oh my goodness....I'm so glad I read this topic! I am 6 months PP TODAY....and most of my pants are still maternity. I originally bought some jeans, wait for it.......4 sizes larger than pre-preggo. I thought it was going to be a motivator. NEGATIVE. I've managed to get 2 sizes down, so I guess "halfway" there right? Anyway, I gained WAY too much weight during pregnancy (about 60lb), and still have about 30 to lose to be back to my original weight. After that goal, I would like to lose about 30 more to be a healthy weight before we work on more kids.
    It's nice to see so many people having similar PP experiences as me! I thought I was alone lol!

    If anyone would like to team up with me let me know! I just started faithfully entering info on myfitnesspal last week, but it's been a HUGE motivator!

    I'll add you as a friend. :)

    So my son managed to get marker on a pair of my maternity pants. Crayola claims they're washable markers but they haven't come off after 3 washes. I might have to go take the plunge and buy regular pants a few sizes bigger. Eeeek!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Oh my goodness....I'm so glad I read this topic! I am 6 months PP TODAY....and most of my pants are still maternity. I originally bought some jeans, wait for it.......4 sizes larger than pre-preggo. I thought it was going to be a motivator. NEGATIVE. I've managed to get 2 sizes down, so I guess "halfway" there right? Anyway, I gained WAY too much weight during pregnancy (about 60lb), and still have about 30 to lose to be back to my original weight. After that goal, I would like to lose about 30 more to be a healthy weight before we work on more kids.
    It's nice to see so many people having similar PP experiences as me! I thought I was alone lol!

    If anyone would like to team up with me let me know! I just started faithfully entering info on myfitnesspal last week, but it's been a HUGE motivator!

    I'll add you as a friend. :)

    So my son managed to get marker on a pair of my maternity pants. Crayola claims they're washable markers but they haven't come off after 3 washes. I might have to go take the plunge and buy regular pants a few sizes bigger. Eeeek!

    Washable markers/paint is total BS. My son's preschool uses "washable" paint all the time. They never use smocks, and I wish they would. Some colors wash out, but not purple. They've ruined two shirts by letting them paint with purple "washable" paint without a smock. I even looked it up online, and some colors just don't wash. I told his teachers, and they said they will stop using purple!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Oh my goodness....I'm so glad I read this topic! I am 6 months PP TODAY....and most of my pants are still maternity. I originally bought some jeans, wait for it.......4 sizes larger than pre-preggo. I thought it was going to be a motivator. NEGATIVE. I've managed to get 2 sizes down, so I guess "halfway" there right? Anyway, I gained WAY too much weight during pregnancy (about 60lb), and still have about 30 to lose to be back to my original weight. After that goal, I would like to lose about 30 more to be a healthy weight before we work on more kids.
    It's nice to see so many people having similar PP experiences as me! I thought I was alone lol!

    If anyone would like to team up with me let me know! I just started faithfully entering info on myfitnesspal last week, but it's been a HUGE motivator!

    I'm adding you! Our babies are a week apart. My little man will be 6 months next Wednesday :)
  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    I wore nothing but black yoga pants my entire pregnancy. My baby is now 5 months old and I'm still wearing them,I still haven't brought myself to buy real pants.