Food log for today...suggestions for adjusting macros is my first day totally Paleo. I tracked what I ate, but my ratios seem to be way off from what's suggested. I only had 2 pieces of fruit, and more protein and fats than I've ever eaten in one day! Any suggestions on where to improve, or should I not even be concerned with this?!

5 Egg White s
Coleman Natural - Uncured Hickory Smoked Bacon, 2 slices
1 banana
Add Food

Weis - 94% Lean Ground Turkey, 4 oz w/1 tsp olive oil
Broccoli, Cooked , 2 cups w/1 tsp ghee

2 cups zucchini "noodles" sauteed in 1 tbsp olive oil and garlic
1/2 cup Tomato Sauce
small salad w/lettuce, olives, i tsp olive oil and balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp parmesan cheese
93% lean ground beef-5 oz

Dole - Baby Carrots, 3 oz.
Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 cup w/1 oz almond butter
2 squares 85% dark chocolate

This ended up being about 1550 calories with a 30-carb/25-protein/45-fat ratio


  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    Doesn't look too bad. Paleo doesn't have to be low-carb. It's just that many people have more weight loss success with low-carb. If that's your goal, the obvious answer is less fruit, more fat (perhaps in the way of meat). There's also the possibility that you will lose weight eating just like that all the time anyway. Otherwise, I see no glaring issues with eating like that everyday if it works for you and makes you happy.
  • brenbrenm
    brenbrenm Posts: 81
    I'm not going to worry about the fruit unless I start to gain weight or really can't lose anything. I'm happy if I can lose 2-4 lbs a month, so slow doesn't bother me. I don't want to get to a point of where I eat a banana and gain weight. I've heard of people that have had that happen on Atkins! Just getting rid of the chemicals and getting my appetite back under control is HUGE for me.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    5 Egg White s

    Curious as to why the lack of yolk?
  • brenbrenm
    brenbrenm Posts: 81
    Still getting used to this way of eating. Avoided fat for so long, this is strange!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    If you follow the suggestions from Mark Sissions "The Primal Blueprint" the macros are close to 15% carbs, 25% protein and 60% fat.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    It is my opinion that you would benefit from higher fat and lower carbs. No, not everyone has to eat low carb (I do) but i think 60% fat is the bare minimum for good health AND weight loss.

    I too am wondering why you are avoiding egg yolks; that's where the good stuff is.

    Really try to break out of the belief that natural saturated fat and cholesterol are "bad". We've been lied to and most of us are sick and fat as a result of believing the lie.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member is my first day totally Paleo. I tracked what I ate, but my ratios seem to be way off from what's suggested. I only had 2 pieces of fruit, and more protein and fats than I've ever eaten in one day! Any suggestions on where to improve, or should I not even be concerned with this?!
    You're probably rolling your eyes over everybody's (sometimes) conflicting comments, but the bottom line is: develop a set of principles you can live by, instead of following someone else's 'diet'. Primitive man didn't worry about percentages - they ate meat when they could kill it, vegetables when they couldn't, and fruit when it was in season. Having supermarkets (and all foods 24/7) means we have to pay attention to following these ancient rhythms, but don't fixate.

    Specific comments......
    5 Egg White s
    Coleman Natural - Uncured Hickory Smoked Bacon, 2 slices
    1 banana
    As has been pointed out, all of the energy and nutrients are in the yolk. I would have had 2 or 3 whole eggs, and maybe a few more slices of bacon. As for the banana, personally I'd switch them out for berries or stone fruit (cherries, plums, etc). Bananas are a high-starch food while berries are low in sugar per serving - and powerhouses of antioxidants.
    Weis - 94% Lean Ground Turkey, 4 oz w/1 tsp olive oil
    Broccoli, Cooked , 2 cups w/1 tsp ghee
    Very nice! And you know the "use the leanest, then cook in a healthy oil" trick. :)

    2 cups zucchini "noodles" sauteed in 1 tbsp olive oil and garlic
    1/2 cup Tomato Sauce
    small salad w/lettuce, olives, i tsp olive oil and balsamic vinegar
    2 tbsp parmesan cheese
    93% lean ground beef-5 oz
    Another good meal. A note on tomato sauce: if it was canned, usually there is sugar added. I'd dice a couple of tomatoes, throw then in a saute pan with some garlic, basil and oregano and let it cook while I'm making the salad. While not as smooth as canned (or homemade that has simmered for a few hours) it tastes just as good.
    Dole - Baby Carrots, 3 oz.
    Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 cup w/1 oz almond butter
    2 squares 85% dark chocolate
    Each snack is good in it's own right.

    This ended up being about 1550 calories with a 30-carb/25-protein/45-fat ratio
    What I've done with my settings (others will tell you their methods, too) is set the carbs to something in the middle of the range of 50-100g (usually around 80-85g). This gives me a baseline to shoot for. I don't care what the actual percentage is. I then split the remaining intake between fat and protein - while the grams are roughly 50/50, the calorie percentages are roughly 65/35 because of the different caloric values of fat and protein.

    I just went and checked my goals. Carbs are set at 20%, protein at 25% and fat at 55%.

    Anyway, that's my take. I'm not pushing specific Paleo or Primal doctrine - just a generic hunter/gatherer using common sense to eat the way we were designed to. ;)

    Have fun on the journey!