June 2, 2013

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Well I ended up running 5K yesterday, and was glad that I did. I felt ok running and not so bad after....considering the cold I have I was nicely surprised. The day before I felt like crap after. I might try another one this afternoon, since I think its giving rain tomorrow and the next day.

    Just finished breaky -
    1/2 whole wheat bagel
    1/2 tbsp smuckers simple blend jam
    1 egg
    2 egg whites

    218 cals

    Oh, I guess I didn't add my coffee in there......
    Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • JulesX1982
    JulesX1982 Posts: 151 Member
    Well today was the first time that I felt like myself for the past week I have had a stupid Cold which did not allow me to exercise.

    I ran 8 miles in 1:17:23 minutes not too bad considering that I didn't run all week long.

    Maureen: That is great that you were able to run even though you are still not 100%. Every little bit counts!!!

    Happy Sunday everyone!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Way to go with the running! You girls can run circles around me on your worst sick days! Hopefully I'll get there eventually.

    Today was another rest day for me. The family went down to the park & marina by the sea. The kids played at the playgrounds, we walked by the sea, checked out all the yachts, and had an overindulgent lunch. I'd better get back on the wagon tomorrow!

    Have a nice Sunday!!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    bumping today's thread back to the top of the discussion list

  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Good day Sunday! As most of you probably know by now the weekend days are my official "rest days" from organized fitness...lol. I do end up working extra hours in the garden or somewhere on our grounds. Now, with this pup around he will give me extra caloric burn each day.

    I've updated in our June Accountability thread and wishing all of us great success this month!

    Sherry: The poster above is absolutely true!! We are doing that right here!! I just loved hearing about your day and imagined what you were viewing...sounds just NICE! What a way to enjoy a "rest day".

    Maureen: Did you end up weeding the garden on yesterday? I was in ours today. I am going to try raised beds next season. Glad to know that your cold is not holding you back with the runs now. You had a nice breakfast, too.

    Julie: great run! Glad you are feeling better this week, too.

    Sam: hope that you and yours are always safe from those tornadoes! One is just one too many and my heart breaks each time one causes harm.

    Marla: You had a nice fitness day on Saturday. WTG on getting back on track! Sounds like that sinusitis is getting better?

    Ash: I am going to pass this month on the Burpees Challenge but rooting for ya!! Some of the CLX circuits I am schedules to do has burpees.

    Toni: You have such a sweetheart of a hubby taking you to get a massage!! It's great when someone is looking out for YOU! Continue to have great walks with your Mom, too.

    Alright...I am out and see you all on Monday for updates.:wink:
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    Hey everyone!!!!

    I hope that all of you are doing well today... I decided to take today and tomorrow off from working out. For the past two weeks, I have done some sort of workout 6 days a week.

    But, I made sure that I had worked on the choreography for my first official Zumba and cardiodance class on June 8... I call it both because it has elements of both and because I share the same time slot with a cardiodance instructor. My friend Andrea does the first and last Saturdays and I will do the 2nd and 3rd Saturdays... In the case of this month, I will also do the fourth Saturday as well... I have already come up with a play list... I just need to go over the routines...

    While I am looking forward to my first class, I am also a bit nervous... However, I will make it... I have already activated my official Zumba instructor website... It is at http://harryscholar.zumba.com...
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Heh everyone! I am almost 100% about 90 and ignoring the other….

    just got back from my mini hike in the hills by my house. Its a up and down trail for skiing in the winter and everyone hikes it in the other months.

    I feel great and same as Jules, hate being sick and unable to exercise, I told my daughter I am like a exercise junkie, totally addicted to it and if I can't do it something big is missing in my life!!!!

  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    Today is my rest day! Did 15 burpees today for day 2 of my challenge. My plan is to go as high as i can and then just stay at at that number for the month if i can't do it all. We shall see! Anything is better than nothing!

    Jjscholar: you teach zumba? That is super cool! Good luck with that!

    Toni: I am totally jealous about your massage. Sounds really nice and what a sweet thing for your hubby to do.

  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    Ok I will be resting but continuing my Plank and Squat challenge.

    The chubby is sweet he stepped in right on time,,,,,,i was overwhelmed and about to scream..

    Have a good day ...until tomorrow
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    Went on a 30 minute walk with my pupper and the hubby got some good pictures of us to boot. Then, I did Laurel House's quickie workout in bed for boobs, abs, and butt. Let me tell you..you can definitely feel it!