Welcome n Introduction



  • BecomingPremsar
    BecomingPremsar Posts: 169 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new here too but not a new vegetarian. I switched over to being a lacto-ovo about 8 years ago, but I am STILL learning how to be a **healthy** veggie!!! I'll be honest, I tried very very hard to be super healthy but I didn't have it balanced enough and my skin and hair got dry and I didn't have energy. Now I am trying to re-balance things and make sure I get enough protein, B-vitamins and iron (especially as a woman). I love cooking but not for just myself... which is another habit I have to change. lalala... Feel free to add me :)
  • mzbree624
    mzbree624 Posts: 2 Member
    hi im bree i've been a vegaterian for 5 months now its just a personal choice. i really thought that it was going to be hard, but it really was the easiest thing to do. i find that becomng vegetarian is easier than losing weight and sticking to a plan. i just need to make better choices whrn it comes to my food i choose. with everyone help and support i know that my goals will be accomplished. see everyone at the goal line.
  • edavismvca
    Hi! My name is Erica and I have been a vegetarian for about 15 years. I never liked the taste of meat and my body always seemed to "reject" it. So I quite one day and never looked back. I have a bad addiction to carbs since I don't drink caffeine for that quick fix. I kept it veggie when I was pregnant with my son; however, would never ask him not to eat meat. I am not against meat eaters; but do find it a little funny when people say they are becoming one to "lose weight". I always remind them that doritos and donuts are vegetarian :wink:
  • varanrose
    varanrose Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Rose and returned to being a vegetarian about 17 months ago. I was vegetarian in my twenties but went back to eating mainly fish and poultry while my children grew up. There was a lot of meat that I wouldn't eat previously but I'm a vegetarian mainly for ethical reasons. i'm looking forward to sharing ideas and general discussions with you all.
  • genitaspain
    I'm glad to be a part of things. I'm just trying to get converted over. Genita
  • smunoz0329
    smunoz0329 Posts: 5 Member
    :heart: Hi
    My name is Stephanie and I have been vegan since Sept 2012 ! Not long enough yet ! I started my way of eating to lose weight but have since done tons of research on plant based eating , etc. And of course watched a number of Netflix Doc on the way animals are treated. So I do not intend to ever eat meat again for more than one reason ! I know its the right thing to do. I'm still learning so much and how to cook, and be creative with it !
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    Hi I am Chelsea
    I am an aspiring vegetairan/Vegan. I say aspiring because I fairly new to it. ABout 2 years ago I made the decision to go vegetarian and it really helped me feel better. Then I kinda started eating more things like pasta, and bread and rice..and was not satisfied with it and how I felt. I then decided to change certain things about my lifestyle and eating habits. I stopped drinking diet coke all day, and then stopped my addiction to Starbuxks white chocolate mochas, then gave up all caffeinated drinks. It was hard, with headaches and with drawl from the habit. Then I stopped putting cheese on everything, it was eye opening the amount of fat and calories I saved, then switched from white flour, white rice to whole grain and brown rice. The change has been amazing. I don't care for soy milk, so I use almond milk and eat no dairy now. So, while I am kinda veganish, I truley don't claim to be. I feel better I have lost weight, I have better skin and have much more energy. I live with a meat eater and don't have a problem fixing separate meals but, sometimes it can be hard.

    Any one looking for motivated friends please add me..I am on every day and like to be supportive and have people on my friends who are also supportve and motivated,
  • shalysewrightbethea
    shalysewrightbethea Posts: 48 Member
    I'm Shalyse. This is my second attempt going veggie. My first was when I was in middle school , but I didn't have much support and I didn't buy my own grocery. I have been transitioning for the last 5 months as a pescatarian and hoping to be full veggie by the end of the year. This time I have support of my meat loving fiance who eats vegetarian meals with me, seeing as I'm the one who cooks, and helps me make them better. I'm excited for this lifestyle and hope I can keep it up.
  • knottynorah
    knottynorah Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Deborah. I live in the UK and I have been vegetarian for 25 years now. I brought both my kids up as vegetarian too.
  • Hi, I've been a vegetarian for over 25 years but lately I find, I eat more and more junk food.
    Glad to see so many people in this group.
  • LaurDavies
    LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
    This thread seems to have died a little, but I will introduce myself nonetheless in case it's due a revival!

    I'm currently on a search for all sorts of information relating to vegetarian/vegan diets and health, so all encouragement/info/tips are welcomed.

    Over the past six months I've gradually been going off meat, as I find that I'm becoming more and more horribly aware that it's flesh, and simply not enjoying eating it. I've also found I feel incredibly bloated and sluggish if I've had heavily meat-based dishes.
    I've been trying out various quorn recipes for the meat dishes that I do really enjoy, as well as healthy vegetarian meals,and last night I made a vegan curry which was so delicious, filling and healthy that it's really spurred me on to try more things.

    I'm very keen to start experimenting more with veggie/vegan food, and to make a concerted effort to cut out more meat - not only because of my new dislike for some meats, but also for the health benefits. There are a few types of meat that I do still enjoy on a rare occasion, so I don't think I will be 100% vegetarian, but I'm keen for any encouragement and tips to really get the most out of a change in diet.

    I'm training for Tough Mudder, and so I'm particularly interested in what I should be eating with regards to training.
  • beije24
    beije24 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Beije and 31 and recently became a vegetarian...again :) I still consume eggs and diary cheese but I am slowly trying to ween myself off of both. I am 100% more conscious and aware of the negative affects that animal products have on our bodies and love my decision to go back. My husband is not on board but I have to continue on with or without him! I love the support from this site and any recipes, stories are greatly appreciated.
  • barbaradilisio
    Hello all. My name is Barbara and I'm a "new" vegetarian. I stopped eating meat not for ethical reasons, but more for health reasons. I told myself I would try it for a month, then go from there. 3 weeks in and I'm feeling pretty good, so I think I will stick with it. I might even consider giving up dairy products as well.
  • kristenn9715
    kristenn9715 Posts: 17 Member
    Hii everyone! I was never a real big meat eater but recently I decided to stop eating meat completely. I never drank milk much in the first place but I am still eating some dairy and eggs. I'm doing a 6 week period to see how well I'll do with no meat and if I think i can do it then I'll be vegetarian and maybe later on a vegan. Butttt I would love some tips and recipes for vegetarians so please feel free to add me!!!