Keto and libido

bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
Ooh... uncomfortable subject. But I have to ask...

Have any of you noticed a severe decrease in your libido while on Keto? I sure have. But then again, I have PCOS and have high free testosterone (abnormal for a woman) and with Keto, those levels are most likely dropping rapidly which could account for it.

Anyone care to share their experience with this?


  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Sadly, I can only answer as a dude whose libido has been constant. I wish I could help.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Hehe, thanks. ;-)

    I've been reading quite a few cases were women who are low carbing have a reduced drive (and have read it's the opposite for guys). Was just wondering, with women, if this changes over time.
  • TakinSexyBack
    TakinSexyBack Posts: 300 Member
    Didn't notice any changes when I was on low carb!
  • str1ddy
    str1ddy Posts: 10
    I haven't really noticed a drop in my libido since I started keto. Then again I'm on the CKD as opposed to SKD which I think most people doing keto follow. I only really notice a drop on like...the first or second days after my carb loading days. But then I'm just generally grumpy overall when my glycogen drops during that time =)
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Thanks for sharing your experience.
    I'm soon starting CKD... with a carb up once or twice a month at the most. Wonder if that will change things.
  • str1ddy
    str1ddy Posts: 10
    Hopefully it will! It'd be a shame to lose weight and get all sexified but not actually WANT anything. :cry:
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Fortunately, this only seems to have been a temporary issue. YAY! :)
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I've had the opposite problem. The fitter I become, the more sex I want.